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1 hour ago, ChrisV said:

Shadrach, I don't mind the hijacking the thread, it makes for fresh discussion.  The airport I fly at is Camas (1W1), the threshold is 6-700' from the trees.  Landing at Pearson is a piece of cake, just look out for the bridge.  That catches you off guard your first time.

My mistake, the google photo you posted looked like Pearson to me at a glance.  Nevertheless, to clear trees on either approach to Camas appears pretty reasonable unless one uses the slopes given on airnav... airport managers are not known for consistency in their math skills.;)



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To Chris V two thoughts.   There are times on mid downwind where I go "Oh crap I have to land this thing"   Then I have to tell myself "You can do it, you have done it lots before and not bent anything yet"

And The gun is always way more accurate than the shooter.  You have to subscribe yourself to becoming a Airman and mastering your craft.

I did this several weeks ago.  Brother bought air gun rifle.   Brother hung steel target to shoot airgun.  I spent several years on the pistol team in college a long time ago.

We were on the deck.  He takes about 10 shots with no clang.  Dad goes and gets his airgun out of the car.  takes several shots.  Brother bitches about sight being off or the wind blowing the pellet.   Dad puts airgun down.  younger brother (me) picks up dads air gun and gets clang first shot.   Puts down air gun laughing.   Picks it back up and clangs another one.   Brother puts his air gun down.   cocky little brother picks it up clang.   little brother wanders off saying something about "it's the shooter, not the gun"    We tend to blame the equipment because it is hard to take a look at ourselves. 

learn to master the plane in all weather and all weight configurations.   Some day you will need to pull a pilot trick out of your bag when most needed.


Bob/Art, you are correct about Pearson.  Head to the north, call advisory and come in.  It's a really cool place to land if landing to the East.

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