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I have in laws that live in Canada and I have been driving there for over a decade, my excuse for not flying was not being IFR rated, got that years ago, and the weather was another excuse since they lived so far north (CYYU). Now my mother inlaw has moved a bit closer and is older and I can see my trips may be getting more frequent it only makes sense to fly, so I was wondering about CANPASS and if anyone on here uses it and how well that works.


There are a few threads regarding flights on the eastern side of the continent on methods people have used during flights between the US and Canada...

Drop the word canpass into the search box...


there is a whole bunch of good experience there....

flying international seems to get easier with more experience.

Best regards,



I've been a CANPASS Private Aircraft member for about 4 years and frequently use it.

Details are here: http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/prog/canpass/privateair-eng.html It costs $40 CAD for 5 years, but requires an extensive background check that takes 4-6 weeks.

The main advantage are pre-clearance into Canada (you call 1-888-CANPASS once at least 2 hours and not more than 48 hours before arrival) and are given your arrival number. If, when you land, there are no CBSA agents waiting you can exit the aircraft and go on your way. The other advantages are you can land at a number of CANPASS-only airports (like CYBW) and you can land at any AOE 24/7 (not just during customs hours).

The only confusion about the program is that non-members also call the same number (1-888-CANPASS), but they need to make 2 calls (first call from 2-48 hours before arrival and second call after arrival if no agents are there).

Let me know if you have any questions. I travel frequently between the US and Canada.


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