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I was told by Garmin that  my G1000 on Ovation 3 2007 does not support safe taxi and flight charts since software was not updated by Mooney. Can I confirm this with other Mooney pilots. Thanks


Wow! Fire up your panel, go to page near end and it gives you your software  version. If you have I Think 401.3 then your good to go.Im not sure about 401. I know I got safe taxi and charts a long time ago maybe 2006 or 07? Mine is a 2005 and I have those mentioned plus SVT and whatever else was available. 


Garmin is not helping you very much here. It's true that the 401.3 software doesn't support the airport directory, but it absolutely supports safe taxi and flight charts. Your bird is SN 29-0475, where mine is 29-0456 so you can definitely use this data. I don't know for sure which G1000 software came originally from the factory...you may need to upgrade to 401.3 if you're not on that version.


I have the latest software as mentioned above.. Does anyone know the SD card number. I think I have wrong SD card.  Thanks


mine are labeled: 


I would have thought that if the SD cards came with the aircraft you have the right ones. I have read but cannot confirm that you do need the Garmin ones and cannot use a store bought one. Did you buy the data for the Safe Taxi and FliteCharts as part of the PilotPak? And download it unto the SD cards? Also, remember that the Jeppessen and NACO charts are different. If you have the Jeppessen then there needs be a separate program installed that Jeppessen sells for something like $10k as I recall. I prefer the NACO format and deactivated the Jepp mod on my G1000.

Hope that helps


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