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Passed my instrument rating checkride yesterday after lots of study and practice.

It would not have been possible without the selfless safetly piloting, mentoring, and IFR kibitzing received from 3 members of our forum: Seth Myers, Alex Gertsen, and Chuck Swim.

For months now I have been wholly focused on practicing IFR procedures, it's gonna be fun to be able to look out the window again :)





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Congrats, you will wonder how you did without the rating. I file every time I fly and feel naked outside the system. It is particularly comforting around Bravo airspace and knowing that you are ATC's first priority.

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Congratulations. This is a major milestone as you just became a much more aware and safe pilot. 

Now, be sure to PRACTICE and enhance your new skill sets in VFR weather when convenient. Never let them go.


Good work Tim. The hard work is now behind you but let me caution you that flying under the hood is different than entering IMC, and it may be a bit unnerving for you the first few times that you venture out and find yourself in the muck without your instructor sitting beside you.

The only bit of advice that I can offer is to keep your wits about you and concentrate. If you have an autopilot, I would suggest engaging it before entering IMC and as you become comfortable, disengage it and hand fly. I now take the opposite tact and as I'm approaching IMC with the A/P on I disengage it and fly by hand as long as I can. This has paid dividends in terms of confidence and skill building.

Fly safe Tim!


An initial place to start could be going onto the FAA website and downloading the PTS standards with all the updates (I think that they're up to update 5 or such).

It can save you a lot of time and heartache to thoroughly review the prerequisites so that you know what you have to accomplish to be eligible to take the oral/checkride.

It is also helpful to carefully review the prereuquisites so that you can ensure that your various logbook endorsements are complete.  




Congrats Tim!  It was a pleasure flying with you and seeing the results of your training and hard work.  You truly earned your Instrument Rating!



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