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Flying back today from Dallas to NOLA at 9.5K with the AP in the NAV select mode when the aircraft banked right and slight nose down.  I quickly disconnected the AP switch and recovered....No big deal.  I can't say is was focusing on the AI....all was perfect from a tracking standpoint and I tend to scan more on the engine readings. After all settled down I reengaged the AP and the KFC 150 locked in again and all was well.....until...  I noticed the AI starting to swing to the right and down.  Long story short I'm pretty sure its ready for a rebuild.


My question is.... what is the best alternative based on this groups collective knowledge....

  • Rebuild about 3K installed and calibrated
  • New about 8K installed and calibrated
  • Wait for the Electronic King.....  Maybe available last quarter and 6K????
  • Aspen twin pack for about 15K???

Money spent is always important.....  I'm as frugal as any, but I tend to spend on the beneficial equipment with real advantages over older technology.


All opinions appreciated.





Well,,,   I notice you havent been back since posting your problem, even though 76 replys

have argued every other way to spend your money on their favorite argument for a solution...


I offer this ad I found at barnstormers...


BENDIX KI256 FLIGHT DIRECTOR • $1,000 • FOR SALE • Bendix King Model KI256 Flight Director Horizon - overhauled 4-30-09 by aerolab aviation services in sarasota. pn 060-0017 out of mooney 1981 201J - Plane got a glass panel upgrade also have: Verticle Speed indicator - pn 7000 - $100 Turn Coordinator - new in 08 from mid-continent instruments - model 1394T100-7B - $400 • • Contact Jamie Fettig, Owner - located Temecula, CA USA • Telephone: 773-620-9500 . • Posted July 29, 2015 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Pictures



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Well,,,   I notice you havent been back since posting your problem, even though 76 replys

have argued every other way to spend your money on their favorite argument for a solution...


I offer this ad I found at barnstormers...


BENDIX KI256 FLIGHT DIRECTOR • $1,000 • FOR SALE • Bendix King Model KI256 Flight Director Horizon - overhauled 4-30-09 by aerolab aviation services in sarasota. pn 060-0017 out of mooney 1981 201J - Plane got a glass panel upgrade also have: Verticle Speed indicator - pn 7000 - $100 Turn Coordinator - new in 08 from mid-continent instruments - model 1394T100-7B - $400 • • Contact Jamie Fettig, Owner - located Temecula, CA USA • Telephone: 773-620-9500 . • Posted July 29, 2015 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Pictures



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This has occured to me - with everyone else going glass - maybe there will be a flood of mechanical stuff removed in servicable condition at super prices that maybe I should buy up one or so instead of bothering with my next overhaul.  Heck, for $1k each, that's like buying popcorn in aviation terms.

  • Like 1

Not so fast there Mike!

He can spend about 4 grand and overhaul his existing KI 256 and end up with the same vaccum gyro and with fingers crossed start counting time until next overhaul.

Or he can spend 6 grand (street price will probably be lower) and update the AI with a brand spankin new one with the latest technology solid state, AHRS, flight director, battery backup and no extra boxes of any kind!

I guess there's no value in that huh Mike?

It really is a very simple concept.

BTW you show me your data backing up your 20K Aspen solution you're proposing is not going to red X blankie when it's least expected! They've been known to do that. (It happened to my buddy about a year and a half ago. And guess what it was just out of warranty! He was not a happy camper to say the least. There's an examle of being stuck!)

No he cannot spend 6 grand on a ki300, Peter. Sorry, it is vaporware. Besides it will be 6 grand plus install or about 6500 when it is available, possibly by the end of the first quarter in 2016 according to Kings website, and we have seen how that works in reality.

 No value in vapor ware Peter, none.

I challenge you to point him  where he can get one today for a street price of less than 6K to prove me wrong, which I applaud if you do and will admit I am wrong when you do. Meanwhile, don't BS anyone about the reliability, availability, and prudence of buying something that doesn't exist. That lacks economic substance.


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my data is owning an aspen since they first came out, Peter. I have put in 2 in airplanes now. Not once did I spend 20K for one. 10 happy years of ownership. How many do you have on your G500..oh wait... sorry. How many hours do you have on your ki256? Anecdotal evidence here is you might eek out 1K hours and have 2.5K plus another 400 plus R$R if you are lucky. I have that problem to address with a J model right now also. .

Where do you get this 20K stuff?

Once I spent 8.5K on the Aspen and 1200 on the install with Tim Matthison as his first Aspen customer and the 2nd Aspen in a Mooney (Peter Lyons, cofounder of Aspen was the first in his 231) and most recently 12K with Syn. vision in the Bravo.


Come to Tarpon Springs next Jan for the Feast of Epiphany, Peter. You would enjoy it!  


Mike, obviously it's not available yet. But when it becomes available, next few months hopefully, it will offer a great value.

Where do I get the 20K from? I arrive at that figure by trying to make an apples to apples comparison.

To get somewhere close to KI 300 functionality (will never be at the same level. KI 300 will alwsys be superior because it's DO-178B criticality level B and Aspen is only level C) out of an aspen panel you'll need the following:

Aspen pro at ~11K + a backup AI at ~4K + the EA100 at ~2.8K + installation.

So add it up and compare to a ~6K KI 300.

You're reasonable Mike. If you arrive at a different figure please show me.


You are also reasonable, Peter.


Here is what I spent 10K on, including the new alum. panel way back in 2005 or so from TIm Matthison.



but I digress...

If you are getting quotes for 20K for that, your being hosed. If someone you know is getting quotes for that, they are getting hosed. PM me and I will be happy to tell you the name of an avionics shop that will do it for much less.

they will put in the Aspen for 12K in a mooney, add the digital to analog box that the King AP requires because, well, its old technology and cannot accept digital signals. This hopefully will be rectified with Avidynes new AP if and when it is available (see another thread here) then sweet things will happen, Even with the KI300 when it is available. But again, I digress, the EA100 list for 2500 but I am sure could be added for 2100. Not 4000.  Install a backup king 256 AI if you want for 1K (see previous post where to get one on Barnstormers) or a plain AI for far less than that.

But again, I digress. My point was simply to have the OP review an option THAT IS AVAILABE TO HIM, not pie in the sky as you served up. Yes, your solution would be an option worth considering if it were available, or is if he is willing to ground his plane and wait until the FAA "gets a round tuit", which we know is a game one cannot win.


Repairing his for 2550 plus R&R plus shipping (I spoke to Bob Bramble just yesterday so my figures are accurate here, as another fine swiss watch KI256 is TU in a plane I fly and the owner wanted me to do this exercise for him also.) is his most expedient, economical way to get back in the air and off this thread, followed by a new aspen install, followed by a G500 install, followed by a new plane! It is really that simple, as you say. Bob Bramble is doing quite well fixing these works of art, fly you into the ground swiss watches.


Yes, obviously used equipment it will be a less than new.

Bob Bramble is absolutely first class and extremely reasonable.

He oh'd my King HSI a year or so ago.

  • Like 1

The thread that makes me want my Swiss watch to die...

Marauder needs a third Aspen to add to his collection.

Best regards,


No mention of the ACU. Need that for the interfacing.

Anthony -- I don't think you can have an Aspen 3000. Only a 2500.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Thanks for all the input.  Local avionics shop won....  Rebuilt 256 on the shelf.  Total about 2.5K installed and aligned.  One year Warranty......  Hope to get 1000 hours out of it.


  • Why....  Didn't want to be in the first iteration of the 300.
  • What I have now with the 530 and the GDL88 installed is more than what I need.


I liked the Aspen twin pack but could not justify the expense.


Thanks Again......   Rick

  • Like 1

Those ebay Aspen units won't be bargains... no warranty and I'm not sure if the STC is open or serialized.  A trip back to the factory will get them checked out and add a warranty (if desired) and by then they will cost as much as new.

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