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Taking my Mooney Cross Country


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Getting ready for the longest XC of my short flying career in a couple weeks. Should be close to 6000nm over roughly 2 weeks in my Mooney with one of my friends. We have a number of destinations picked out along the way, and a few things we'd like to see but still could use a little guidance or local knowledge on some of them. 

Here's the basic plan.
Day1. Fly Carlsbad, CA (KCRQ) to Moab, UT (KCNY). I know the area well and have friends that live there.

Day2. Fly KCNY to Chicago/DuPage (KDPA) Again, have family in Chicago, but will need to find a lunch/refueling stop somewhere in the middle. Omahaish?

Day3. Chicago to Dayton Ohio to see the National Museum of the USAF. Since I'm assuming we cant just land at Wright-Patterson AFB I could use some intel on what the most convenient place to land would be. After the Museum we'll be flying to Pittsburgh, and could use suggestions on landing locations there as well.

Day4. Pittsburgh to 5B6 (Falmouth, MA) Will be spending a few days with my family on Cape Cod. 

Day5. Cape Cod to Myrtle Beach. Will be doing some scenic flying along the way and will probably need a refuel somewhere enroute as this is right at the edge of my fuel range if we fly direct. 

Day 6. Myrtle Beach to Marathon Key. Again will probably need to refuel somewhere along the way. 

Day7. Marathon to New Orleans.

Day8. New Orleans to Carlsbad NM. Will definitely need to refuel enroute.

Day9. Carlsbad, NM to Carlsbad, CA. Home stretch, and I'm fairly familiar with options along the route. 

I've only included the flight days here, but we will be spending some time in a few locations. Chicago we'll be spending a day in the city, we'll be on Cape Cod for several days, and we're thinking of spending an extra day in Marathon and Carlsbad NM as well. Mainly though I'm hoping to get some suggestions on places to refuel (cheap and with good food hopefully) and in some of the busier areas which airports will be more convenient for getting to hotels or attractions. 

Thanks guys!


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Even at a fast pace one day at the museum at Wright-Patterson AFB is tough. There is a massive amount of things to see. Sounds like a fantastic trip!

Don't miss signing up for the Presidential plane hangar tour. Way cool...not just of old AF1's but a Valkyrie hanging from the ceiling, 21 cylinder radial engines, more airplane porn than you can stand. 2 days would still not be enough time.

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Few questions...


Do you have an instrument rating and on-board weather?  Indispensable for a trip like this when you'll be flying across weather systems.


Do you have portable oxygen?  It helps with high altitude flight of course, but it is equally valuable on very long trips like this to keep you fresh.


How high have you flown your C?  Do you have any mountain flying experience?  Your course from Moab to Chicago is asking a lot of a non-turbo C, especially in the summer.  You're guaranteed to have pretty significant clouds and turbulence over the Rockies in the afternoons.  I'd consider taking the southern route unless you know what you're getting into.  I assume by the comment "short flying career" that you likely haven't ventured into/through/over the Rockies yet but perhaps you have.  Flying over the Rockies entails a lot more than just climbing high and following the magenta line.  If you get in the clouds you'll likely get ice, even in August.


airnav.com is helpful for finding cheap fuel, and www.fly2lunch.com is a nice cross-reference to find places to eat during en-route stops.


New Orleans Lakefront is an easy airport.  I can't remember which FBO I used, but there are a couple of options.  Between New Orleans and NM I'd consider College Station and Pecos for fuel stops.  I'm sure there are plenty of other options.  CLL has a car and lots of eating options within a few miles of the airport.  Pecos is a legendary fuel stop in a desolate location.  


I'd make a plan for hydration and the associated draining during long flights.  Hydration will keep you sharp, but there are side effects.  My preferred relief nowadays is a gallon ziploc with diapers inside it.  Easy to stow, and even I can't fill one up in one session.  :D  (I drink a LOT of iced tea and water)  You might bring a small cooler with snacks too, or at least some snack bars.


Bottom line, be safe, be flexible, and have a great time!  You'll gain so much valuable experience on a trip like this, and have a blast while doing so.

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Day 6: St Augustine (KSGJ) or Flagler County (now KFIN) are good fuel stops on the way to Marathon. Since you're already at Marathon, Key West is probably worth a visit (although it will be quite hot.)

Day 7: You may wish to consider a stop in Pensacola to see the Naval Air Museum. Unfortunately, you can't fly to the base; you'll have to get ground transportation. If you need fuel along the way, fuel on the west coast of Florida is generally well priced.

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Few questions...


Do you have an instrument rating and on-board weather?  Indispensable for a trip like this when you'll be flying across weather systems.


Do you have portable oxygen?  It helps with high altitude flight of course, but it is equally valuable on very long trips like this to keep you fresh.



I'm instrument rated, and will have my CPL by the time we leave. I also have a stormscope and XM weather on board. Best of all I have lots of extra time planned into the trip for possible weather diversions, and though we have a rough schedule there's no pressure to stick to it. We're doing this for fun, and the good kind of adventure, not the "exciting" kind.

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Even at a fast pace one day at the museum at Wright-Patterson AFB is tough. There is a massive amount of things to see. Sounds like a fantastic trip!


I've heard this from many people and would love to spend more time, but we actually added another day to the trip just for this stop so we'll just have to see what we can!


Don't miss signing up for the Presidential plane hangar tour. Way cool...not just of old AF1's but a Valkyrie hanging from the ceiling, 21 cylinder radial engines, more airplane porn than you can stand. 2 days would still not be enough time.


The Presidential hangar is one of the biggest things I hope to see!

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Good for you D!! That's awesome! Good stops though Kansas if needed include Hutchison and Liberal. I'd reccomend doing through ELP due to the terrain and Elevation. Ping the board if you get stuck anywhere, vast knowledge all over the country!! Bring cash, recently had to pay cash in Missouri to a local sheriff for fuel in a Husky. He said he was not able to take a credit card... Lucky my buddy and I managed to get 150 bucks to get us home.

Have a blast!

If you want to borrow my O2 bottle let me know. It well help on the long days above 8k. I'm about to pull my M20 down for annual so I don't need it.


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Once you clear the Rockies, it will go easy. I've not flown my C west of Cody, WY yet. Went there from West Va. with my wife and luggage for 10 days, no oxygen, no mountain flying required. Plan your route over/through the mountains carefully, them's big hills.

Greene County is a great stop for Wright Pat.

On the coast, there's a good restaurant at KJGG Williamsburg/Jamestown, also a good place to spend a day or two.

Coming out of Florida, send me a PM. I'm I'm east AL, and will take you to lunch Fri-Sun (Auburn KAUO has an ILS if needed; or go the extra 15 nm to 06A and see where the Tuskegee Airmen learned to fly. Their two brick maintenance hangars have been rebuilt and are a museum run by the National Park Service, you can see them in a couple of hours.

New Orleans Lakefront is supposed to be nice, closer to town and less expensive than the international airport. I was supposed to have gone over the weekend, but instead am having a mag overhauled . . .

West of there, take the advice of the Texas & Arizona folks here.

And remember, have fun, take lots of pictures, and fly safe!

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If you want to borrow my O2 bottle let me know. It well help on the long days above 8k. I'm about to pull my M20 down for annual so I don't need it.



Matt I may have to take you up on that! I was planning to try and get my own bottle for the trip, but it'd be nice to be able to borrow one for a couple weeks instead. Won't be a cheap trip so every little bit helps. I appreciate it. Just let me know the best way to get it from you!

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Re: midatlantic refueling, I've heard good things about Atlantic City NJ, never stopped there. I'm quite partisan about KEDE, my lovely little adopted home town on the Albemarle Sound. Gas is cheap-ish, the scenery is nice.. If you find me at home, I'll find lunch for you.

A huge second to the idea of stopping in Pensacola, for beach, seafood, and the Navy museum, which is outstanding.

Mountain flying: cross those rocks as early in the morning as you can stand when the winds are calmer, the air cooler. It can be a brutal ride later in the day.

We enjoyed Sedona, AZ, the restaurant on field was excellent, scenery spectacular, and Mojave Spaceport also boasts a pleasant restaurant and fascinating boneyard.

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Day 5, Cape Cod to Myrtle Beach. You'll likely be routed over KJFK. Great view on a clear day.


I've fueled at KMFV, Melfa VA acouple of times. Quiet airport on the Eastern Shore with 5000' wide open runway, nice facilities and self serve at good price (same price with service when the office is open). We've always been in a hurry to get on our way but the nearby Onancock would be a good place for lunch. 

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Cool trip...please take lots of pics and post some here...and details of the adventures.   


Oh don't you worry. This trip shall be well documented. I'll be posting here daily if we have internet access, and to my facebook at the very least via phone. We're also bringing a few GoPro cameras to capture it as well, though all the editing will probably have to wait til we get back.


D, I'll be at SMO the rest of the week except MHV on Wed. Feel free to stop by either place and I'll make sure it's topped off.



Awesome, I'll check my schedule and find a time that works to fly up. 

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There are some special courses you should take online for the Hudson trip. There are VERY specific details you need to know, and should print out and carry with you.  I did that 2 years ago and enjoyed it immensely.  We flew from KS to DE, then later up to WHite Plains/HPN north of NYC.  That was an IMC trip unfortunately so no view, but leaving we flew south down the Hudson VFR and then made a right turn towards KS.

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I've spent many afternoons at the Wright Patterson Airforce Museum. It will be a full day. The Waco Museum is just up the road a few miles if you I happen to end up in Dayton an extra day. As already mentioned the Penscola Naval Museum is a nice visit. If you I fly into Furgson they will help with transportation.

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Instead of acy woodbine is about $1.50!less per gal. I think around 5.20 or so..in myrtle you could slip over to Conway like 4.50 gal. Lots of things to do and eat in myrtle..while in New Orleans give yourself a treat Emerils has the best banana cream pie in the universe..seems like a dream trip..really bring O2 for various reasons

Flying the coast from Cape Cod to Marathon will be more than awesome..be ready for crosswinds since you'll be tired..

Have a great safe trip...

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Oh--Pensacola/Eglin AFB! There's a special course to take before flying in that area, too. IFR will take care of most of it, but review it anyway.

Second for FFA! Hop over to Dare County on the island in the Sound for fuel.

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