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Also, the announcement of Foreflight communicating to the Garmin Flight Stream does change things.  I was going to have to make the hard decision to switch to Garmin Pilot or keep my Foreflight and simply not get the integrated communication between my avionics boxes.  I almost thought about Garmining out (a new verb) my panel and getting the Stratus for my ipad.  


However, now instead of spending the money on a brand new Stratus 2S, I am more enticed to purchase a pre-cherished Stratus 2 and then add FlightStream to my eventual ADSB upgrade which will fill in traffic, weather, and synthenic vision on the iPad through ForeFlight.  I say a pre-cherished Stratus 2 not a used Stratus 2, just like I own a pre-cherished car, not a used car, and a pre-cherised Mooney, not a used Mooney.


For $899, I get the new Stratus 2S, with new bells and whistles over the 2:

-Pressure Altitude Sensor

-USB type C connector

-Improved thermal performance and fan

-Enhanced ADS-B reception

-Security WIFI settings


The Enhanced ADS-B reception, improved cooling, and pressure altitude sensor are nice additions I want, but I'll settle for:




-AHRS so I can get synthetic vision on Foreflight


My credit card doubles the manufacturers warranty on purchases, so I'd also get a two year warranty if something were to malfunction or break. 


With a new child I'm not flying as much, probably won't pull the trigger on my ADSB aircraft upgrade late 2016 or 2017, so a pre-cherished Stratus 2 at about half the price of a new 2S makes sense.  You can get on on Ebay for $750 to $850 - only $50 to $150 less than a new 2S, but the prices may drop once the 2S really starts getting out there.  For a $100 or $150 difference?  I'd buy new. 


For $450 difference?  I'll purchase someone's Stratus 2 so then can move up to the 2S or over to FlightStream.


Thank you for the PMs!




Where have you seen stratus 2 at that kind of discount? My admitted half ass searching on eBay shows them selling for what I consider almost new pricing. I guess I should look harder.


Where have you seen stratus 2 at that kind of discount? My admitted half ass searching on eBay shows them selling for what I consider almost new pricing. I guess I should look harder.

I haven't.  I've seen them from $750 to $850.  about $50 to $150 less than a new one.  As the 2S starts delivering, the 2 prices will go down.  For that amount, I'd buy new instead of used.  As they drop, well, that's another story.

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