crxcte Posted July 2, 2010 Report Posted July 2, 2010 I know as a pilot we don't fly through towering cumulus clouds. But, when the clouds are small what is the limit on the height? I will fly through a towering cumulus cloud when less than 8,000 MSL. Sometimes its a little bumpy but never bad. What is the limit to fly through a towering cumulus? We never know what the updraft winds are on these things are. Quote
flight2000 Posted July 2, 2010 Report Posted July 2, 2010 My personal limit is to avoid anything larger than 3,000 feet in height unless it's just a straight overcast layer. The cumulus clouds around Kansas are normally easy enough to fly around and not through. ATC hasn't given me any issues with deviation around the big stuff. YMMV. Brian Quote
FlyDave Posted July 2, 2010 Report Posted July 2, 2010 The energy in any cumulus cloud can be quite significant. I think even with 3,000' of vertical developement the turbulence can be severe. In my glider at 17,500' I've hit 1000+ fpm up just 400' below cloud base with the variometer (VSI in a glider) indicating an increasing climb rate. I had to move quickly to the edge of the cloud with full spoilers and gear down so I would not get sucked up into the cloud. It can get pretty hairy below a cumulus cloud (Cu (queue) as we call them). There can also be a shear line between the rising air directly below the Cu and the descending air just outside the perimeter. This alone can bend an airplane depending on your speed. I haven't been inside a Cu but I'll bet its an E-ticket ride and not a fun IFR experience - not to mention dangerous! I think it's best to avoid them ANY time you can, but this is just one of my "minimums". Quote
roundout Posted July 3, 2010 Report Posted July 3, 2010 I won't go through them. Usually it's easy enough to avoid them. If you're flying along in a solid layer where you can't determine the location of building clouds, well, you've already screwed the pooch. I know people do it, but it's simply asking for trouble. I have seen clouds build at several thousand feet per minute before, even in to the flight levels. Just a couple weeks ago I was swinging the gear in a King Air 200 and we had been watching some storms for about 150 miles and made a plan to get through them about 20 miles out based on what we saw with our eyes, the radar, and XM. By the time we flew the last 20 miles, the clouds had started developing rapidly and we had to totally amend our plan to avoid them. Keep in mind this is at nearly FL300. Conditions can just change too rapidly to fly through them. It's not worth it. Besides, you might spill coffee on the interior of your airplane. Quote
FlyDave Posted July 3, 2010 Report Posted July 3, 2010 A couple of things that I forgot to add to my previous post that might ruin your day are: Lightning Hail Quote
Ned Gravel Posted July 3, 2010 Report Posted July 3, 2010 MIke Elliot posted a four part series on IFR and Cumulus on the Mooney List at: It was written by Jay Ledbetter and is full of golden words of Wisdom. How can you tell if a cloud has hail in it from the outside? What is the difference between a black and a grey base of a cumulus cloud? Good article. Highly recommended. Quote
Jeff_S Posted July 3, 2010 Report Posted July 3, 2010 So, that would be an interesting article to read but it appears to be password protected. What's the secret to get in? Quote
Ned Gravel Posted July 3, 2010 Report Posted July 3, 2010 I received permission from the author to post it here. It is posted on the aviating dot com site for Mooney drivers in four (4) parts. I am going to put them all into this one post. Wish me luck. It opens with a comment from Mike Elliot: Three days ago, a newly minted IFR student of mine emailed me, MichaelBaraz and a friend of his, Jay Ledbetter and asked us how the heck hewas supposed to hold altitude getting banged around like a ping pongball in cum. clouds. His training exposed him to some of that, but hehad his safety valve, me, sitting next to him so it never occured tohim to think that he may bust altitude, as I wouldnt let him let itget that far out of bounds before I would tap on his altimeter or askhim if he was decending to land etc. Now in real life, single pilotIFR, he decided to ask the three of us this question. What resultedwas a terrific exchange between him, Michael, myself and Jay. Jaysresponse was so good, Michael and I both encouraged him to developeit further into an article.Here is what Jay has come up with. I hope you enjoy it as much andfind it as valuable as I do.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------What I Wish Somebody Had Told Me ---Advice to New Instrument-Rated PilotsBy Jay Ledbetter June, 2010When we were learning to be Private Pilots, we all learned a littleabout instrument flight…precious little.I remember quite vividly, back in 1967 as a hopeful pilot-to-be, howit all began. My instructor was a retired Air Force bomber pilot, andhe taught me as he was taught. A lowly Piper 140 was not worthy tosit alongside a B-47, but he taught me to fly it as if it were thesame plane. Almost every day, I would meet him in his cramped littleoffice at the little uncontrolled airport in Artesia, New Mexico. Iwould plop down on the other side of his desk, dropping my littlelogbook in front of me onto the top of the old olive-drab WWII officedesk, and smile. He would smile back, and offer a greeting and hisbig hand. He was a great guy.We began the lesson, as we did each time, with a short “here is whatwe are going to do today” session. His eyes sparkled, and his quicksmile changed the pattern of the freckles on his cheeks as on this dayhe described in lofty terms the intricacies of instrument flight. Tohim, he was describing an intimate relationship that he had cultivatedover the years, as if he were lovingly polishing an antique car he hadpersonally restored. From my side of the desk, he might as well havebeen describing the precise method by which one fastens theleft-handed fribberjabit onto the frenambulator assembly. I paidattention, and I tried to visualize what he was saying, but sadly… Ididn’t get it. No pilot ever does, until you do it. I guess that iswhy the FAA forces you to actually fly the plane with reference toinstruments alone. You can’t study your way to proficiency withregards to learning instrument flight.“Ready to go?” he asked (it was his usual question, and a signal thatthe talk-through session was at an end) as he stood from the oldswivel chair that had been rescued from an Army-Navy store in town. Inever answered. I was still trying to visualize the bolt that heldthe fribberjabit in place. It didn’t matter, though, because he wasalready well past me, on the way to the door. An affirmative answer onmy part was assumed. For me, the concept of being “ready”, was asomewhat fluid concept. It occupied a wide range of conditions from“are you kidding?” to “sure, let’s go do this.” Today I was somewherecloser to the left side of the scale. Either way, we were headed outthe door, and it would be unspeakably awkward for me not to follow.As he passed the filing cabinet in the corner of the office, hesnatched off its top a large bulky white plastic bent thingy that Ihad not noticed before.I wondered what he might be planning to do with that weird device. Itlacked a long handle, so would not serve well to scoop out anysignificant volume of the candy wrappers that were accumulating to analarming depth in the rear footwell of the little Piper. He ate a lotof candy. He told me it settled his nerves. Today, his pocketsbulged with a bit more than his normal supply.After the preflight, he kept the curious device in his lap throughstart-up and taxi. After a careful analysis of its design andposition, I concluded that he intended to use this device as a shieldto protect his nether regions from further damage by some of thedebris that would circulate around the cabin in truncated arcs as Ipracticed stall recoveries. One of the most important things Ilearned about stall recoveries is that if you push the yoke forwardquickly enough at the beginning of a stall, you can enter that zero-Gor even negative-G zone where all the loose things (both light andheavy) in the cabin arrange themselves randomly on the ceiling, andthen fall back briskly into new and exciting locations as you pull theyoke back again to bring the plane into the 1+ G range.Stall recoveries scared me… and despite all his training and combatmissions flown over enemy territory, my stall recoveries also scaredhim. Sometimes one or both of us would involuntarily let a bad wordescape to join the rubble which was moving up and down in the cabingenerally tracing in the air the letter “M”. I would still be flyingthe plane, though - not because I had great aviation skills, but moreas the result of physiological factors. With that degree of terror itis simply impossible to let go of the controls. When your hands areon the controls, you are the pilot, like it or not.We took off, and headed to the practice area (which generally occupiedmost of the south-eastern corner of New Mexico). After he finishedsweeping a number of displaced candy wrappers off the top of the glareshield with his hand, he handed me the strange device and said “I’vegot the airplane. Put this on.” I thought this act expressed thegreatest level of self-sacrifice I had ever witnessed to date. Nowonder he was a military hero. Deep emotions welled up, and I haveto admit that I teared-up just a little as I placed the device in myown lap. Its light weight still was still sufficient to remind me howtender my bruised lap was from repeatedly testing the upward limits ofthe seat belt system in previous days. I would be protected frominjury and he would leave himself exposed. What a guy.“No, you put it on your head.” He instructed. The look on my facemust have been as effective as a radio transmission in telling himwhat I was thinking. I was weighing the relative values of my brain,and my… when he quickly snatched the device from its resting place andafter adjusting a head strap, placed it firmly on my head. Headjusted the white plastic shield into a position where it took theposition of a grossly outsized baseball cap’s visor. Two thingsoccurred to me, somewhat simultaneously, at this time. First of all,I couldn’t see outside the plane. Secondly, since he was adjustingthis device onto my head with both hands, nobody was flying the plane. Both of those realities left me in a panic as I said, “I really can’tsee, now.” “Good.” He responded, “Now, fly the plane using what youcan see.” For the next few lessons, I did what you, and every othernew pilot, has done. But I will bet you got to use those new-fangledfoggles. What an improvement those are. They hardly hurt at all whenthey fall off the ceiling.Our vision thus encumbered, we all learned to fly rudimentarymaneuvers solely on the instruments we saw before us on the panel. Upto that point I thought that an “unusual attitude” was when Granddadinterrupted with laughter the most tearful moment of a Gretta Garbomovie. As part of our private pilot instrument training, we alllearned that when our bodies are lying to us, the instruments aretelling us the truth. We learned to do an immediate course reversaland immediately get out of inadvertent flight into instrumentmeteorological conditions.But at some point, we have all wanted to take the next step – to getan instrument rating to open up for us far greater flyingenvironments. Then, we spent hours and hours looking at nothing butthe instruments. We found ourselves flying intentionally into IMCconditions, and learning to see the insides of clouds (which don’tgive very much attitude information), and watch little streaks ofcondensation form on our windscreens. It was all so new… and soscary. But it was the threshold of another level of flying skill.Soon, our visual flight was limited to taking off, and that lastminute or two on final approach as we reached the decision altitude.We learned that on occasion the instruments can lie to us, and youhave to do a type of lie-detector exercise to see which one it is.Then you have to identify the lying instrument for what it is, andblock it from view (lest you inadvertently rely on it).I remember the day I finally got my instrument ticket, and was able toget my head “out of the cockpit” once again. It was surreal. I couldsee! I had to learn how to fly visually all over again, and how tobalance that with instrument-only flight as the flight conditionschanged.I am sure you experienced much of what I did, with varying degrees ofbad words released into the air. But the end result was always thesame… an instrument rating, with or without a trashcan full of candywrappers.Instructors, especially instrument instructors, have huge volumes ofinformation inside their heads. They try to cram inside our headssufficient information to prepare us for the three phases of ourinstrument exams – the written, the oral, and finally the practicalflying phase. They do a great job in helping us get past thosehurdles, which appear as snowcapped mountains on our horizons as webegin the daunting task of obtaining our instrument rating. Then thatmagical day arrives and we finally convince the examiner that we areworthy of his blessing. A few keystrokes in the computer, and we arenow “certified”.We, as newly-rated instrument pilots learn much more than the “basics”needed to pass the exams, but the sad truth is that most of us whofinally have earned that coveted rating don’t spend the next fiftyhours flying with our instructors – so we can progress from the“masters” level to the “doctorate” level of instrument flying. Thatis probably because we, as students, are reluctant to keep paying forfurther flying lessons. But I am fairly sure that the instructors areequally happy to have a break, so they can take some quiet time to gettheir hands to stop trembling once again. After a few group therapysessions, they will be ready for their next student. A newinstrument-rated pilot needs to progress quickly past the entry levelof instrument flight, because if we don’t progress to the next levelswe risk not only our lives but the lives of those trusting souls whoride along with us into the blue… or worse, into the gray.It is my position that when you first put your new license into yourwallet, with that coveted “Instrument” word imprinted on the back, youare finally ready to really learn. I call an “instrument ticket” a“learner’s permit”.An instrument rating is a statement by your instructor, ratified bythe FAA’s designated pilot examiner, that you have progressed to thethreshold level of competence to allow you to fly in instrumentmeteorological conditions (when current). Becoming proficient at alevel to allow you to be truly safe, is at a yet higher level. Get tothat competence level, and do it with purpose.So, you now have an instrument ticket, and are flying on IFR flightplans and occasionally encounter IMC. Great. Now you are gettingsome real experience! That empty right seat serves as a constantreminder that you are the PIC, and that you are in charge of all thedecisions – both good and bad – that will shape every flight.I have learned a lot since I began single-pilot IFR flying. I havelearned a lot of it the hard way. I am writing this to you, in orderto give you a few lessons I wish someone had given me, early on. Youhave some skills, and are demonstrably competent in IFR flight. Butmaybe a few pointers I will give you now will find their way into yourbag of tricks, and might save you some trouble later on. I wishsomeone had written this information for me when I was in your place.So, I will do this for you. Someday, you might consider doing thisfor someone else.You may grow to love the IFR flight environment as much as I do. Inever fly VFR unless on a short currency flight, check-outs, or takingpeople sightseeing and such. I suspect you now are reallyappreciating the safety and security of IFR flight. But with that IFRticket comes another challenge... flying IFR also allows you to getyourself into much more dangerous situations much more quickly.Recognizing those before they envelope you, and avoiding them, is thekey.Let's talk about clouds, and turbulence. And let's talk about some ofthe finer points of IFR flight involving clouds and such.Turbulence, especially in IMC, will focus your instrument scan like alaser. Stay on top of it, but don't be too aggressive. Graduallycorrect for altitude excursions, because updrafts are almost alwayscoupled with downdrafts, which net closer to zero. When everythingsettles down, take stock of where you have gone, and get back to whereyou need to be... gently. If you are in moderate turbulence, wherecontrol of the aircraft is somewhat "iffy", then do tell thecontroller.As far as getting IFR approaches, don't expect a lot during the summertime of year. Every year I must fly with a safety pilot to staycurrent. Normally I get a lot of approaches, but I don't get anyholds. Keep track on your personal calendar and in your logbook ofyour currency. Calendar your next currency expiration date, and plansome currency flights before you expire. There is always aninstrument-rated pilot out there who has the same problem as you do,and who will be happy to fly as the safety pilot with you, as you willwith him. If not, then call your instructor and ask him to give yousome additional training which will culminate in currency. By thattime his bad dreams will have diminished, and his hands steadied. Hewill be happy again to fly with you. Instructors are smart, but allhave short memories.Put your instructor’s phone number in your phone. I have called myinstructor from all over the country, to help me think-throughsituations, and help my decision-making when I lacked confidence. Itis much better to call your instructor to confirm a good decision youhave considered than to avoid making the call that could save you froma bad decision. With an abundance of counsel, there is wisdom.I love cloud flying. As you well know, clouds are different from oneanother. Stratus (stable air) clouds create huge areas of poorvisibility (hence IFR), but little or no turbulence. You will see alot of that in the fall and winter. There can be little puffy cumulous(cotton balls) and those don't really count. But most cumulous(unstable air) clouds are generally isolated from one another (unlessthey are combining into a squall), and have clear skies between. Thewarmer weather of late spring and summer brings this type of cumulousclouds. Cumulous clouds are full of bumps (and bruises) because theyare developing vertically. The interior segments of cumulous cloudsare always churning, hence lots of turbulence. Some of thatturbulence will be reminiscent of some of my more spectacular stallrecoveries.All developing cumulous clouds have a flat bottom. That bottomrepresents the level at which the updrafts from below hit a levelwhere the moisture becomes visible. That is the dewpoint level. Youcan use that level as a very general guide regarding where you willfind calmer air. For reasons I do not fully understand, when you flyinto the airmass above the bottoms of cumulous clouds, the air issmoother. So, they give you a little-smoother-altitude guide in thesky. Flying below vertically developing cumulous formations will bebumpy too. Remember that there is as much air movement going on belowthe dewpoint level as there is above it. Gliders get under developingcumulous clouds to take advantage of the updrafts and gain altitude. Ihave seen a parachutist become caught in a cumulous cloud updraft andcarried higher and higher - even though he desperately wanted to getto the ground.If you see a rain shaft coming from the bottom of a generous cumulouscloud, you might want to avoid it to the degree you can. If you cansee through the rain shaft easily (not heavy rain), then use cautionif you need to fly through it. If you can't see through it - avoid italtogether. Rain is an air pump, and creates some amazingdowndrafts. Besides, rain and lightning often are seen together.Rain is not always your enemy. You can land in the rain, and I havedone it a bunch of times. The rain that comes from stratus clouds iswidespread and gentle. But some rain can be very dangerous.Cumulous clouds, in their dissipation stage, form concentrated rainshafts. Avoid landing through a heavy rain shaft. Remember that theair that is swept downward in that shaft must go somewhere. Envisionpouring water on the porch. The water hits the porch, then it jetsout very fast to all sides. That is what the air does too. When ithits the ground, it spreads out in all directions. Have you ever beennear a rain shaft and felt a rush of cold air from its direction?That is called a "gust front" by the non-pilots. Pilots know that isan indication of some amazing low-level wind shear, and its effect onflying aircraft can be deadly.As you fly an approach toward a rain shaft near the ground, you maysee a quick spike in airspeed, followed by a decrease in groundspeed.You have just flown into the gust front. The plane actually flies alittle better, if slower. The tendency is to reduce power to continuethe decent. That will play into the problem, later. Then you enterthe part of the downdraft that is pretty vertical. Now you need toapply a lot of power and some nose-up pitch to maintain altitude. Youmight lose a little airspeed as you do so. That multiplies the danger. What comes next is what can kill you. As you fly to the other sideof the downdraft, the direction of the wind switches to behind you.Your airspeed drops dramatically, and if you are at Vso+10, you justmight stall... with no chance to recover before you plant it in thefield. That is precisely what happened when Delta Air Lines flight191 flew into such conditions on the afternoon of August 2, 1985,while on final approach to KDFW. Miraculously, three of elevenaircrew survived, as did twenty-six of one hundred fifty-twopassengers. We all learned a hard lesson that day. This event led toa number of improvements in the sensor arrays around major airports,and some helpful safety briefings. But the sad truth is that pilotsstill kill themselves, and others, by ignoring these lessons.If you must penetrate a rain shaft of any density at pattern altitudeor lower, remember to carry some extra speed to compensate for theseeffects. I would suggest you break-off an approach if you must passthrough a rain shaft that you cannot see through. I remember clearlyone night landing some years ago, when I was carrying passengers backfrom Montana to Denver Centennial. We had been in IMC almost theentire trip, and we were in and out of snow and rain storms as wedecended into the Denver class B. The ATIS told me that atCentennial, there was rain in the vicinity, but current visibility wasthree miles and the ceiling was better than a thousand feet. It wasthe culmination of hours of high-intensity flying, and as I was beingvectored for the ILS 35R approach, the city lights illuminated theflat bottom of a dark cloud over the approach end to 35R. A rainshaft decended from the base of the cloud directly across my approachpath. I turned to final at the FAF (CASI), dropped the gear andflaps, and adjusted the propeller and manifold pressure to the right“numbers” for a ninety-knot decent. I kept my eye on the rain shaftand the runway lights. I could always see the lights through therain, and so continued. By the time I got halfway to the runway, therain shaft had dissipated, and moved off to the west of the flightpath. So, I continued the approach. The landing was uneventful, butI kept my hand on the throttle and carried a little extra speed justto be certain that there was no wind shear coming off the shaft thatmight affect the safety of the flight. I was on high alert. Theseare things you learn by experience… or from stories like these from anold pilot.Cumulous clouds with a grey bottom are ok. They have some turbulence,but it is generally not bad. If you have the choice, the upper levelsof the smaller cumulous clouds are generally safer and smoother thanthe lower levels. If the cloud has a black bottom, that means it ispretty large, and is developing pretty mean guts. You can still flyshallowly through the edges (with great caution), but I do what I canto avoid those. Turbulence can extend away from the edge of the cloudin some of the larger ones. If you see rain coming from the bottom,then that is a sign that there will be really bad stuff going oninside. The rain-induced air pump extends to some altitude withinthe cloud.If you eyeball-estimate the cumulous cloud ahead is more than ahalf-mile across, then begin to use higher caution. Those are gettingbig enough to have some heavy turbulence inside. If it is more than amile across, and has a black bottom, then I would suggest you find away around it. When they are this big, they get dangerous. Rememberthat flying just under such a cloud is not much safer than flyingthrough it. Remember, there is no cumulous cloud that does not carrywith it some turbulence. The rule of thumb is that the bigger thecloud, the more severe the turbulence.Some of the very big cumulous clouds have a green cast to theunderside. If you see that, stay well away. That color always meanshail. It can also mean incipient tornado development. Hail is liftedhigh into the cloud by the most amazing updrafts. An updraft that canlift a ball of ice, can lift your airplane like a leaf. Hailsometimes works its way high enough to be swept to the side of thecloud by upper level winds, and then it falls free of the cloud atdistances up to twenty miles from the cloud column itself. Beparticularly wary under the "anvil", because this is the way the upperlevel winds are blowing from the storm, and hail can be present (andinvisible) in this area.You can encounter some surprise icing in cumulous clouds. Rememberthat the interior of clouds is substantially cooler than the airtemperature elsewhere. As you fly toward, and then into, a cloud, youcan open the vent and use the back of your hand within the wind streaminside the cabin to see what I mean. It is an amazing change intemperature.Rain can be lifted very high inside the cloud to the colder areas ofthe atmosphere, cooled almost to freezing, and then fall back throughthe cloud to impact your airplane without gaining much warming in thedescent. When you fly through some of the larger cumulous clouds, bewatching for icing as well. I always turn on my pitot heat beforepenetrating any cloud at any altitude. I turn on the other anti-icingequipment before penetrating clouds when I see the OAT outside theclouds is within ten degrees of freezing. If you do pick up a littleice inside cumulous clouds, on the other side of the cloud as youenter warmer air, it will usually sublimate away.One of the most deadly conditions for pilots (especially those withoutweather radar info in the cockpit) is embedded thunderstorms. Whenthere is widespread stratus, limiting visibility, then a few areas ofvertical development can begin, and those can build into some prettyserious storms - all hidden from view by those nice gentle stratusclouds. The transition from smooth stratus clouds to developingcumulous clouds is gradual, and can be initially unnoticed until it istoo late to avoid them. If you have a strike-finder, you can findthose well-developed thunderstorms in the system, or you can use yourADF (set to a frequency not coinciding with a station) as a guide.With the ADF tuned, you will hear the pop and sizzle of the strike inthe speaker, and the needle will point to the strike. If you canafford one of the new Garmin GPS systems which supports XM weather,you might want to get one and use it for weather awareness. Theimages are only a few minutes old, but give you very good informationon what is going on ahead. They are expensive, but when compared toyour life, they are cheap. In planes without XM weather or weatherradar, I try to get above all the stratus layers, so I can see thepop-ups and avoid them if I need to. You can even see the cumulousdevelopments from between layers. I have been able to do that aswell. Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security because theclouds you are in are smooth, and you don’t see any developing storms. What you don’t know can hurt you.If you are in turbulence that is so robust that you can't holdaltitude within a couple of hundred feet, then call the controller andtell them what is going on. You may wish to ask for a “blockaltitude” clearance. Even if they don't give you a block clearance,just knowing that you are having difficulty will often help them giveyou a modicum of grace on the altitude issue. Putting that particularinformation "on the record" by a radio call can also avoid thembusting you officially on the altitude issue.Another important thing to remember in turbulence is to keep yourwings level. I am aware of a Saratoga which lost a wing entirely(exceeded structural limits on airframe) by flying into athunderstorm. He went into the storm with two, and came out with oneon... and one off. The postmortem on the accident was published, andthe consensus was that the pilot tried to correct for a strong updraftby pointing the nose at the ground and wound up exceeding Vne tryingto stay at assigned altitude. The "book answer" is to keep your wingslevel, and accept altitude excursions. The book is right. Again,notify ATC when you are doing that, so they can understand what isgoing on with the reading on their screen. If it gets too bad, don'thesitate to ask for an immediate course reversal and get out of there. It's often better to go back to where you know the plane is flyingwell, than to take chances on what lies ahead.Finding out where the cloud tops are is great. PIREPS are helpful, solook at those on DUATS or ADDS. You can find some information on topsin the first paragraphs of the DUATS briefing. But tops are onlyuseful for stratus layers. You will be unlikely to be able to getover any significant vertically-developing cumulous in a plane that isnot turbocharged. When I can, I usually do get above all the clouds Ican. At least I want to find a clear place between levels in stratusformations. With towering cumulous formations, they normally havesome clear air space between them, and you can weave a little left andright between them without asking for clearance to do so. Just don'tstray more than a quarter-mile or so from your flight-planned path.You might talk to the controller to tell him what you are doing, so hedoesn't get confused by your weaving flight path across his scope.Maybe the best thing about IFR flight is that the good ATC guys willhappily steer you around storms. It happens a couple of ways. Firstof all, remember that their new displays only give them Nexrad stuff.They don't get to see every cloud. Unless there is enough movingmoisture in the cloud to generate a return signal, they can't see it.Also, some significant turbulence associated with moist air (not acloud) is enough to create a green display as well. So, they havebetter, but limited, information on precipitation on their screens. Agood controller will identify trouble ahead (maybe that you can'tsee), and suggest a route around it for you. You can take his advice,or if you can see better than he can what is ahead, you can suggestyour own routing. They will generally approve your routing - sincethey know that you are the PIC, and supposedly have better visual infothan they do. Or, if you see a buildup ahead, you can start doingsome planning yourself. You can sometimes see which way the wholesystem is moving, and fly behind it. You can sometimes outrun thesystem by flying ahead of it. It is very common for pilots torequest a course deviation to get around a buildup. You can do thatby calling ATC and saying something like this sample radio traffic,"Denver Center, 56Echo, request course deviation twenty degrees to thesouth to avoid buildup ahead". The response is normally, "56Echo,deviation approved. Notify when back on course direct Centennial".When you have cleared the buildup, you can jink back to your originalcourse, and then call ATC to tell them you are back to directCentennial. This brings me to my next point... fuel.IFR flight over any reasonable distances rarely goes the way you planit. I know the regulations about carrying enough fuel to make yourdestination plus forty-five minutes. I think that is much tooaggressive. You can just bet on some ATC reroutings, forced altitudechanges, and jinking around buildups in most every flight. The ATC'splan, rather than your plan, is what will prevail.I really hate to fly into that last hour of fuel. When I get asignificant forced rerouting by ATC which extends my distances, Ialready begin looking for a place short of my destination with fuelwhere I can set her down. On one of my normal routes (between DenverCentennial and Durango) it is not uncommon for me to file for a moredirect northern route, and wind up getting cleared for a dog-leggedsouthern one, or visa versa. These routes are separated by half thestate, and make thirty minutes difference in flying time. I have triedover and over to anticipate what they are going to do, to no avail. Ithink they must sit around at clearance, and say "How can we mess withLedbetter today?" So, remember that extra fuel is your friend...unless you are on fire.Remember that HIWAS and other weather information is still availableto you during IFR flight. If you have a second radio, you can tune inthe information, and listen to both radios so you don’t miss someinformation, or a call. Sometimes I call Flight Watch to see whatthey are showing. You do that by telling the controller that you wishto leave the frequency in order to pick up weather information.Unless they are getting ready to hand you off to another controller,they will normally allow you to do that, and will instruct you tocheck-in with them within a few minutes. There is still not muchcross-talk between the controllers and the weather guys. That is aproblem without an easy solution. I find myself a quiet segment on mytrips, and use those to take advantage of the weather briefings I canget from the other sources.Take advantage of other pilots ahead of you. As you talk to ATC, youmay hear chatter with other planes of similar type ahead of you.They can give you lots of information. If you are experiencing someturbulence, or worried about icing, or such, you can ask ATC toinquire of the pilot ahead what is going on at his altitude andlocation. You will hear the report first-hand, or ATC will relay. Ihad one flight coming back to Centennial from Roswell (entirely in theclouds), where I had a Bonanza about 40 miles ahead of me on the samerouting. I was often clear of clouds (barely), but my routing kept memostly in a near-solid cloud bank where I had no real visibility tothe side or above or below. I was picking up a trace of ice onoccasion, and wanted to know whether I had a chance of breaking out ofthe clouds, or whether a change in altitude would make any difference.It looked to me that the clouds were closing in tighter, ahead. Idid what I just suggested you do, and found out that he had justbroken out of the clouds into clear skies forty miles ahead. I wasable to relax, and follow him into the blue.As you know, airliners give regular ride reports. On occasion, ATCwill want to know what your ride is as well. You can ask for ridereports ahead at your altitude as well, and other pilots will gladlyreport. Sometimes a change in altitude will make all the differencein the ride.You have probably already seen the layering effect of air. If you arein a lower airmass, and pass into a higher one, there will often beindicators of passage. Higher moisture in the lower layer - showingup as haze - will be a sign. Often, air masses don't move together,and the boundary between them is characterized by continuousturbulence (light chop, normally). Moving up a thousand feet willoften get you out of the boundary chop layer. You can encounter theselayers in solid IFR as well, so even though you think you areencountering turbulence solely based on clouds, you may be onlyexperiencing turbulence at a boundary layer. ATC is normally happy togive you changes in altitude to avoid turbulence. You can ask for it,and the worst they will do is to refuse you until traffic clears, thenthey will grant your request. I did find myself in IMC coming back toCentennial from Sheridan, Wyoming one afternoon. I was given awesterly routing (again, not what I filed for). I climbed to get ontop of a thick cloud layer, and was running just above the tops. Itwas beautiful, and a neat place to watch the sunset. But the cloudtops kept getting higher. I would ask for higher altitudes, athousand feet at a time, as I flew south, to stay above them.Finally, I was reaching the point where the plane really didn’t wantto fly well anymore (it was not turbocharged), and I was findingmyself in the clouds more than out of them. I could see blue skyabove, but couldn’t get to it. I also could get occasional glimpses ofthe cloud bottoms below, only a couple of thousand feet below. I wasstarting to pick up a little frost on the front of the wings. It wasnothing that affected the flight of the aircraft, but it was notsomething I wanted to see continue. I determined to ask for lower. Igot on the radio to Center and told them I was picking up some ice,and wished to have lower. I told them the target altitude I wanted.Center told me that my request was denied, because that altitude putme below the MEA at that location. I was over the mountains west ofCheyenne. The controller did give me a glimmer of hope. He told methat in a few miles he would pass me to Denver Center, and they wouldhave the authority to give me lower.Immediately upon checking in with Denver Center, I asked for lower. Igot it. Problem averted. The bottom line is that controllers don’tsometimes care if you are picking up ice. They figure you putyourself where you are (regardless of whether that is true or not),and if you are picking up ice that’s your problem. Then they leanback in their padded chair and take another sip of coffee from a mugthat has “Air Traffic Controllers are gods” written on the side.Remember the old saying: “When the pilot makes a mistake, the pilotdies. When ATC makes a mistake, the pilot dies.” If you must, arguewith them. I have done it, and finally embarrassed a controller intogiving me what I needed at the time. Occasionally, the squeaky pilotgets the amended clearance.But there is some silver lining in that cloud of controllers. I haveencountered a spectacularly helpful controller at Denver Center on theway back from Grand Junction one day. The MEA for my first leg ofrouting was 160. There was ice forecast at just higher than 170, allthe way up to FL230. The bases of the clouds enroute (for half of thetrip) was 16.8. I was flying eastward, so had to file for 170. Ihave seen icing forecasts be wrong (both in my favor, and against me),but just how to deal with the uncertainly in the system is somethingthat comes only with a lot of IFR experience. Don’t push it at thisstage in your flying. Anyway, back to the story. After being handedoff to Center, the controller told me to climb and maintain 16.3. Ihad never previously gotten a clearance to other than an altitude thatwas one of the cardinal thousand feet levels. Thisflight-level-and-a-piece clearance put me between layers in clearskies, and ice-free. The controller had been paying attention to thepilots who were flying that route. He heard lots of reports ofbottoms on the clouds, and was kind enough to keep me below them forthe first leg of the trip. By the time I had to go to FL180 later inthe trip to reach a higher MEA, I could punch through some thin layersand get back on top for the last leg across the front range. Without avery sensitive controller, thinking as a pilot, I might have had tofly at 170 initially, may have encountered sufficient ice to force meto turn around, and have wasted time and fuel on a futile trip. Ihope you get lots of these kinds of guys. They are out there.If you know you have a pilot in a similar aircraft behind you on asimilar routing, be courteous and give ride and weather conditionsreports to the controllers. The guys behind you will appreciate theinfo. I recall flying southward along the front range to Roswell, andwas listening to radio traffic between Center and a light aircraftwhich was on flight following. The pilot was near Pueblo, some fiftymiles to the north of my position, and was trying to cross themountains to the west and stay out of mountain obscuration. Themountains were pretty well socked-in all along the front range ofColorado. He had some silly desire not to encounter cumulo-granite ashe passed to the west. The pilot was asking the controller if therewas any clearing in the clouds (the bases of which were just below thepeaks along the front range). Of course, I knew that the controllerwas unlikely to have that information. But I did have it. I got onthe radio and volunteered some real-time information from my position. I told the controller that I saw no breaks from Denver south, but thecloud bases were lifting dramatically south of Raton, New Mexico, andit appeared that the VFR traffic could stay under the clouds, andclear of the granite, in that area. It was not the biggest deal tome, but it saved that VFR pilot a lot of time wondering whether hecould go west or not. He was able to turn southward, then westward,and continue his trip.And the best advice I can give you... always drink your hot coffeefrom one of those high-quality travel cups with a secure lid. Andclose the little valve at all times other than when taking a sip. Andif that cup might just start describing the letter “M” inside thecockpit, then you might want to keep one of those old-style hoodshandy. Quote
mooneykflyer Posted July 4, 2010 Report Posted July 4, 2010 Penetrating any convective accumulation is a less than smart idea and candidly, could be considered as careless and reckless. When I flew airliners, we had a zero tolerance policy for the very activities that are being described in this thread. Quote
flight2000 Posted July 4, 2010 Report Posted July 4, 2010 So where did anyone say they penetrate convective activity in this thread? Both cloud sets below are cumulus are they not? One I'll fly through, the other gets a really wide berth or I'll land until it moves along. My experience has shown me what my minimums are for flying through a cumulus cloud and I have not seen any major turbulence, hail, or lightning in any cloud that size (or smaller) in almost 15 years of flying with my IR ticket. If clouds (cumulonimbus) are in the flight levels I will simply go around it or alter my plans if it's to big to go around (i.e. a squall line that extends for a couple hundred miles). I have no need/desire to fly above 10,000 feet and I base my weather decisions on that starting point. This thread seems to have morphed into flying through convective cumulonimbus clouds instead of answering what the original poster asked. Brian Quote
RJBrown Posted July 4, 2010 Report Posted July 4, 2010 Once upon a time in North Texas. I was IFR at about 20 and avoiding build ups. I never entered a cloud but did experience updrafts of over 1000 FPM and hail. I thought I was giving it a wide berth. DONT even get close. I escaped with $35000 in damage and quite a scare. That was about 12 years ago. Never again. Repeat: I was never in a cloud. I thought I was a safe distance away. And I was passing to its left as it moved right. When it happened I made a 90 degree left turn and rode the elevator till IT quit going up. I told center what I was doing. I did not wait for his permission. Simply cleared as requested. Center understood the deviation and once things settled down we re established a altitude and heading. Quote
M016576 Posted July 4, 2010 Report Posted July 4, 2010 Ned- thank you for that post, it was VERY insightful! Quote
Stefanovm Posted July 4, 2010 Report Posted July 4, 2010 I liked reading Gravel's addition to the thread. I also do not read into the thread any suggestion to penetrate convective activity. Maybe the intent of the other reply was to emphasize positive avoidance?One scary almost IMC remembrance for me, pre-Mooney in my C152, was from Andrews, TX (E11) to Las Cruces, NM (KLRU), about 3 years ago on a 4th holiday weekend. This was for a trip from 07TS to KFHU that I make about 1 ½ times per year. I fueled at E11, stayed on the ground for a flap problem 3+ hours after coming out of an annual 300 nm behind me. E11 is one third the way to the KFHU destination. My weather briefing was about one hour old when I took off VMC from E11, but in the end a more current one would not have helped. My instrument rating would also have been of little help except it got me on the ground quickly and safely before the fast moving activity got to my location.Just south of Hobbs, NM, at 8500 msl, I asked my wife if she was seeing the lighting I was seeing WAY off in the distance, just at the horizon. I had no ADF or a strike finder as I do now. Although she said no, I was sure I did, so I radioed Albuquerque FSS. I was told a three hundred mile long squall line had formed from south of the Mexican border most of the way through NM in the last 30 minutes, NOT forecast. The briefer said I could “possibly” get through a hole 150 miles to the north. My decision was an immediate precautionary landing at Hobbs, not my alternate, but the "closest". I flew VMC at the bottom of the yellow arc in too much turbulence for my liking even in VMC direct to Hobbs. I cannot imagine what it would have been like IMC.In less than the time to divert 40+ miles to the north, land, taxi and tie down, about 60 minutes, the winds were 50 to 60 with up to 1” hail, reported, but not seen by me, and driving rain. Tied down securely and drenched, we took a taxi for a hotel night stay in Hobbs. The FSS was very glad that I gave them the PIREP via the phone from the hotel rather than taking the suggestion to try and maneuver around the weather. The convective activity was very severe and had developed with little to no warning. It rained, with lightning and thunder, for several hours. There was not a convective warning for the route of my flight until it would have been too late to help. The activity was solid for many miles more than my airplane had the capability of diverting around or above.The bottom line is in always being prepared to avoid convective activity in any way that is necessary. Sometimes it must very expedient, maybe erring on the side of caution, as well as being within your and the airplanes capabilities, even with well meaning suggestions from others. If I had been IMC at the time, the outcome probably would have been very different. Quote
Stefanovm Posted July 4, 2010 Report Posted July 4, 2010 I just checked on the map and estimate that the line was over 60 miles from me when I noticed it. Of course my C152 was very slow, and the line was very fast moving. Its effects stretched at least the 40 miles mentioned in an above response. Even flying paralell to it, the line closed upon me at an alarming rate. Again stay prepared during convective activity times of the year. Quote
mooneykflyer Posted July 4, 2010 Report Posted July 4, 2010 Towering cumulus (not sure what a cumbulus is) are by formed in areas of deep moisture and convection. Think back to your private pilot training days. There are indeed three elements required for a thunderstorm to form. A TCU is presents all three. Additionally, it's careless, reckless, and quite foolish to be so naive and assume that all will be OK when flying in such a condition. Cumulus clouds, or fair weather cumulus, are as you said are generally an indication of a relatively small area of instability. However, they're still an indication of convective activity. Generally speaking, they're simply uncomfortable for passengers (or pilots alike who don't like turbulence). The last thing I teach and practice is being an airborne convective activity expert by gambling on which hazards a cumulus (fair weather and TCU) may/may not present. The towering cumulus clouds are a textbook indication of the first stage of a thunderstorm and as some have described here, are hazardous to small and large airplanes alike. In my profesional opinion, it's an unwise practice to penetrate convective occurences such as TCU. Quote: flight2000 So where did anyone say they penetrate convective activity in this thread? Both cloud sets below are cumulus are they not? One I'll fly through, the other gets a really wide berth or I'll land until it moves along. My experience has shown me what my minimums are for flying through a cumulus cloud and I have not seen any major turbulence, hail, or lightning in any cloud that size (or smaller) in almost 15 years of flying with my IR ticket. If clouds (cumulonimbus) are in the flight levels I will simply go around it or alter my plans if it's to big to go around (i.e. a squall line that extends for a couple hundred miles). I have no need/desire to fly above 10,000 feet and I base my weather decisions on that starting point. This thread seems to have morphed into flying through convective cumulonimbus clouds instead of answering what the original poster asked. Brian Quote
mooneykflyer Posted July 4, 2010 Report Posted July 4, 2010 Quote: crxcte I know as a pilot we don't fly through towering cumulus clouds. But, when the clouds are small what is the limit on the height? I will fly through a towering cumulus cloud when less than 8,000 MSL. Sometimes its a little bumpy but never bad. What is the limit to fly through a towering cumulus? We never know what the updraft winds are on these things are. Quote
flight2000 Posted July 4, 2010 Report Posted July 4, 2010 Again, where did I say that flying through convective activity is smart and that I do that or advocate it. Maybe I'm reading your posts wrong, but I don't consider myself to be reckless, careless, or naive about flying through or around cumulus clouds or weather flying in general. If I went off your definition of cumulus clouds in the second paragraph and staying clear, I'd never fly IFR in the summer around here to get to the places I need to go. I use all of the weather data available and more importantly, what I see in the windscreen to make my decisions. Seems to have worked so far as I've never found myself in a situation to wonder if I was going to come out the other end in one piece. Another reason I don't like forums to much because of the ease of misinterpretation of posts... Brian Quote: mooneykflyer Quote
mooneykflyer Posted July 4, 2010 Report Posted July 4, 2010 The OP said: =I will fly through a towering cumulus cloud when less than 8,000 MSL.= and =What is the limit to fly through a towering cumulus?= So when you say =So where did anyone say they penetrate convective activity in this thread?=, hopefully the quote from the OP is a concise answer. The phraseology I coined in the second paragraph isn't my personal definition. It's the FAA's definition straight out of the AC 00-6A. I have no issues flying through cumulus activity or teaching students to do so as long as they understand that generally, they're an indication of an unstable atmosphere, present moisture, and some sort of lifting mechanism; we know where those ingredients generally lead to so, it's again better to be informed and aware. Cheers! Quote: mooneykflyer Quote
WardHolbrook Posted July 4, 2010 Report Posted July 4, 2010 OK, so how do you guys who fly night XC (VFR or IFR) avoid them? Quote
Ned Gravel Posted July 5, 2010 Report Posted July 5, 2010 I will not fly a route at night if there is any forecast of ACC, TCU or CB along the intended route of flight. I have neither a stormscope nor XM. I may consider modifying my personal minima after I get BOTH of those installed. One is for current tactical situational awareness (stormscope) and the other is for developing and maintaining options in flight to offset poor pre-flight planning (XM weather). Quote
apenney Posted July 6, 2019 Report Posted July 6, 2019 Old thread but really relevant to my stage of flying. Newly instrument rated 8 days ago. Started using the rating the next day and have filed an additional five times. One thing that came up in a trip to Sporty's from Southeast WI was cumulus clouds. I will never plan on entering a large TC but on this particular trip the formations were very scattered and many were skinny. Most of the trip I was deviating form them both small and very large. However, at one point, I entered a small one at 14K feet and I 'm pretty sure it was about 3 times the plane's wingspan in width and lasted for about 5 seconds...but boy was I surprised by the extent of the updrafts. I'd call it violent. In that short period of time I rose about 3-400 ft. Now, I'm coming from my new rating and 250 hour total time perspective. But I didn't feel comfortable with the level of turbulence in that short encounter. In retrospect, what else would I expect in them. Today I'm reading views about personal minimums regarding these and the article above. Any updates now that its 2019 with new members and maybe revisiting views of members still here? Quote
bradp Posted July 6, 2019 Report Posted July 6, 2019 Welcome to IFR flying and all the stuff they didn’t teach you during your rating 5 Quote
David Lloyd Posted July 6, 2019 Report Posted July 6, 2019 About 35 years ago, I flew into an embedded thunderstorm near San Angelo, TX. This was while receiving vectors from ATC to avoid. Wife said later that day we weren't going to do that again. Next week we ordered a Stormscope. Summer in the south and east coast, if you don't plan to weave around activity, you won't be doing much flying. What worked for me, learning over a period of time, was to avoid any area of convective activity as indicated by the Stormscope. Cumulus clouds that were 12000 feet tall or so, I would fly through. Taller they are, the bumpier. Wife's tolerance was less than mine. Other passengers, more so. I used that Stormscope for 23 years and staying away from convective activity, never got more than moderate turbulence. Look up the definition of light, moderate and severe. Many people overstate the level of turbulence. Light, the approach book stays on the seat. Moderate, the approach book levitates, then falls to the floor. Severe, the approach book leaps to the windshield, bounces off your head and hides in the baggage compartment. Severe, I had my car keys come out of my pants pocket. The OP said towering cumulus. To me that indicates a tall cloud my airplane can't climb over. 18000 Or more, if not a building thunderstorm will still have up and downdrafts and be more turbulent than you will try a second time. Quote
apenney Posted July 6, 2019 Report Posted July 6, 2019 Well, several items that weren't secured leapt up and scattered including a stratus on the dash and my pulse ox which I keep on a lanyard and around a small hook next to me...they ended up on the floor. Fortunately, my bag in the rear passenger seat was belted in. Between that and rising 400 ft I'll guess that it was moderate...though to me it felt severe! Quote
donkaye Posted July 6, 2019 Report Posted July 6, 2019 On 7/5/2019 at 7:04 PM, apenney said: Well, several items that weren't secured leapt up and scattered including a stratus on the dash and my pulse ox which I keep on a lanyard and around a small hook next to me...they ended up on the floor. Fortunately, my bag in the rear passenger seat was belted in. Between that and rising 400 ft I'll guess that it was moderate...though to me it felt severe! Even the big Commercial Airliners deviate around large cumulous clouds. If you have them around, then you have unstable weather. I feel most comfortable with the strength of our airplanes, but at 3,000+ pounds they are no match for convective activity that could easily turn into thunderstorms--especially in the afternoon. My solution is to fly in the mornings and be done by noon. If there is frontal activity around, then there is always another day for flying, unless you get antsy and choose to risk your life unnecessarily. Would it be worth it then? Then you may not have another day. Remember Scott Crossfield---and he had thousands of hours as a test pilot. The Instrument Rating is a great rating to have, but for our airplanes it is great for getting through an overcast and flying in stratus with moderate rain. Convective activity in the clouds, NO. Not even the clouds shown in your picture, which definitely should be flown around. As you gain more experience and understand the weather better, then the decision making process becomes easier. At 250 total hours you are definitely not there, yet, as your recently gained experiences shows. I'd keep it VERY conservative. Don Kaye, Nine time Master CFI (meaning 18 years) with both SAFE and NAFI 4 Quote
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