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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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When I first read this I wanted to fire back ... But I think you are right that it has no place on this forum.

I respectfully commit that this is my last post on this thread ... and that I will do my best to refrain from posting my crazy far right ideas, ideas like: follow the Constitution, limit government, balance the budget, reduce taxes, individual responsibility and keep freedom and liberty as our national values. I apologize if those proven and tested national values which have guided our country for centuries may have offended anyone who voted for "Hope and Change."



You are right the a Democrats couldn't stand it that the companies that hired top notch chemists and researchers, that did the years of research and development, jumped through all the government hoops year after year, and after they invested billions on producing safe drugs, actually recouped their investment and made a profit. They wanted the government to just force them to give it away. Maybe if we wanted cheaper drugs ... we could lesson the government regulations that drive up cost ... rather than expect people to give away their work for free?



I agree with you and find it kind of funny that your stance is the complete opposite of Scott's. You said that the pharmaceuticals are looking to recoup their costs for making safe drugs. Scott mentioned that in his world there would be no FDA, which to me means that it would be the wild west out there and whatever products these companies wanted to take to market would be ok with him and that consumers of these drugs would have their own free choice of taking them or not. If they weren't safe then the consumer made a poor choice.

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(Note: in addition if the targeting of industries for political gain, before each election and creating a crisis, they are also deciding at the DNC who the Republicans are going to be "conducting a war against" the next election. That election the Republicans and GWB were "at war with the elderly." Former wars have been against women, gays, the poor, the environment, the elderly, the blacks, the Hispanics, the immigrants. The republicans don't even know yet who they are at war against yet? - until the Democrats start accusing them ... just in time for the next election. Works every time!)


Maybe I had you all wrong. I thought you were like me, a middle-aged guy. You sometimes come across as sounding like a teen who's never been exposed to the dirty world of politics before and seem to think only the democrats engage in dirty tricks. 

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Not only Democrats. But we've watched it for years ... I wonder who I am going to be at war with next year? (Last election I learned that by believing in the Constitution I was a racist?)


I can already tell you the #1 item on the GOP's list for this year: that boogeyman called ISIS, who (according to Fox), has already crossed the border through Mexico and is coming to kill all American's in their beds.

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...sometimes come across as sounding like a teen who's never been exposed to the dirty world of politics before and seem to think ...

Disgruntled. Convinced that the enemy is the neighbor and the remedy can come through fighting the neighbor.

Divide and conquer has been working since time immemorial.

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I am not for no regulation ...especially not here. We need an authority to monitor this and do it well. But I did say if we want cheaper drugs, maybe we ought to look at the amount of government regulations and how they drive up cost. (Instead of political grandstanding) Maybe you missed it?


I can't disagree, knowing firsthand the hoops that American companies have to jump through to get their products to market when the FDA is involved. Unfortunately we can't know the effect this would have on pharmaceutical's unless it actually occurred. But one thing is for sure, we couldn't do things the same way China does.

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Haven't answered my questions yet Tom?

Today's headlines ... Why government abused their power and threatened Yahoo with $250,000.00 a day fine unless they turn over your personal information! 0639734479675fa1661f227d3ef5810b.jpg

...giving more power to am already over-reaching government.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Do you see any irony here Dave?

I own a Mooney, I fly it.

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Have you seen the hoops a company has to go through when they don't follow the FDA guidelines?

They have a name for that. They call it consent decree...

If you follow the guidance, you get to keep your job.

The FDA has written some guidelines (called GMPs) that are pretty easy to follow. Companies fail to follow the guidance every year...

They are like the FARs.

It helps to have an understanding of the rules to partake in the society of pharmaceutical production.

The FDA came about after some yahoo wrote a book called the Jungle, outlining the atrocities of unguided food production.

The FAA came about after a horrific airplane accident over the Grand Canyon.

But really,

Using USA today as a reference...? They won't print a story without making it interesting first. Find one story on aviation that makes sense. Would you still wear a Ray Rice jersey?

Scott would be arguing a point regarding OSHA... Imagine the manufacturing world with out OSHA guidance.

I don't want to get by in the world without big government guidance.

Y'all should invite JK H into your conversation. He's the guy who acquired a plane in an un AW condition and publicly stated something like here's to the MF FAA...

Really, how can anyone really support him (other than help him get back on the horse)

Was life better for you before or after the





Would you let your children smoke cigarettes?

Play with plastic bags?

Drive a car every day without airbags or seat belts?

There aren't any really good governments, but ours is the best...

Remind me again what you guys are promoting?

I may have missed it,


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Was life better for you before or after the





Would you let your children smoke cigarettes?

Play with plastic bags?

Drive a car every day without airbags or seat belts?

There aren't any really good governments, but ours is the best...

Remind me again what you guys are promoting?

I may have missed it,



Let me add that food supply in this country is the safest in the world. How many cases of major food poisoning, such as e-coli, are reported each year? 


I can't believe someone stepped forward who feels the same way as me. Hallelujah.

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Yet fail to justify why I want raise taxes to triple the size of the military to put M1 Abram tanks on street corners to issue parking tickets and AH-64 Apache gunships to patrol the highways for drunk drivers and MPs in every park to assault smokers, and Bradley Fighting Vehicles in School Zones and HumVees on street corners to arrest people not wearing their seat belts ... Use M109 Howitzers to eradicate meth labs


You know, I had never thought of any of these dual uses. Add it to our national security program!

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But it is taking something and expanding it way beyond the role it is intended for ...

I don't think you guys understand who and what you are voting for ... But we've been telling you for years now and you are still not wanting to see it. These democrats ain't your fathers democrats!



And these Republican's sure ain't your Reagan Republicans.


Remember the day when Republican's were a bit to the right of center? Could Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan be elected in today's climate? Highly, highly unlikely.

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Daver is about to make a memorable donation to the Democratic Party...

Buying the freedom to fly GA over Cuba on the way to other Caribbean islands.

In the event one needed to land a Mooney in Cuba, would you ever see the plane again?

Is there a clause in the insurance document to help get it back or pay for it's loss or prevent it's use for this flight?

If the flight is delayed until 2016, would a payment be needed for the Republican Party?

Best regards,


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Remember the day when Republican's were a bit to the right of center? Could Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan be elected in today's climate? Highly, highly unlikely.


Nowadays if either a Rockefeller Republican or a Goldwater Republican was to run for anything he or she wouldn't make it past the primary if s/he took any nuanced position on anything.  Nuanced positions are a clearly not consistent with being a true neocon.

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And these Republican's sure ain't your Reagan Republicans.


Remember the day when Republican's were a bit to the right of center? Could Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan be elected in today's climate? Highly, highly unlikely.



This appeared in today's NY Times, an article about Jeb Bush and how his flavor of conservatism would make it a difficult trek for him. 



"Standing alongside Thom Tillis, the North Carolina House speaker and Republican Senate candidate, Mr. Bush outlined his views on two of the issues he cares most passionately about: immigration policy and education standards. But as Mr. Bush made the case for an immigration overhaul and the Common Core standards, Mr. Tillis gently put distance between himself and his guest of honor, who had flown here from Florida on a dreary day to offer his endorsement in a race that could decide which party controls the Senate."


Understand that I could see myself voting for Jeb, and voted for him twice as my Governor. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The truth, according to Timmy-

1. Never debate with a Leftist, Liberal, Progressive, Communist. 

2. LLPC-They are always the smartest one's in the room.

Spelling mistake. There is no apostrophe in "ones" as you have used it here.

C'mon, you can't make it this easy.

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Timmy wonders how long it will be before the CDC gets to use a lot of their neat expensive toys...  You made it quite clear earlier on that there isn't a single government agency that you like. I'd like to see you fight off Ebola without the CDC, NIH or any of the other half dozen health related agencies.


Timmy wonders if they are going to name the War on ISIS? The definition of war is a state of armed conflict between different nations or states. ISIS is neither a nation or a state. If this "war" on ISIS is won, who on their side will sign the armistice? Truman would have called it a police action against a band of terrorist thugs. I tend to agree.


Timmy is wondering why passenger air travel to individuals from West Africa to United States is being permitted? This reminds me of the mass hysteria when bird flu was only "weeks away" from coming to the shores of America and killing off the entire population. I don't recall banning travel to and from Asia at that time.



Timmy says "that's one way to spin it"...is like a top.  You can sit and watch it spin, or you can leave the room.  You can have the top taken away from you, for a time.  You can complain about the top being ugly and mean and rude and wrong, but the top keeps spinning when it is wound up.  Timmy enjoys watching it spin. Timmy is a smart kid. Now if we could only get him to stop watching Fox. 

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Timmy wonders how long it will be before the CDC gets to use a lot of their neat expensive toys... You made it quite clear earlier on that there isn't a single government agency that you like. I'd like to see you fight off Ebola without the CDC, NIH or any of the other half dozen health related agencies.

Now if we could only get him to stop watching Fox.

Right, MSNBC Is much more fair, balanced, and informative for you 'moderates'.

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