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Science to the rescue!

This graphic is an excellent example of the correlation fallacies that are main form of argument on this thread: statistical 'proof' that poor Timmy was more likely to swing right!


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Mine is on the right, so what does that say?


Yikes, and my bleeding heart liberal brother's name is on the right as well. Even further to the right than mine!


Exactly. The fact that it has a laser sight...This was a light, and whether semi or fully automatic doesn't matter at all here. I had already seen video, but it didn't have audio and was blurred. If he had a knife, I am not going to second guess the first officer...You have GOT TO FOLLOW Their commands...tough to do if you are high or have mental issues...


4 guns raised at a man accused of illegal camping, a misdemeanor at most. Sorry, but I'm going to second guess the first officer, his commanding officer, the chief and the entire training program. Raising a gun on a fellow citizen should be last resort not typical first response.


4 guns raised at a man accused of illegal camping, a misdemeanor at most. Sorry, but I'm going to second guess the first officer, his commanding officer, the chief and the entire training program. Raising a gun on a fellow citizen should be last resort not typical first response.


What about the fact that he turned and was about to run away when he was shot in th back?


Sorry Scott, in this case your "shoot the subject when they don't obey the cops orders" rule doesn't apply.


I wonder if the police involved in these cases have to under go drug testing right after the incident, followed by a thorough mental evaluation? It's amazing how quickly the victims drug or mental condition is known.



I wonder if the police involved in these cases have to under go drug testing right after the incident, followed by a thorough mental evaluation? It's amazing how quickly the victims drug or mental condition is known.




I'm assuming the police department did check the cop out in the case of the Montana shooting that I posted and found him to be of sound mind because the same officer had actually killed another motorist last year during another traffic stop. 


Here is what the article said:


It was the second time Morrison has shot and killed a civilian in a traffic stop, according to the Billings Gazette newspaper. In February 2013 he killed James Shaw after shocking him with a stun gun, an incident which was also caught on video by a dashcam, the Gazette reported. An advisory panel decided that the cop was justified in shooting Shaw.


Exactly. The fact that it has a laser sight...This was a light, and whether semi or fully automatic doesn't matter at all here. I had already seen video, but it didn't have audio and was blurred. If he had a knife, I am not going to second guess the first officer...You have GOT TO FOLLOW Their commands...tough to do if you are high or have mental issues...

Its kind of odd how folks like you hoard guns and ammunition to defend yourselves against "tyranny" yet fail to see it in its true form because the person killed was brown, homeless, poor, or some other non-white middle-class christian thing.  If this were an 55 year old insurance middle manager from Cedar Rapids, FOX news would be all over this. "This administration". "This administration" "This administration". "Eric Holder". "Thug", and 'Benghazi!!" over and over, for about 100 times an hour for 30 days ought to do it.

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Pull a knife on a police officer...ANY police officer...and let me know how that works out.

Did he pull a knife? Or did "he reach for his waistband" in which no weapon was ever found? This is a modern script which grants the officer permission to kill.


Pull a knife on a police officer...ANY police officer...and let me know how that works out.


To that I say... maybe.


If a guy is holding a knife and the officer is 60 feet away, does he still shoot?


I guess those socialists in the UK use different methods than us freedom loving American's. Here is a video of a guy wielding two machetes outside of Buckingham Palace and the cops actually swarm and approach him, then take him down with a Taser. Everyone survived. Talk about contrasts!





To that I say... maybe.


If a guy is holding a knife and the officer is 60 feet away, does he still shoot?


I guess those socialists in the UK use different methods than us freedom loving American's. Here is a video of a guy wielding two machetes outside of Buckingham Palace and the cops actually swarm and approach him, then take him down with a Taser. Everyone survived. Talk about contrasts!






Nope they should have killed him. Judge, jury, executioner all in one. Its justified anyways. Whats the downside?


If I'm not mistaken the the guy was walking away from the police? Unless he pocessed extraordinary strength and was going to throw the knife around the all the way around the world and hit the cops in the back I fail to see the danger. Oops that was in the cartoons, and this was real life where he was shot in the back in an act of police bravery.



If I'm not mistaken the the guy was walking away from the police? Unless he pocessed extraordinary strength and was going to throw the knife around the all the way around the world and hit the cops in the back I fail to see the danger. Oops that was in the cartoons, and this was real life where he was shot in the back in an act of police bravery.



Which was exactly my point. Shot multiple times in the back, either trying to run away - or - following their orders to turn around and get on the ground.


Its kind of odd how folks like you hoard guns and ammunition to defend yourselves against "tyranny" yet fail to see it in its true form because the person killed was brown, homeless, poor, or some other non-white middle-class christian thing. If this were an 55 year old insurance middle manager from Cedar Rapids, FOX news would be all over this. "This administration". "This administration" "This administration". "Eric Holder". "Thug", and 'Benghazi!!" over and over, for about 100 times an hour for 30 days ought to do it.

FOX deranged syndrome strikes again. You sound like a f-:(@€¥!g broken record, like a whiny occupy Wall Street malcontent. Quit watching Jon Stewart and his 30 second FOX clips and maybe then you'll realize that the caricature you have in your mind of conservatives is not exactly correct cuz if it were then the same thing could be assumed of folks like you. Stay liberal and tolerant of others if you can do so without twisting like a pretzel while making the attempt.


Hispanic middle class and proud conservative.

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I have watched this video repeatedly. I stand by my remarks. I wasn't there. Six seconds from the flash to his being down. I will let the criminal review do due process.

I don't see tyranny here.

Now in another example a swat team was dispatched (by a liar) to a home with a "bunch of drugs". No knock on door. Broke down door and he, in his dwelling, pulled his gun and was killed. $2bucks worth of pot...

NOT GOOD. Could of been me. Hope the family sues the department for millions...and a lot of people lose their jobs.


Both were caused by the same kind of mentality. Us vs Them. Police vs Civilians. War on Drugs People. If you don't see 4 police officers with  guns pointed at individual for camping violation as tyranny, then you'll never see tyranny anywhere. If I cannot legally point a gun an individual in a specific situation, neither should the police. They have no special powers granted anywhere, other than a power to investigate and arrest. Long before it was murder, it was an assault with a deadly weapon. Yes, I will repeat myself. Guns should stay holstered in 99% of situations in which they are pulled out today. And don't get me started on night time no knock warrants. They should be used in extreme situations, like terrorism or other imminent dangers to public. I don't care if it's $2 or $2,000,000 of pot, coke, heroin, meth, it's not imminent danger to anybody.


Not what I saw.



I find it so utterly incredible that you believe the cops were fully justified in killing this guy. Hell, if they simply aimed the bean bag at his chest or hands he may have lived to see another day. I said it before and here it is again, thank goodness we don't live in the United States of Scott, where spitting on the sidewalk would carry a life sentence at hard labor.


So to sum it up once again, he was gunned down by law enforcement because he didn't heed their orders to get down on the ground. 


Come on guys.....up your game.... I am dying to chime in. New rule: you can't use the words if, but, maybe or when. Talk amongst yourselves.

Maybe, when you set the rules how we want them someone will play. But if you don't, it's unlikely that anyone will.


You fuckers are pathetic.

How many times do you have to get kicked off here to not come back? By your "rules" someone should have put the proverbial bullet into your existence on this forum.


Here's my "game". Life and society have rules. I want that guy camped out in front of those two judgey "folks" just presenting the "facts" homes. Just hanging out. He's homeless. Where is he supposed to go? Right in front of your home. NOT MINE. Don't call the police to enforce the law. Just go out and invite him in to eat your food. To sleep on your bed. Give him your money. Build him a house. Find him a job. Do good deeds and rehabilitate him. He has mental issues? Work through them with him. Help the poor soul.

Me? I will call the professionals and let them enforce the law. Tyranny? %^&% that. Society has rules. I expect them to be enforced. I expect the officers to go home at night. I expect them to look after their partners in the field.

I expect them to use lethal force with discretion.

Machete wielding idiot. Just one bullet. Bye bye. Deadly force intent met with same. Protect and serve.


So essentially, if society was to pass a law, with full approval of both houses and signed by the president, no matter what the law, it would then never qualify as tyranny. So there is not need for 2nd amendment, because even in 1930's and 1940's Germany, everything was done according to law. I'm sure the SS officers expected to go home every night too.


It is how we treat the most vulnerable that defines who we are as humans. What exactly should we do with someone who was unlucky enough to have mental issues? It could have been you, some here might say, it is…Not me, just some...


Scott and others,

I honestly have tried to follow along with the reasoning for this thread.

It makes me feel ill that this type of information is on the MooneySpace website.

It is not about Mooney planes.

It is not about Mooney pilots.

It is not about Mooney anything.

Graphic violent videos are as welcome as X rated videos.

There is a place for this non-Mooney information.

Why keep it here?

I keep pushing it off my plate like the cyrrillic advertisements, but it keeps coming back. The post rate that you fine gentlemen have going keeps it listed at the top of everyone's plate...even new people visiting MooneySpace.

This is detrimental to the MS community.

Let's find a way to move it off the front page.

I believe in free speech, crude language, and naked pictures. I also know that some pilots are unable to tolerate it and they won't come back.

What are your thoughts...?

Best regards,


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