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Now that our beech friends may become cessna flyers...interesting consolidation of the GA industry. What do you think. 


I believe that this opens up a lot of opportunities for the reborn Mooney... 







Well not a bad idea, but beware, being an ex beech owner if you think mooney parts are expensive wait till beech gets a whole of mooney. But for its viability its survival its not a bad idea.  And it would be American owned I hope don't really know anymore. How sad. Our country is being sold piece by piece. What would our fore fathers think the disgust of whats happening would be if not already be turning them in their graves. For sure if Cessna was to get a hold on mooney say good by. Not to say that beech would not do the same. Everyone is consolidating its means of survival. But since its Cessna interested in Beech, I think it will be the end of Beech as we know it.  


They want the type certs for the Jets and King Airs....I doubt little will be done to change the pistons, except the name. But I've gotta say.....that long tradition of over-engineered and overbuilt aircraft? Buh-bye.


They want the type certs for the Jets and King Airs....I doubt little will be done to change the pistons, except the name. But I've gotta say.....that long tradition of over-engineered and overbuilt aircraft? Buh-bye.

Let's no overlook...overpriced.


It will be interesting to see where the Beech pistons end up. Was it not Cessna who bought the Columbia 400?


That's the Cessna 400 now.


Cessna G36 next......UGH :wacko:


Well not a bad idea, but beware, being an ex beech owner if you think mooney parts are expensive wait till beech gets a whole of mooney. But for its viability its survival its not a bad idea.  And it would be American owned I hope don't really know anymore. How sad. Our country is being sold piece by piece. What would our fore fathers think the disgust of whats happening would be if not already be turning them in their graves. For sure if Cessna was to get a hold on mooney say good by. Not to say that beech would not do the same. Everyone is consolidating its means of survival. But since its Cessna interested in Beech, I think it will be the end of Beech as we know it.  

GA is expanding in developing countries (China & Brazil), so we may just have to import new aircraft in the future...like we do with TVs. 


I'm really surprised the Chinese did not buy it. They could move the plant to China, assemble a Bo for about $2K and sell them for $300K (fire sale) and take over the market.


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