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Something weird here.  On my G1000 engine strip while in map display mode you get some of the summaries of your engine indicators.  The EGT displays the hottest cylinder.  When changing the MFD to engine mode you get the drill down details such as all cylinder temps.


On my Map mode engine strip the EGT is displaying 88 degrees hotter then the Engine display mode.  Has anyone ever seen this?  Its one probe, how can it show two different values?


See 1500 EGT Map view vs 1413 EGT Engine view.




Ty I also have a G 1000 and the strip should show 1413 also I would check a few flights to see if it continues if it does then I believe it would need to be calibrated, most likely at a min. Of $1000+. Garmin likes that min. No. I'm having a problem where my g-1000 shows the correct volts etc on both alternaters but the panel above shows it as being low, I have over 10 hrs at MSC's and still have the problem is unresolved...I stopped the bleeding and have been ignoring the annun. Panel until I find someone competent...good luck and when you get it resolved let me know the outcome....thanx. Dan


I am thinking, you may have a left-over from the old days of the Ovation...

There is a ship's guage and an add-on six cylinder EGT. Making 7 EGTs overall.

I don't recall where the sensor for the ship's gauge resides, probably downstream.

I speculate, on one page you are reading the ship's gauge and on the other page it is selecting the hottest of the 6 evenly spaced probes.

You also get the hot cylinder on #5 like most Os. #5 resides behind the alternator. Airflow is rumored to improve by a "pixie" hole in that area.

The POH also refers to a "blue box" for setting mixture during the climb. You blue box appears to be whitish? On my ship's gauge it is blue and in the same general place >200 ROP iirc?

Let me know what you think about this logic... I'm going on aged memories.

Best regards,



Well Dan I guess I had better check my voltage meter now to see if that is off too.

Anthony, thanks a 7th probe would certainly make sense. I will investigate that possibility. Yes, I know that I may be in line for a visit from the pixie fairy at some point but EGTs on #5 generally stays under 350. On these pics I am running 120 ROP.



I am thinking, you may have a left-over from the old days of the Ovation...

There is a ship's guage and an add-on six cylinder EGT. Making 7 EGTs overall.

I don't recall where the sensor for the ship's gauge resides, probably downstream.

I speculate, on one page you are reading the ship's gauge and on the other page it is selecting the hottest of the 6 evenly spaced probes.

You also get the hot cylinder on #5 like most Os. #5 resides behind the alternator. Airflow is rumored to improve by a "pixie" hole in that area.

The POH also refers to a "blue box" for setting mixture during the climb. You blue box appears to be whitish? On my ship's gauge it is blue and in the same general place >200 ROP iirc?

Let me know what you think about this logic... I'm going on aged memories.

Best regards,


My Eagle has both JPI and the Mooney EGT sensors and they are about 90deg f apart. The best explanation that I found was the fact that JPI is installed on the exhaust of one cylinder and the Mooney EGT is on the common part of the exhaust for cylinders 1,3, and 5 which makes it hotter.



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I am puzzle by your observation. Notice that on the map mode the pointing triangle for CHT shows the cylinder number but not for the EGT. What puzzles me more is that there are two separate exhaust stacks. So from where is this EGT reading that is higher than the cylinders EGT?





Good point! Flew today same result, higher EGT on map mode. I spoke to a hangar neighbor IA with a IO520 Beech. He showed me a 7th probe on the right side cylinder 5-3-1 in the manifold in the fork in the road of the three exhaust. On his it could have been a TIT but not being turbo is just another EGT. His was disconnected. I am going to pull the cowling to see if there is in fact an extra temp probe for the summary map mode. This is an important reading in that it is used to zero in on EGT during climb and decent. Garmin or Mooney should document this if true.


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The beech guy is correct Mooney G1000 also uses the 7 th probe on the collector . This summary probe is used for cruise climb rough mixture setting

Then the individual probes on the engine page is for cruise level leaning

The g1000 setup uses the old school method due to certification standards


They could have used a math model of all six cylinders combined for the 7th EGT indication. This would have saved the added probe and improve the reliability of the indication. Or just show the peak EGT like they did for the CHT. 



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