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  1. Just bought this M20E and I’m working on the new interior. Planning to start my paint on october, but I haven’t decided yet the design, I’d appreciate ideas! Kaio Rangel from Brazil!
  2. Hello, I have no space on my M20E panel for an engine monitor. I do have two VORs. Should I lose a VOR, and put the monitor there? I like having two. But, with a GPS for location, one VOR/ILS would be enough I think.
  3. I have a 1966 M2OE that had the upper screw pulled out after my BFR. I inspected the original screw and it appears stripped as the tip is blurred. I have a 10 / 32 tap that I inserted into the hole were the old screw was and could not locate the receiving nut. Anyone have any ideas how I can find or replace the receiving nut?
  4. *SOLD* For Sale: 1965 Mooney M20E Super 21 - $82,000 Annual 10/23, TSMOH 897, Top Prop TSNEW 61, Location: Las Vegas, NV Change of plans leads me to sell my Mooney. Was using it to time build (6.5gph). Added a JPI EDM 900, new prop and AirWolf remote oil filter. Extensive annual last year and this year had no required fixes. IFR/VFR - pitot/static done this year. 430w and Flight stream 210 makes a seamless connection between the 430 and ForeFlight. Has an old school auto pilot but it will follow a gps track or heading bug. Also has pitch and altitude hold. 200hp and useful load of 930lbs. Check out my website or the trade-a-plane ad for more details. This was a difficult decision to make. I would love to keep it but I have to be practical. https://www.gingerdan.com/n79812 https://www.trade-a-plane.com/search?s-type=aircraft&listing_id=2423711
  5. From the album: #HRM's album

    The Mistress and the model I have of her in the living room.
  6. Two men survived an E model emergency engine out landing into a cow pasture with only minor injuries this past Sat Feb 18th near Springfield, MO: http://www.kathrynsreport.com/2017/02/aerostar-mooney-m20e-chaparral-n6807v.html
  7. Last year Clarence @M20Doc changed out my old '65 E model seats for a set from a K model (I think) that allow the back seats to be folded down. The seats were provided by Alan Fox @Alan Fox (Grim Reaper) and the remainder of the missing hardware needed for installation was provided by a retired Paul Loewen. The ones I had are now in Clarence's shop and he has suggested I offer them for sale here on Mooneyspace, so he can clean up that area of the shop. Clarence is sending me pics so you can see what they look like. The fabric is not good and the foam is just OK. The frames are in very good shape and the cams to recline the seats are the ones that came from the new set . I transferred Dave Staffeldt's @Sabremech new model cams to the new seats. Only condition is that the cost of shipping is paid by whomever buys them. I know some are going to give me a hard time over this, but I am not fussed by the money, other than the cost of shipping. Clarence is going to have to box them up and prep them for transport. More pics to follow. This one pic now is of the interior when I bought the plane in 2005. Colour is a sort of purple with a red piping trim. Back seat has rips in the fabric. Lap belts from the K model seats are included. Expressions of interest are welcome. More pics as promised.
  8. Simple question, but I can't find the answer in my limited information POH from 1965.
  9. Hello, Where can I find a decent repair shop (or A&P) for a 1966 M20E? The only local MSC will not work on an older Mooney (Coast at KMYF) except for an existing customer. Someone who knows the manual gear and rigging.
  10. Who is worried about the future of general aviation internal combustion engine aircraft? I have concerns about what the future holds with regard to avgas burning light craft. The two biggest concerns are what will the future valuations look like if fuel prices rise dramatically and also the cost of operation. Car manufactures are pivoting to electric at a rapid pace with HUGE agendas for close to total electrification by 2030 for many. Both GM and Ford (among the other big guys ) are really rolling out the agenda. Will governments push their populations into car electrification by huge gasoline fuel prices increases with knock on effects for light aircraft? Will existing internal combustion light aircraft give way to newer electric aircraft, with an off the cliff dive of light aircraft prices as demand dries up? Interested in any informed predictions and timelines...
  11. Hey folks, 1964 M20E I’ve had to take off my cowling a number of times lately as I’m having some avionics work done. The screws holding in each side of the access panels and the small center strip seem to be randomly sized. When I put the panels back on, I’m having to try the different screws when the one I choose doesn’t fit. It looks like I have two different sizes (see picture). I took them to a hardware store and they measure M5 and M4 but I’m not sure if that matters. The larger of the two doesn’t typically fit so I’d like to order more of the smaller ones. The parts catalog I received with the plane shows the cowling for 1965 and a screw - AN526-1032R8. Side note: The parts catalog says serial numbers 470-831 is 1965. Mine is #476 but my registration indicates 1964. I think it was completed in November. I assume this catalog is correct for me. What page would I find the access panels on? It’s not the cowling I need screws for but the access panels (pictured). Is the AN526-1032R8 the correct size for these? I know these holes get worn and different sizes may fit but I’m looking for the original screw size. Thanks, ~ Dan
  12. Little help. Just got the aircraft and going through my punch list after some research. FP/MP combo gauge. Fuel pressure needle is upside down and mirrored on wrong side of gauge. Fuel pressure indication is correct, but mirrored across gauge. Need to clean gauge fitting? Flip the needle how? Failing gauge? Just replace it? Attached a quick vid and thanks for any help. FullSizeRender.mov
  13. I'm in need of a copy of a STC and POH Supplements for a Short Body Mooney M20C or M20E. I also need a copy of the Installation instructions for the Short Body Mooney M20 Series as well if anyone has a copy. This is for supporting documentation to be submitted for a Field Pre Approval for my M20A with a M20E Wing. I have already purchased a complete S-Tec 30 system and I'm well on my way to applying for the field approval. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance! Carl
  14. Aircraft Sold
  15. Hi Everyone, We are in the home stretch for our 2020 Summer Conference & Retreat. August 20-23, 2020 Sunriver Resort Sunriver, Oregon Airport Code (S21) Featured Presenters Include: Don Maxwell, Phil Corman, LASAR, Airspeed Insurance, Jan Maxwell & Crewchief Systems. Sponsors Include: LASAR, Aircraft Spruce, Don Maxwell Aviation, Bruce's Custom Covers, The Mooney Flyer, Right Seat Ready, JPI Instruments, Lightspeed, Tempest, Oasis Aero / Weep No More, Lightspeed Insurance It's going to be an amazing and fun weekend. For more information and to Register please click the link below. West Coast Mooney Club - Summer Conference & Retreat I hope to see you there. Michael Rodgers
  16. Hey guys. I just purchased a 66' Mooney M20E and took delivery of it today. I was trying to set up my aircraft in Garmin pilot based on the most recent weight and balance information I have. For some reason it keeps giving me an error and I was wondering if anyone has experienced this before or could help me out. I've attached some pictures to show how I have it set up now.
  17. Does anyone know where the data plate is supposed to be on the Lycoming IO-360-A1A? I think I might be missing mine... there is a rectangular set of holes on the right side of the sump that looks like where it might have been. Sounds like a bigtime paperwork hassle to get a new one.
  18. Anyone out there use a flight simulator to help get proficient with instrument flight. I have passed my written and getting time in my E model. I am wanting to get more practice in so I can take may test in January. I am about 10 hrs. into training in my plane. I have about 420 hrs total time. I would like to use my laptop. it has 3gigs usable ram and 1.8 gig processor. I have a garmin 530 gps installed
  19. What kind of CHT, EGT's and Cruise speeds do yall get up at elevation? What RPM setting do you use? Mooney Zoom's with a tail wind and LOP - 8.6GPH SAD HEADWIND ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. Does anyone know what text is supposed to be printed on the "Check List" placard for a 60's vintage E? The parts manual just shows a rectangle.
  21. 1965 Mooney M20E Super 21 N79865 - Serial #528 Price: $43,000 USD Contact: Kevin Hanson Phone: 913-269-6498, Email: kevin@n903wt.com General: (Click here for pdf spec sheet) 3947 TT 1554 SMOH 1178 TSPOH – Hartzell HC-C2YK-1BF Excellent condition and extremely well maintained classic Mooney! The ’65 E is often considered the best Mooney of the Pre-201 Era Fast and economical: ~150KT @10GPH! Aircraft hangared at Pompano Airpark in Pompano Beach, FL Always US-based and hangared Owned since 2007; Previous owner owned since 1992 Complete logbooks since new. Annual condition inspection will be complete 5/18/2018 IFR Certification due 10/2019 ELT battery replaced 5/2018 High Resolution Photo gallery: Click for high resolution photo gallery here Engine: Lycoming 200hp IO-360-A1A, fuel injected Compressions at 5/2017 annual 76/80, 72/80, 72/80, 70/80 Alternator STC Upgrade Avionics: Nav/Com 1 Narco Mark 12D - IDME w/Glide Slope Com 2 King KX175B•Narco ADF 31A w/ Davtron Digital Readout BendixKing KT 76A Transponder SSD120-XXA-RS232 Mode C Altitude Encoder/Digitizer Apollo IFR GPS GX50 S-TEC 30 Autopilot w/ Altitude Hold Autopilot coupled to Nav 1 and Apollo II GX50 Mid-Continent CDI w/ Built-in Annunciator (MD40-65L) Precise Flight Standby Vacuum System III Flight Com System 4-Place Intercom w/Clearance Recorder and Tape Player Panel Layout Upgraded to Standard 6-Pack Additional Equipment: Electric Gear Wingtip Strobes O&N Fuel Tank Bladders Installed by Maxwell Cowl Closure & Brake Cylinder Rotation New Style Gear Pucks New Interior 2001 Custom Aircraft Cover Interior 7.5•Exterior 8 Comments: Minor Damage 7/88 & 3/92 Expertly & Appropriately Repaired
  22. Bought a 1970 M20E project with just under 2000 hours on the airframe. Not going to be able to finish it, needs good home. Built a wing and fuselage stand to easily move it around. Have everything except motor and instruments. I do also have a M20J cowl for this project, also have both the old aluminum one. Only damage is from a tear around an access panel from previous transport. Am located at KLHM (NE of Sacramento). I do have someone that will deliver it; happy to connect buyer with transport services. Would like $7500.00 Cheers, Mike Haag (916) 765-3410 mike@haagfamily.com
  23. Hey Guys, Looking for one last piece to complete the restoration of my 1966 M20E Serial Number 1244. Its the Left Hand Nose Gear Door (Part # 550032-3 according to the parts manual) which has been challenging to find. Over the last two weeks we have ordered two doors under this part number and have received two doors which not only did not look alike; neither looked like the original. The search has been pretty vexing. Any help/direction would be appreciated. Cheers, Thom
  24. trying to down size and have lots of parts just collecting dust in the hanger, I will continue to add/delete parts as i find them, let me know if you need anything and I'll see if i can help: control surfaces $600.00 each tail assembly $500.00 Pushrods (lots of pushrods) various diameters and lengths $150-300 each Interior plastics trim/flap cover, hat rack trim 130087-507, rear window trim 130209-006, foot well RT&lt 13022-006 13022-005 ect.... (some have cracks as they do not store well) $50-100 each Non AD Aileron links 730005-001/730006-00 $125 for the set Mooney M20 Elevator Trim control PN 740045-503 $250 all parts are "as removed" i have no way of testing/inspecting any of these so buyer will be responsible for determining airworthiness prior to installing. thanks for looking and happy flying
  25. On the E the oil lines from the cowl mounted cooler both route under P/N 620014-3 "Oil Line Shield", which shield the lines as they pass under the exhaust headers above them. When I pulled the lower cowling, there were two rubber lined hose clamps up under the shield attaching the hoses to it. I cannot find any mention of those clamps in the manuals or in SBs. Any guidance on these. Abashedly, I also cannot remember how they were attached and don't want to bother reattaching them if they aren't required.
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