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Found 25 results

  1. So the RPM reading on my previously beloved EDM-900 went nuts last week. It works ok at startup, assuming the plane has been sitting for a while. Then at some point in cruise flight, the reading starts fluctuating wildly (it's definitely the monitor system - not the engine or governor). Then it stops reading outright and indicates the big red X. I had two different mechanics look at it briefly on the rather long, 8 leg trip I took last week but they couldn't do much. The rpm sensor that goes in the inside bottom vent plug hole of my right mag (Bendix) is very hard to access and may require pulling the mag to check it fully. It looked ok with a mirror and feels secure. One of my stops was at Oshkosh, where I got to ask Joe Polizzotto, the CEO of JPI, about it at their exhibit booth. He said it wasn't a common issue that he was aware of, but happened to have a new sensor on hand and gave it to me. He also said that it could be caused by the magnets in an old mag getting weak - I'm not sure I totally get this - could the problem really be intrinsic to the mag? My mags did have their 500hr service 6 months ago. Questions: 1. Anyone with similar experiences out there that got addressed? 2. Any other guidance to give my avionics shop when I take it back to them to swap the sensor? I will be very frustrated if the sensor gets swapped and I still have the problem- it can take up to an hour to show up in flight, so I may be back home before I know if the fix worked.
  2. I've been trying to learn more about engine monitor data, lean tests, mag checks, etc. trying to get a feel for my engine and establish a baseline. Wondering if there is a thread or a resource that has normal vs abnormal and what the problem was... i.e. example of faulty mag vs faulty plug, example of failing exhaust valve and what clues in to problems ahead, good GAMI lean vs poor, etc. I tried a search but found several threads that were old and pics were scrubbed. I'm also curious to see what different ranges in EGTs and CHTs are between cylinders are normal. Anyone have some good learning examples or know of a good primer for this?
  3. Hello All, I'm trying to walk through an armchair process to download flight data from an EDM-700 engine monitor. Some airplanes have a data port near the instrument, but I don’t see one here: I saw a wire dangling under the instrument panel near the pilot’s left knee with a connector at the end: The connector looks a little like a power plug for a laptop, but it's got a wart at the end that would prevent it from being plugged into a cylindrical jack. Any idea what this is? Is this wire used to download the data somehow? If so, how? Finally, I saw something labeled "EDM" high on the left side of the instrument panel, but it looks like just a button and an indicator light. Any idea what this is for? Does this button interact with the EDM-700 somehow? Thanks in advance for any help.
  4. Hi Everyone, I am having a problem with my JPI that I cannot find an answer too here or elsewhere. The RPM measured by the JPI, EDM-800, is reading double the Tach RPM. I have checked the connections on the sensor (Bendix Dual Magneto Magnetic Pickup) as well as the cleanliness of the sensor pickup and all was good. This problem was intermittent, was gone for a few months and now has returned and I repeated my connection check without luck. Does anyone have experience with the JPI doubling the RPM sensed? If so what had you done to resolve it? Thanks for looking. Mike
  5. ** UPDATED Aug 19th 2020. Prices reduced. I would love to clear this stuff out. Happy to make a deal for bulk. Spend $1000 and I will throw in $150 worth of extra stuff for free and pay shipping to Canada or USA (Offer not eligible on certain items noted below). NEW ITEMS ADDED and some non Mooney items** I have serial numbers for. EVERYTHING is functional/working as intended unless otherwise noted beside the item. If you are interested in an item and the part number doesn’t seem to match please inquire. I have priced things the best I could (25-50% lower on average) based on Texas Air Salvage as well as Ebay but some of them could be out of whack. Don’t hold this against me. If you are interested, simply leave me an offer and we can work something out. I live in Canada so Interac Etransfer from a Canadian bank is great, otherwise PayPal is fine. Prices are USD. Buyer pays actual shipping costs through whatever method is best for both of us, I will not gouge anyone on shipping. Items I have shipped (that fit in a shoebox sized box) generally arrive in 1-2 weeks and cost around 15-20 USD. I offer no warrenty aside from the item working as advertised so I will issue a refund for anything DOA but no time period after so please be prepared to test or install in a reasonable amount of time. You can PM me here, but for a faster response you can email me at kevinhedrei@hotmail.com or call or text 905-399-1588. If I don't respond I'm probably flying. -JPI EDM 700 Engine monitor P/N EGT-7014C. Harness included and is in great shape. 5CHT probes (not sure why I’m missing one). 6 EGT probes, TIT probe, Oil temp probe, CDT probe $700 MOONEY SPECIFIC (ish) STUFF -Mooney OEM instrument cluster. Model 6247-00066 P/N 640281-513 $300 -Mooney OEM Rheostat Dimmers P/N JS1N055P251MA w/plug and harness. (**Edit I have the knob caps) $30 -4x Mooney OEM fuel senders. Have serial/part #’s. (worked well but dirty with sealant) $300 FOR ALL -2x Power supply for wing tip strobes P/N 701295-3A $40 EACH -Nav light housings and lenses (1 for each side) + Bulbs $30 EACH -2x Klixon Switch Breakers. P/N 20TC2-BG-5 (5 amp) P/N 20TC2-BG-10 (10 amp) Covers are for elevator trim & Prop Deice but the prop deice cover came from the strobes. Ordered a new switch and changed the cover because the new strobes needed 15 amps. $50 EACH AVIONICS -King KT76A Transponder w/tray P/N 066-1062-00 $100 -1x King KR87 ADF TSO w/tray P/N 066-1072-00 (display occasionally dims/flickers when cold but fine once warmed up) $200 -King KI227 ADF indicator P/N 066-3063 $200 -King KMA24 Audio Panel w/tray *edit I found wiring harness $200 -2x DM N170-2 Antenna (hooked to transponder and DME I believe) $50 EACH -Telex Intercom control. PC4 Cat# 70650-000 $80 -Bendix Magneto Ignition Switch w/4 keys P/N 0-357210-9 $150 -Altitude Encoder/Digitizer Model# SSD120-25 $100 -Tachometer RPM 2700 Redline B&D P/N 0506-005 $200 -Narco stand alone DME $150 -Narco Audio panel (worked but was getting some static and interfeerence in a flight school plane not terrible, but annoying) $FREE you pay shipping. ODDS & ENDS -DM 121.5 Mhz ELT (Battery due) $40 -Mitchell Aircraft Products Oil PSI sender P/N PS-211-9040 $30 NEW or NEAR NEW stuff - This stuff is not mine so not eligible for the discount offer I made above but feel free to make an offer. -Ameri-King Corb Altitude Encoder P/N AD350 (BRAND NEW in box) $200 -Narco Avionics Nav 121 TSO VOR receiver indicator all in one. (Excellent condition) $500 -Terra Corp voltage converter Model# C28-5 $60 each -2x Welden Tool Co. Fuel pump. P/N C8100-F (BRAND NEW) $750 -United Instruments Altimeter P/N C661071-0101 (Out of a Cessna I believe) $500 -MGL Avionics VFH Comm Model V10 FCCID WSJV10 (Like new with Harness) $500 Non Mooney stuff - This stuff is not mine so not eligible for the discount offer I made above but feel free to make an offer. -Seats which were custom made for a Pitts. BRAND NEW perfect condition. Belong to a friend. I think he decided the colour wasn't good and made new ones. These are honestly perfect and never been installed. He paid well over $2000 CAD to make them. They come with booster cusions for under the finished seat and velcro for attachement. I have more pictures and can get exact measurements. Asking $1400 USD -7 point seat belt set. Blue and red in colour. All hardware and webbing in great shape. He doesn't like the colour. More pics available on request. Asking $150 USD -2 Brand new brake discs that fit a Pitts. Pics and part numbers available on request. Offer? -2x Cleveland Hub, Bearing, Brake rotor COMPLETE assembly TSO Model 40-96E (BRAND NEW these were bought for a Lancair IVP I believe but you must do your due diligence and verify. They were $4000 each). Asking $2500 each. -B+C 60A Alternator (experimental) P/N BC462-H w/28V regulator included. (BRAND NEW IN BOX WITH RECEIPT and B&C Paperwork) $450 -Harzell 2 blade prop from Piper Malibu. Good condition with paperwork. BHC - CZYF - 1BF. (I don't know much about model numbers on these but I have pictures and pictures of paperwork and can get all the info you need. If you are interested I can put you in touch with the current owner. -Hartzell 2 Blade Aerobatic prop from a Pitts. Good condition as well. Not sure on paperwork status. HC - CZY. Again, I can get whatever info you need. -3 axis Autopilot Removed from 1973 (<-I think) Cessna 182 P (<- I'm sure) model. Working when removed for upgrade. Edo air T+B indicator TSO P/N 52D75-14. Edo Roll servo P/N 1C363-1-397-R (the "397" is faded so could be wrong). Pitch servo Stec P/N 0107-P4. Trim Servo Stec P/N 0105-T10. Alt Controller Stec P/N 0117 "brain" Stec P/N 0110-2TF
  6. Hello everyone, I recently scored a used JPI EDM 830 (huge upgrade from my EI UBG-16) for a killer price. I wanted to flush mount the unit in my panel, which would require me to redesign my existing panel. I saw JPI has a flush mount for around $80, but I didn't want to purchase it if I really didn't need to. Since I was already redesigning my right side panel in CAD, I also decided to design a flush mount for the EDM as well.. I have attached a few images of the 2nd iteration of my design which will use locknuts press fit and epoxied in place. Is it okay to install something like this in my plane? Is it imperative that the mount need to be metal? The part will be constructed out of ABS, so temperature resistance and rigidity/strength are not an issue. Thanks!
  7. Hi Everyone, We are in the home stretch for our 2020 Summer Conference & Retreat. I am excited to say that we have now reached nearly 50 registrations for our summer event. We have a diverse group of pilots and their families scheduled to attend from all over the US. Some even from as far away as Texas, Ohio, and Canada. West Coast Mooney Club Summer Conference & Retreat. August 20-23, 2020 Sunriver Resort Sunriver, Oregon Airport Code (S21) Featured Presenters Include: Don Maxwell, Phil Corman (The Mooney Flyer), LASAR, Airspeed Insurance, Jan Maxwell (Right Seat Ready) & Crewchief Systems. Sponsors Include: LASAR, Aircraft Spruce, Crewchief Systems, Don Maxwell Aviation, Bruce's Custom Covers, The Mooney Flyer, Right Seat Ready, JPI Instruments, Lightspeed, Tempest, Oasis Aero / Weep No More, Airspeed Insurance It's going to be an amazing and fun weekend. Land At The Resort Airport (S21), Hotel & Fuel Discounts, Spa & Amenity Packages, Wine Tasting Party, Sponsor & Raffle Giveaways, Amazing Scenery and Recreational Activities For more Information and to Register, Please Click The Link Below. West Coast Mooney Club - Summer Conference & Retreat I hope to see you there. Michael Rodgers
  8. Hi Mooney fans! Im from Advanced Aviation Reno Inc and we are a dealership and install facility for Dynon certified, Trutrak autopilots, Avidyne, Trig Avionics, JPI and Surefly ignition systems! We love all Mooneys and we work on them all the time. We've been waiting on TruTrak finishing certification on the Mooney variant of their autopilots but after chatting today with our contact at Dynon, it seems highly likely that the Dynon autopilot for the HDX may be ready at the same time, if not before! (I presume TT and Dynon may have been working together?who knows) We can also do Aspen E5 units and G5's on request and the Dynon display with integrate nicely with the TT- the Dynon version will be quite a bit cheaper and the overall cost is way cheaper than a Garmin G3X setup, both in equipment cost and installation time. So any Mooney work that needs doing (Avionics or mechanical) and you're in flying range of Reno give us a shout! Ask for me (Calum) and I can hook you up with a great avionics deal. We can give discounts on bundle deals like an Aspen and TT, or A dynon and Avidyne IFD email: avionics.aari@gmail.com facebook: @advancedaviationreno We also have a website but I haven't got around to overhauling it yet: www.advancedaviationreno.com
  9. I would like to ask the good people of MooneySpace for suggestions on rearranging the panel in my M20K 231 in a cost conscious way, as well as help on deciding on a engine monitor. Any other hints for now and for the future are also most welcome. By "cost conscious" I don't necessarily mean "cheapest possible", rather "inexpensive but sensible". Work will likely be outsourced to a shop, a FAA A&P/IA is a rare sight at EPKP, one that would sign off my self-install even more so. I currently have standard analog / vacuum instruments as pictured below; in the avionics rack: KMA24, GNS430W, KY197, KNS80, ADF; in the right panel: a FT101 fuel totalizer, the adjustment panel for the remote compass for the HSI, a WX950 stormscope, TIT, ELT, XPDR and a void. The AP is a KFC200, which works well but is lacking, as far as I can tell, GPSS. Everything works and I see no signs of something wanting to fail. My primary goal for now is to install an engine monitor. I do want a "primary replacement" unit, since the cost difference vs the non-primary units is likely close to fixing whatever gauge breaks first, and I want the recording of as many parameters as I can get. I do not plan on removing the original gauges at this time. I also need an intercom. I don't think I can afford to replace the KMA with a modern unit, since it would probably mean major rewiring. So a Telex PC4 or similar will most likely go above the AP annunciator panel. Hooking it to the KMA should be simple enough. In the future I do want to replace things that break with modern devices, if cost is not prohibitive and compatible with whatever remains, but future-proofing is not a primary requirement at this time, so let's not get too carried away. Think more G5 (if it becomes a KI256 replacement) or Aspen, not G500. GFC500 only when the KFC200 breaks beyond economic repair (hoping never...). For the immediate task at hand - an engine monitor - I am thinking either a CGR30P/C combo (where the ADF indicator and the electric AI are) or a EDM900 (landscape across ADF and VOR, which gets moved to where the AI is). When I try hard enough, I can imagine a MVP50 or a EDM930 in the right panel, but it is more rearranging of stuff and I'm not convinced that the ergonomics will work. This is a stock M20K, with a GB1, so I expect it to need fairly continuous tweaking of the knobs. I really don't see them in the avionics rack, I want to keep the KNS80 for now, and moving it, if even possible, is likely a major PITA. I have, briefly, considered using a Dynon HDX / Garmin G3X / G500 as just engine monitors that I can expand into full glass cockpits later, but as others here proved, they won't really work in that capacity on a budget, and I am not ready to go "all in". Thank you all in advance!
  10. Hello All: 2004 Ovation with JPI. When leaning lately, the #3 and always the #3 cylinder peaks first and early making it difficult to get a true peak reading and thus a true ROP/LOP setting. (Not getting into that discussion, here.) It happens more often than not. I try and lean very slowly, but most of the time lately, #3 peaks very quickly. I simply want to know if anybody else has experienced this and what may be the cause(s). I suspect dirty injector on #3 or weak or failing probe on #3. Any thoughts? redraider
  11. Hey everyone the JPI factory rebates have expired but I am keeping the free shipping and disscounted prices below, thank you all for the support! Here are some prices for the common set ups for Mooneys but feel free to reach out to me if you are interested in adding features or upgrading your current JPI. These prices are for the hardware only, installation is available at North Las Vegas Airport (KVGT) or I can send you the product to have your own A&P/IA install. EDM-730 4 cylinder with all probes and sensors (basic) $1,575 EDM-830 4 cylinder with FF, %HP, RPM plus all sensors and probes (TIT & IAT extra) $2,500 EDM-730 6 cylinder with all probes and sensors (basic) - $2,150 EDM-830 6 cylinder with FF, %HP, RPM plus all sensors and probes (TIT & IAT extra) $2,750 EDM-900 6 cylinder - Certified replacement for many of your analog gauges including fuel option for 2 tanks $4,250 Here is a link to my JPI page https://wolfaviationsales.com/jpi-engine-monitors Give me a call or email if you would like quotes on anything I have not listed. Thank you, Sanjeev Prasad Wolf Aviation wolfaviation@cox.net 702-430-2255
  12. I recently upgraded my panel to a 830. I have a JPI 700 with brand new sensor harnesses and FF transducer for sale. The head unit is about 2 years old. Asking $1,200. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I can sell this as either an upgrade or a full install package: upgrade: $1000 display, firmware v 3.43, with Pilots Guide will include OAT(1220), MAP (604010), Floscan 201B and oil temperature sensors. Note: I’m waiting on a plug, so oil temperature probe is still attached to the engine, may be a couple of weeks. full install package: $1600 in addition 3 CHT bayonet probes, 1 spark plug gasket probe and 1 factory gasket probe (goes under factory CHT probe). 4 EGT probes wiring harnesses P1-P4, EGT/FF toggle switch The EGT, bayonet CHT, and OAT probes are brand new. Only missing oil pressure and RPM sensors.
  14. For my M20J - 201: I bought a JPI EDM700 to replace a faulty JPI EI from Willmar but unfortunately they(he) went out of business and have been unable to track down the instrument. Also had an annual and new prop that I don't have paperwork for yet...Anyone aware of a loose 700/730? Or perhaps have one to sell? Or how to reach Brian? ;-/ I also have a GNS 430 with a sticky button - would like to buy a WAAS 430 or 530 to replace. Thanks to any responses! See you @ SNF. 605 389-4225 mei.cfii@gmail.com
  15. We're upgrading from a JPI 700 to 830. Can you help me with a supplier and part number for a "T-fiting" for the manifold pressure sensor for a JPI 830? Tfitting diag for MAP.PDF
  16. I have a Mooney 201 that I've owned for a month and am getting a JPI900 installed this week or next. I'm looking for recommendations on placement for those of you that use an engine management system already. The unit can be installed portrait or landscape. It appears to me that landscape is the better orientation, yet I believe portrait will fit better. I've attached a picture of my panel. To the right of the altimeter and above the 2nd glideslope is an empty hole with a blank panel over it. Also available is the area to the right of that below the gear handle, but that would involve cutting a hole, I don't know if that is easy or not, or has to be done only at an avionics shop. My AP is doing the installation and no avionics shop is at the field. Below the spot under the gear handle is an inop Stormscope, and the center stack has a GTN650 and GTX345 along with KAP150 and 155 2nd radio. Installing landscape in the open cut slot right of the altimeter might infringe on the altimeter, I don't know. My thoughts were that the area under the gear was best and gave me future options to use the other spots for G5/Aspen potential options of moving instruments. Thank you for your consideration.
  17. Hey all - I need to relocate my OAT sensor from my pilot side air vent to the factory location on the passenger side wing on my 78 J. I have a JPI 730 and the existing sensor is the JPI 3in stick probe. I would rather install the mooney factory button sensor but not sure it will work with the JPI. I called JPI and they said maybe but can't say for sure. Is anyone running the mooney factory sensor with a JPI engine monitor? Thanks for your help!
  18. One of my Christmas presents was an upgrade to my JPI EDM 800. After having a bit of a mix up on the cables, everything arrived and took about an hour to install. Finally got out this weekend for a brunch run to Destin with the wife. Here are a couple of pics of the new unit in the panel and some shots of the horrible weather we flew through. Alabama IMC. (Hank knows....)
  19. For Sale: RPM Pickup for JPI Engine Monitors. I had this installed in my M20J until 2015, when I replaced my engine from the IO360-A3B6D (i.e. Bendix Dual Mag) to the IO360-A3B6 (i.e. conventional Slick mags). I posted about the experience in this thread: http://mooneyspace.com/topic/15898-m20j-io-360-a3b6-conversion-experience/#comment-221002 The sensor worked with both my EDM-730 and EDM-830 engine monitors.The attached photos show both the unit itself and a picture of it installed on my plane. It's just a loop of metal with wires on it--hardly makes a difference whether it is "new" or "used." But of course I will honor returns if for some reason it doesn't work for you (you pick up return shipping cost). The attached graphic shows a screen-grab from the JPI website, and an excerpt from the installation manual. You can see that the new unit goes for $395. (!!!) I am selling this unit for $200 + UPS ground shipping. If interested, please email directly at dhc@jpl.nasa.gov Dan
  20. I have one very nice used EDM830 (only 125 hours on it) with a complete set of new probes and harnesses. $2,750 for a standard 6 cylinder system, Optional oil temperature probe for $150.
  21. I have a couple of extra JPI EDM800's that I have taken in on trade. These make for a very easy upgrade from a 700 to 800, and you get fuel flow, RPM, MP, OAT, % Power and more. These are the same probes and harnesses used for the EDM830 and 900 (mostly), so you are all set for future upgrades too. Contact me with a list of what you already have installed, and I'll put together a package for your upgrade. Don (supercub180@gmail.com)
  22. Question for anyone running an EDM-930 (Primary).... On the oil temp for our 1977 Mooney M20J, s/n 24-0042, the green arc (normal operating range) starts at 150 deg F and goes to 225 deg F, as per the original gauge...and the redline is 245 deg F. However, JPI has ours set up so anything below 150 deg F is also red, and we are getting red warnings for quite some time before the oil warms up. With the old analog gauge, we would take off as long as the oil temp indication was off the peg, and if the prop cycling was OK. I am wondering if anyone else has seen this, or had their min oil temp handled a different way on a JPI EDM-930. Thanks!
  23. Hi All, Brett's graphics from his JPI 830 revealing his stuck valve situation was a great example of how to interpret the data. Any of us who own these marvels are certainly impressed with the information it displays, but also are overwhelmed as to what it all means. I thought I would start a thread on examples of engine monitor data and what it meant. Please feel free to show other examples, because I am here to learn too! Brett -- you think you could drop your example here? My first contribution is a fouled #2 cylinder plug on the left mag. You will notice that the #2 EGT temp (yellow arrow) was elevated right from engine start -- something I missed because a) I wasn't looking at the EGT temps and the engine was running smoothly. You will see when I took the rpm up to 2000 to do the run-up, the red arrow points to the dip in EGT temp and of course, now I felt it. I aggressively pulled the mixture at the blue arrow and then did a left right left mag check as indicated by the white arrows.
  24. Any PIREPs on the JPI 930? I'm considering it, I really like all the features it would add but still a bit hesitant about going digital primary. Has anyone installed this unit? Is it worth going primary over just the advisory nature of the 830?
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