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  1. That Pizza Hut was one of the best sources of morale in Afghanistan! That and the Thai restaurant in Kabul on the Nato base. Surprisingly good!
  2. Dear Mooney Enthusiast, The weather for our last event was windy with rain showers around and only 4 Mooneys brought 5 people to lunch at Fort Pierce. But, we had a good time visiting and eating. Our next event will be this Saturday, January 11 at the Flight Line Cafe at Winter Haven (KGIF) at 11:30. As of today on Foreflight their self serve price for 100LL is $4.43. All events start at 11:30. Future events: January 11, Winter Haven, GIF. February 8, Sebring, SEF March 8, Bartow, BOW Please let me know by Thursday if you are going to try to come so I can give the restaurant an approximate headcount. If you tell me you are coming, and can’t come do not worry about telling me, just do not come. I do not want anyone flying for any reason if they shouldn’t. I have been putting on Mooney Lunch for 20 years, starting in January of 2004. My situation is changing and I am thinking of giving it up after the April or May meetings. If anyone would like to take it over, please call me. If I pass it on to someone else, you will be given the option to have your name and address removed from the mailing list before I make the transfer of information. Hope to see you soon, Dave and Ruth N46DT 352-408-3343
  3. Dear Mooney Enthusiast, The weather for our last event was cold, overcast, with a forecast of a low freezing level in the Northern part of the state. As a result we had 9 people show up at Winter Haven in 2 Mooneys and 2 Teslas. Our next event will be this Saturday, February 8, at Sebring. They will no longer take reservations on the weekend, so the first one there needs to tell the restaurant staff that we are coming and how many are in the group. I will send out another email on Friday telling everyone how many I am expecting so you will know what to tell them if you beat me there. All events start at 11:30. Future events. February 8, Sebring, SEF March 8, Bartow, BOW April 12, Ft. Pierce, FPR Please let me know by Thursday if you are going to try to come so I can give the restaurant an approximate headcount. If you tell me you are coming, and can’t come do not worry about telling me, just do not come. I do not want anyone flying for any reason if they shouldn’t. I have been putting on Mooney Lunch for 20 years, starting in January of 2004. My situation is changing and I am thinking of giving it up after the April or May meetings. If anyone would like to take it over, please call me. If I pass it on to someone else, you will be given the option to have your name and address removed from the mailing list before I make the transfer of information. So far, no one has shown an interest in taking it over. Hope to see you soon, Dave and Ruth N46DT 352-408-3343
  4. I live in the Denver Metro area and trek down to the Springs several times a year to go to the Airplane Restaurant for $100 hamburgers. We download and keep our engine monitor data, so I've got plenty of info on this. I went back 3 years and tried to find the absolute hottest day on which I or one of my partners had a recorded flight, correlating temps from https://www.wunderground.com/. The plot below is from July 11, 2023, when the high at KBJC (elevation 5673') was 95 degrees F. It's a long flight, and while we didn't have altitude recording at the time, it's essentially guaranteed by the length of the flight that the climb out was to 3000' AGL or higher. I'm not claiming the flight departed at the hottest point of the day, but it was obviously hot all day long. Hottest CHT in the initial climb peaks at 389F before quickly settling down at level-off. A later climb at higher altitude gets right to 400, again before quickly settling down. I also pulled the raw data from the CSV files over the past two years and sorted it. The highest CHT we've ever recorded on any day under any conditions in those two years is 413F. We've had all-cylinder CHT monitoring since 2006, and in all that time I've never seen anything remotely approaching 450. If you're confident your instrumentation is good and all your baffling is pristine, then the only thing I can think of is you're developing more power than stock, and/or your cylinders run hot (are they chrome perchance?)
  5. For the shop that takes care of Myrtle, I always give a $50 gift card to a local Italian restaurant to the owner and all his mechanics. The family that owns the Italian restaurant are also friends, so I end up buying $500 worth of gift cards from them every year to hand out to folks I appreciate.
  6. I feel it’s a rip off scheme especially if i do not use their service. At KDTO for example there are 2 FBO and there used to be free transit parking in front of the tower. It’s a bone of contention when i want to pickup someone that comes to the airport and does not use their facility in anyway shape or form for them to come out and expect a fee from me. It’s the equivalent of going to a restaurant and self parking in the parking lot but i still have to pay a valet person?!?! No if i didn’t use their valet then I don’t pay. The FBO doesn’t own that tarmac the tax payers do and for a FBO company to come in and then claim that part as theirs to charge a fee is wrong. Now if they build a new complex and new concrete in front of their business and you park there sure. But it would be like me setting up a toll fee in front of my property on the road that goes in front of my house when the tax payers paid for the road already. It’s not mine to charge for nor is it the FBO’s to charge for either.
  7. Indeed, COVID was somehow a precedent where it was acceptable to “close X and carry on” (X = airport, restaurant, shop, fuel station). Then many of these places and businesses have never recovered: some has to do with laziness (there is a technical term somewhere) and a lot has to do with cost-cutting and online shopping post-CV19 https://www.retail-systems.com/rs/Supermarkets_Ditch_24_Hour_Opening_To_Pick_E_Commerce_Orders.php https://www.axios.com/2023/03/17/stores-restaurants-covid-changes
  8. Seems like there are fewer all-night businesses of all types since COVID. I cannot think of an all-night market or restaurant. Probably could find a café or restaurant at a truck stop on an interstate highway if you were desperate.
  9. One gets used to it for public airports (private airports are much more relaxed about opening hours) I recall while ago I was flying VFR from Poznan (Poland) to Stapleford (private airfield in UK) at night: one Dutch ATC along the way told me he never heard a single piston aircraft in frequency at night in his entire career (he was curious why we are doing it? ) For someone coming from US or used to fly in US, it comes as shock when airfield close at 5pm after fireman or controllers go home: unlike US where you have private pilots, Bizjets, Part135, helimeds, police...all flying untowred in middle of the night with PCL/LPV and load of arrangements with FBO or School I also complain about restaurant opening hours and service: in US one can eat lunch at 2am while being served with smile. Here in France, one is more likely to starve on Sundays if they land after 2pm in some remote village: the landing is the easy part, finding food is tricky
  10. From Dave and Ruth: Dear Mooney Enthusiast, We had pleasant VFR weather for our last event with 8 Mooneys and 1 Bonanza bringing 20 people to lunch at Flagler. With their usual good food and service, everyone had a good time. Our next event is this Saturday, May 13 at St. Augustine (KSGJ). This will probably be a first and last as the FBO, Atlantic, is threatening to levy a $75 ramp fee in the future, possibly starting in June. They also did not want our airplanes on their ramp interfering with their jet customers, so I have negotiated with the airport to use the overflow parking (be sure to tell ground control you are going to the overflow parking), and Atlantic will haul us from there to the FBO and back at no charge. I do not know if this service will be available in the future. Below is a copy of my letter and Atlantic’s answers. All events start at 11:30. Future events: May 13, St. Augustine ( SGJ). June 10, Sebring (SEF). July 8, Williston (X60). Please let me know by Thursday if you are going to try to come so I can give the restaurant an approximate headcount. If you tell me you are coming, and can’t come do not worry about telling me, just do not come. I do not want anyone flying for any reason if they shouldn’t. Hope to see you soon, Dave and Ruth 11605 Lane Park Rd. Tavares, FL. 352-408-3343 1). Request parking at overflow ramp 2). You will need to be escorted so van and golf carts will do the trick. Must go through FBO to get to restaurant entrance (streetside) 3). Negative Fee Vinny Beyers General Manager ‑ SGJ T: 904-584-9628 ext. 9628 vinny.beyers@atlanticaviation.com
  11. Dear Mooney Enthusiast, We had 4 Mooneys and 1 Bonanza bring 8 people to lunch last month at Williston. There was fog and low clouds around early in the morning, but it was good VFR after lunch. Our next event will be this Saturday, December 14 at the Tiki restaurant on the Fort Pierce Airport (KFPR). As of today on AIR NAV their self serv price for 100LL is $5.49. All events start at 11:30. Future events: December 14, Fort Pierce, FPR January 11, Winter Haven, GIF. February 8, Sebring, SEF Please let me know by Thursday if you are going to try to come so I can give the restaurant an approximate headcount. If you tell me you are coming, and can’t come do not worry about telling me, just do not come. I do not want anyone flying for any reason if they shouldn’t. We might have a new member wanting a ride from the Clearwater area. If you are coming from that area and would like a passenger, let me know. Hope to see you soon, Dave and Ruth N46DT 352-408-3343
  12. if you made it a bit more west, I’d join. Fredricksburg, Stephenville, anmarillo tradewind has a relatively new restaurant on the field that’s always busy when I drop in too. That might be too far west for you.
  13. Small point but Restaurant at Greeley is open intermittently but is rumored to sell the first of the year.
  14. I overnighted at KCFO in April 2023 on my way back to the Pacific Northwest. Good restaurant on the field. Good smaller airport for fuel/ meal stop
  15. Depends on what the pit stop is for. I think in terms of food first. If overnight stop, lodging is important too. KAPA, south Denver, is one of the busiest GA airports in the country but has a first class restaurant, a hotel in the airport, and is in an area with lots of off airport food and lodging within a 5 mile radius. It was my home base for 20 years. KPUB, in Pueblo, south of, Colorado Springs has always had a great FBO staff. I think there’s still a restaurant there, but I hear it’s not open weekends. The Barnstormer at Greeley (KGXY) north of Denver is famous for their buffalo burgers.
  16. It seems like this is a case of “do you want me to be on time or at the right restaurant?” The answer is yes. I want the right tools at the right time. Not exclusive to, or in place of, one or the other. Certainly fuel starvation and VFR into IMC are higher accident risk overall. But the chance that those would impact me may be much less. Overall statistics apply to overall populations. But when you’re looking at an individual, these statistics sometimes no longer apply outside of the population they were taken from. I.e. the risk of accident due to VFR into IMC is dramatically reduced with instrument rating. The point that perception of risk doesn’t always accurately reflect true risk is valid. But I took this discussion as one of 1) should you concern yourself with traffic displays and ADS-b in data, and 2) does monitoring traffic lead to distraction that results in accidents that wouldn’t have occurred otherwise. As a distant 3) others have described the way they use ADS-b on their panel and portable devices and how they feel it’s been helpful and 4) some instructors have described improper use of technology in the wrong way or at the wrong time that could negatively affect flight/situational awareness But I think that the concept of traffic deconfliction vs accident prevention can be blurred as it’s a continuum. I.e. use of ADS-b data can aid traffic deconfliction that avoids a potential accident vs the traffic could have been also deconflicted over the radio as well as visually. All in all these aren’t mutually exclusive but rather discussing the nuanced use of technology in modern flight, both pros and cons; and highlighting that safe use of technology usually requires education and experience, and sometimes isn't simple or intuitive.
  17. @GeneralT001 depends on what you’re looking for. If you wind up going thru Albuquerque, I’ve flown into KAEG Double Eagle and they’ve got a nice FBO, easy in and out. But if you’re flying into Colorado, choice of airport would be determined by what your plans are…looking for food, staying the night, preference for cheaper fuel, prefer to stay out away from the Denver Bravo, etc. KCFO Space Port is towered and has a solid Mexican restaurant (Mi Tierra) on the field. There are close surface Bravo shelves to the north and west that make you fly a TIGHT pattern…pay attention. Also, it’s quite east of Denver that there isn’t much around in terms close hotels, restaurants, etc without a decent drive. Both KAPA and KBJC are more “in” the Denver metroplex and are towered. Busy with local and training traffic but no big deal with IFR or flight following. KAPA Centennial also has a nice restaurant on the field (A Perfect Landing) that is upstairs and overlooks the field for a cool booth seat by the window. If you wanna stay away from Denver area, KAKO Akron has a pizza joint on the field Miss Bea Havin that’s good and they have decent fuel prices. If you venture into the mountains one of my favs is to stop in Salida KANK and take the courtesy car into town for food along the river. It’s “in the mountains” but nestled in a wide basin and has long runway…so it’s a good VFR mountain airport that’s doable for most. Last but not least, if it’s super windy across Cheyenne, WY (to north) and thru BJC / DEN (to south) many times it’s much calmer thru Fort Collins/Greeley area. KGXY has long runways both N-S and E-W, is uncontrolled but has instrument approaches to all runways, and has a Breakfast/lunch diner on the field (Barnstormers) that’s basic diner food. So it’s a low frills solid backup for sub optimal wx a lot of times. Hope that helps. Post up any specifics you’re looking for and I’m sure everyone can lead you to the best options!
  18. Ha! I just saw that you went to the Big Texan! We use to go there all the time when I was teaching USAF pilot training. Amarillo is a good dinner stop on cross country. If you call the restaurant from the fbo, they’ll come pick you up in a huge black limo (~60s era?) with real Texas longhorns across the entire width of the front of the hood!
  19. I have the Vivity Toric multi-focal in both eyes. First eye done a year ago and second one done just this September. As a pilot and engineer with high expectations, I couldn't be happier with the choice. I only use reading glasses for extended reading. I do not need reading glasses for incidental use of my phone or activity such as reading a restaurant menu. I have no halo effect at night. I see better now than ever before.
  20. Dear Mooney Enthusiast, We had zero people show up for our last event because it was canceled for Hurricane Milton. Our next event will be this Saturday, November 9 at Williston (X60). As of today on Foreflight their self serv price for 100LL is $4.82. All events start at 11:30. Future events: November 9, Williston, X60 December 14, Fort Pierce, FPR January 11, Winter Haven, GIF. Please let me know by Thursday if you are going to try to come so I can give the restaurant an approximate headcount. If you tell me you are coming, and can’t come do not worry about telling me, just do not come. I do not want anyone flying for any reason if they shouldn’t. Hope to see you soon, Dave and Ruth N46DT 352-408-3343
  21. In 2016 I replaced all of my glass with green tint with the UV screen from Great Lakes. I noticed that when parked outside during restaurant visits that the airplane no longer became “hot as an oven” but merely warm. The benefits to your avionics, interior and, more importantly, to you and your passengers at altitude make the UV or Solar Screen options well worth it.
  22. Brand new restaurant opened up on Dallas Executive airport (Red Bird field for those old enough to remember before they changed the name) hince the identifier KRBD finally a restaurant opening up instead of all the closers.
  23. Wow, went to the previous restaurant. Good to know… -Don
  24. Korean food has an upscale component these days, e.g. trendy NY and LA places. Generally good but overly fancy and expensive. LA of course has a large organic Korean community, so lots of regular places, too. Haven't been in a while because, well, California. IMHO the best find is a less-externally-fancy restaurant in a working Korean area. Think strip mall. Old people running it is a good sign. Another tip: Many "Japanese" restaurants, esp. sushi places, are actually run by Koreans. There are little hints in the menu... and often options available.
  25. So, off topic, what and where is this restaurant??????
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