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Everything posted by Marauder

  1. I always thought TIS-A was limited to ES type transponders. If your using a 978 device, I think you’ll only get TIS-B. I fly in a Class B area served by TIS-A and have an ES transponder. I can’t tell if I can receiving TIS-A or B. I can tell when I get TAS from my active traffic unit. Think I need to pull up the “this is TIS” for a refresher. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  2. That’s exactly what needs to be done. That’s another thing ForeFlight has going for it. I did a flight review a few days ago and the CFI was able to seamlessly connect to my Lynx for traffic and weather. A couple minutes earlier on the ground he was looking at weather and traffic (from FlightAware) through WiFi. And of course, my Garmin Pilot won’t switch automatically and if even if it could, it won’t connect to the Lynx. I used to fly with a GDL-39 so I could get weather and traffic in the air. Now I just let the Lynx and Aspens do their thing and GP is the chart device. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  3. Well, I can give you a negative report from personal experience. And there are others... on this site... The shops I trust in our area are rmag’s SureFlight and Smart Avionics. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  4. When I looked into get my Mooney field approved for a B&C, I contacted them directly and they were extremely helpful on what it would take to get a field approval. What I learned is it is best not to be the first person looking for a field approval. I would give them a call. If you have the incorrect unit, maybe they will do an exchange with you.
  5. I feel your pain Milton. I struggled to get mine back to normal after rebuilding the toe cylinders and replacing the brake lines. I’m convinced my issue was trapped air in the toe cylinders. One of the IAs on the field told me that when the toe cylinders are rebuilt it is best to load them up with fluid before installing them. I think what helped was Rich’s suggestion to fly up to 10k. It seemed to have made a difference. I never want to see another air bubble! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  6. There are two ways the ammeter can be wired. Either as an ammeter or as a load meter. If you don’t have an installation manual, you can use this link. https://www.jpinstruments.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Install908-Primary_REV-K-4-18-2017jfp.pdf Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  7. Andy - for those of us who were early Aspen owners and upgraded to Max units at the lower cost, what would it cost to purchase the EBB? I didn’t hear any mention of the EBB being included for 2000 owners who upgraded to Max units. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  8. You need the ACU unit to drive the STECs. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  9. Hey Dan. Thanks for the video. Can the touchscreen items also be reached by pressing the knobs to move from field to field? I could see in turbulence it being difficult to touch the correct item with Mongo fingers. BTW -- where is Peter Garmin? He should be commenting how small the text is on these units. Err, I'm sorry. He only does that when Aspen units are being discussed. My bad.
  10. Cherry Ridge is one of those airports that can snag you. Stinky Pants suggested that we do a fly in there once (in IFR conditions to boot) and I reminded him that some of our fellow Mooney pilots hadn’t flown much lately (it was winter) and when they did, it was off of big runways. When Cherry Ridge’s surrounding trees are under full canopy, that 2986’ displaced runway looks even shorter. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  11. I think it depends on which WX-1000 you have. I think the WX-1000+ is the one with the heading sync feature and the E model allows you to superimpose your GPS flight plan on it. The overall performance is roughly the same but it lacks the cell detection. The biggest advantage to the 500 is the ability to interface it with remote displays like the Aspen and even the GTN series navigators. I went from a WX-8 to having a unit that shows up on my Aspens, the 650 and the Lynx 9000+. Man, has technology evolved. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  12. From my experience, the GTN never performed as well as my old King 170B, MX-170B or even the Narco 12D+. I would make sure the shop did a SWR on it with the new cable and existing antenna. This will eliminate a poorly made up BNC connector. Yes, I had one of those issues when I had new RG400 installed on the Nav side. Also, verify they install RG400 instead of putting in more RG58. Also, not sure if you remember, but when the GTN units first came out they had a lot of open squelch issues. They did several firmware updates as well as having shops adjust the squelch setting. I would verify those updates are current. To be honest, I think the GTNs are a bit more susceptible to interference and I believed they played around with the firmware and squelch settings to get this issue controlled and it may resulted in decreased range. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  13. My GTN 650 also had a shorter range than my older Narco. When the Narco failed, I put in a 16W GNC 255B just to make sure I had the range. I finally was able to get better performance out of the GTN when I replaced the RG58 with new RG400. Night and day difference Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  14. I’m one. Bought a WX-500. I flew for years behind a WX-8 which was in the plane when I bought her. As an earlier poster mentioned, the WX-8 works fine if you know how to interpret the quirks (radial spread, lack of heading sync, etc.). The WX-500 is light years ahead of the older StormScope technologies. You can discern the difference between random strikes and cells. As well, you have a numerical indicator of strike rates which helps with the assessment of intensity. Add in the heading syncing, it takes the guess work out of where the storms are. StormScope in conjunction with FIS-B radar really helps show the difference between delayed convective activity and real time. I think to answer your question, it comes down to how you fly. Like most summer time flyers, I try to fly early in the day not only to avoid T-Storms but also to stay out of the building cumulus clouds. But there are times, when you have to deal with T-Storms forming faster or unexpectedly. I remember 2 trips back from orionflt’s barbecues with storms forming. One time in the Grim Reaper’s Bo where we didn’t have a StormScope and relied on FIS-B radar and another year in my Mooney with the WX-500. The comfort level between those flights was quite a contrast. Not to mention the stigma of my wife dealing with the shame of seeing me die in the Grim Reaper’s Bonanza or what my MooneySpace friends think of my poor decision skills — why would you fly in a Bonanza?! [emoji6] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  15. I’d fix it. Even if you don’t fly in the clouds with thunderstorms around, a StormScope really helps show where and when pop up thunderstorms happen. This was a VFR flight back home. Nice to see where these storms were and if any convective activity was around them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  16. Here’s a clue. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  17. Now you can call this one BS. Especially based on the spirited conversation on the closed COVID thread.
  18. When you select an individual airplane on FlightAware, you will only see their flight profile and no other planes.
  19. Hi David. Looking good. I still owe you some pictures of my F. I think the exhaust pipe areas for non-Power Flow systems may differ a bit between planes due to how they exhaust pipe is attached. I will take some pictures and measurements of the area. I also noticed the SWTA windshield mounting is a little different on my F. The access panels you have on your plane look a bit larger than mine. The top of the panel is fairly narrow on mine. I will take pictures and measurements.
  20. Did you by chance take a look at the Canon plug on the regulator? Thats where I found a lot of my corrosion. BTW - if you do have a regulator failure, I highly recommend the Zeftronics R1530B. It is a direct connect replacement for regulators with the Canon connectors. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  21. And I believe your government just passed legislation allowing employees to carry holiday time over to at least next year. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  22. Negative. The foreign workers were already in the country. The 14 day quarantine is for anyone entering the country whether they are returning Singapore citizens or others entering the country. The Chinese use the same approach. You fly into China from an international flight, you are screened at the airport, given a barrier suit and mask then loaded up on a bus to a hotel where you will stay for 14 days. If your flight originated from Singapore, you get to repeat the procedure when you return to Singapore. Now the place you want to go through this process is in Armenia. My Armenian employee says when you arrive for your 14 day quarantine, your destination is a 5 star hotel where you get to enjoy the amenities. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  23. Just to comment on the Singapore situation since I have employees there. I receive information from HR and the employees themselves on the situation there all the way back in early January. The first thing that is unique about Singapore is they have a plan to deal with health related issues. They use a DEFCON style status board called a DORSCON and all citizens understand what it means. When they went to orange status, their plan was clearly in action and we were advised how this impacted our business & employees. They have a citizen tracking tool and you are required to have it on your portable device. If you are identified as someone who is under quarantine, they send someone to visit you twice a day to make sure your phone isn't home alone. If you travel into the country, you are put up in a hotel for 14 days even after being health scanned upon arrival. Recently, there was a flare up of infections and they tracked it down to foreign workers who were in the country to help build the infrastructure. They quickly identified the source, raised the DORSCON and enacted their plan to address the outbreak. The country understands discipline.
  24. Low blow... but I love it.
  25. Matt - I own a Halo, a Zulu 3, a Clarity Aloft & have flown behind a Bose A20. Here are my observations: Halo - Pros: affordable, lightweight, no sweaty head, great customer support. Cons: Never really liked the mic boom. Clarity Aloft - Pros: Well made, wire frame to keep it on your head correctly. Cons: If I fly with it, I carry a pair of needle nose pliers with me to dig out the ear piece from my head. The design sucks, expensive for what you are buying. Zulu 3 - Pros: Cheaper than the Bose with comparable performance, Kevlar cable on the 3 is a great improvement over my original Zulu's, great customer service (offer an upgrade program to modernize your current Zulu or do a trade-up. Cons: On takeoff, if the headset is not perfectly sealed on my noggin, it will cause the ANR to pulsate during the roll. It must be enough of an issue that they have a video on their site about it. Bose A20 - Pros: Excellent head fit and slightly better sound quality than the Zulu 3, I suspect their customer service is good (never had any issues with my other Bose products getting post warranty support). Cons: Expensive. I would see if you can get someone to loan you a Halo. I picked mine up from a guy who hated it and went back to an ANR unit. You will need to experiment with the various ear buds as they seem to work differently for people. I prefer the black ones. The passive experience is different than the ANR one. I have the Bluetooth on my ANR sets and never use it since I have it on my PS Engineering 450. I did experiment with the built in Bluetooth features. They work fine. I suspect Phil's Halo units will work fine with his Bluetooth design. I'm sure someone has bought one.
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