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Everything posted by yvesg

  1. How would this behave if the step would have some ice mid point that would jam it in the middle. Is there any current limit protection? Having a fuse would protect however would need to be replaced quite often. This event is fairly common at our latitudes. The vacuum system does not suffer when it happens. Yves
  2. If someone realizes that heir CO detector shows around 100 PPM at altitude and they are on supplementary oxygen, is it as bad an emergency as if you were not on supp? Would you decent in a hurry in such situation or just keep cool since you get good stuff through the nostrils. Yves
  3. I wish to take mine up there too at some point. Got an oxygen tank of my own now so will try next long trip. Yves
  4. Are the military flying in the MOA normally monitor VHF guard? Yves
  5. The hanheld I wish to buy does not exists. It is a combo VHF aviation, VHF marine and 2M ham band. Yves
  6. Thanks for sharing this with us Jolie. Merry Christmas to both of you, formation partners. Olaf.
  7. Here is a suggestion Joe: Find another aircraft owner having a 430W or 530W. Park near him and compare the satellites received (I don’t remember which page it is. ) If there is a significant difference report it to the avionics guys. Yves
  8. I’d like to recommend SCS interiors. After I managed to cut a hole in the wrong carpet piece, they short circuited their normal manufacturing cycle do make a replacement so I would get it in 48 hours. Yves
  9. Thanks Ned. I will make if necessary a bracket to fit this on my yoke. The price you asked for cannot be refused by any CB club honorary member! Yves
  10. I broke the rewinding spring on mine this past summer and went to a local clock shop. The guy wanted > $200 to get it fixed without even opening the box. Being an honorary CB club member, I cannot accept this so turned back. I am waiting for a “cheaper” option. Ned says he has one option for me that I will investigate... but my favorite one would be to have it fixed for same or less than the value of the thing. If some of you know of a cheap place to fix them let me know. Yves
  11. I was (not) lucky with this. My 5 kids decided to follow their mom’s path and did not like going to school. It did not cost much in tuition but I am paying back now having to co-sign mortgages. Yves
  12. Thanks Eric for the links. I will connect through LinkedIn when I have a chance. I am also a consultant but as stated changed for software along the path. I did teach at college level telecom stuff before I made the switch. All this because I love flying. It went pretty close for me to become involved with Software Defined radio stuff. I got an offer to work for Zeligsoft (that I rejected) when I was with IBM. Several guys there (when they were triving) came from Rational / IBM like I did. I am causing a thread shift now so let’s talk more about airplane stuff:-) Jerry’s device is the proof that when you put your mind into it that you can devise some device that will be EMC. It will cost more but seems to be much more reliable. Jerry, did you check your thing with a spectrum analyzer? (or check all receivable channels) It is always possible that your invention does generate stuff but you did not run into it yet. Yves
  13. Félicitations Jolie. This will help your travelling a lot. Let me know whenever/if you come on this side of the continent. This might be where you will need your new privileges the most. Yves
  14. I managed to find Eric’s web page (just on top of the report he published) and yes I can confirm he is a smart guy. BTW Eric, about your web page: I attempted to get to your linkedIn profile but the link on your page seems to be stale. I searched for your name and it seems there is a ton of guys with the same name.... no luck. Yves
  15. EricJ, I am very impressed with the quality if your analysis. I was by formation trained with RF stuff and worked in that field early in my career. So I can still catch most of that stuff...I switched to software to make more money more than a decade ago.(Aviation is expensive!) Do you believe that the interference travels electrically (via the power lines) or electromagnetically (airwaves)? Each way would require different approaches to diminish the interferences to appropriate levels. Adding filters to the power line would only fix one of them. We could assume the noisy ones use the switching power supply regulation type. They probably did not care or have any EMC rules/limits to comply with. There is always the potential of major issue with the comms leading to an accident. This could lead to NTSB making recommendations to force having certified devices in the cockpit preventing shutting off comm reception. Yves
  16. And BTW Brice, I am not trying to point fingers at you. I am asking because I had a similar issue starting my M20C in September which led me to borrow my best friend’s Mooney (Ned) for a planned trip ... and one of the potential culprit was the fuel pump for which I checked the replacement/overhaul options. If this Facet pump is OK you will become my hero! After the mechanic cleaned and put the carb back together all went fine so I am expecting to replace that pump at some point... Yves
  17. That price seems very low for a fuel pump. Are you sure it is certified and approved for the Mooney? Yves
  18. My opinion is that shops that charge a low flat fee for annuals are betting on what we call in French “achalandage”. They prefer to have more customers than less, making less on each but with volume will manage to make profit. I agree with comments above that customers will return for other things to be worked on. Same idea with selling fuel cheaper. GA is already expensive enough for the mere mortals. By the way, nobody mentioned that those shops charging less for annuals are the favourite hanging spots of CB club members! This is happening globally, Walmart is a good example. How many here go buy flashlight batteries at a cornerstore at 20 - 40 % more than large surfaces stores? Volume is king. Yves
  19. Here is the 7500 feet table for the C. Yves
  20. If you search the web, you’ll find out that it is not illegal. Is it safe though? Probably not worse than carrying drums of fuel which is done all the time up north. I have the option to take it with me however I do not recall the last time I did carry one with me, probably more than 15 years ago... I usually go south (visit Hector and Piloto) in the winter. Yves
  21. Pre-heated this morning as planned. Here are two pictures... one with all the equipment on the ground and one with it in action. Note that all fits in the luggage area and when I worry about my options to pre-heat going away I can take it all with me. Yves
  22. Forecast is -1 C for the morning so will use the opportunity to test my winter pre-heat gear. I will post pictures if I can when back. Yves
  23. Right Hector. We are planning to go south or south west again this year but this time on the week before Christmas. Are you working during that week? Yves
  24. The coldest I have flown my C ever was -30 C. Not again...Since then my limit is -20C. I do not block the oil cooler with anything. I pre-heat with a propane forced air heater. Yves
  25. I just purchased a portable O2 tank last week. It is getting certified this week. On long trips (in the past) I would borrow one from another Mooney owner but since I will have my own, I am more likely now to fly high due to the availability of the tank. My M20C is not turbo and I should set a personal limit (also aircraft limit) somewhere between 15K and 17K. My question is: If I fly at 17K and have an O2 failure, how useful would be a backup emergency cannister (like the ones suggested above)? Is the useful conciousness long enough at that altitude to allow emergency descent below 10K without the need of such a thing? Thanks. Yves
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