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Everything posted by yvesg

  1. Thank Clarence. I will take a closer look next time. Yves
  2. I went flying yesterday and took a quick look. Is it possible my seats only have 1 cam instead of 2? It is on the right side. Is there different types of seats like some with 2 cams and some with only 1? Yves
  3. Same for me. Should go to the airport this week-end or as soon as the CRAPPY weather clears up. Yves
  4. David, how many do you need ordered to allow a price break? With the US -CDN exchange rate $400 is more like $500 for us “poor” Canadians. Yves
  5. Clarence, would you have a picture of this? Yves
  6. The answer is not simple: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/explore/is-a-thumb-a-finger
  7. OK folks, lets try this... how many fingers?
  8. This is where I put it:
  9. Mine broke recently. As a C.B. club member I would not pay that high for repair. Bought an electric one for $220. Yves
  10. Do you know which ones Clarence? Yves
  11. Here is the device:
  12. My propane setup produces twice yours, 35000 BTUs and it takes between 20 and 30 minutes to pre-heat when the OAT is -20C. I’ll post a picture when I get home. While the aircraft is at annual, I decided to replace the 4 inch pipe and some other fittings. Have been using it for a few decades and it never let me down. Yves
  13. Thanks Fred. If I recall right, there is a filter for the Brittain gyro in my aircraft. Never thought of replacing it. Having a cheap replacement part option is interesting, specifically for a member of the C.B. club. Yves
  14. Are liquid (fuel) filters also working for air? Yves
  15. I recal a METAR for Ottawa (the Canadian capital) near where I am based and we had a 0SM visibility with 0 wind about 10years ago. I printed it on a sheet for posterity but cannot remember where I put it. If I find it I will post. Yves
  16. With the closure (hopefully temporary) of Brittain, I would expect parts prices like for the rare BI805 to drop. The reason is simple: Without a way to certify them, owners will be less interested in them. I was looking for one myself but having second thoughts now. I am becoming more incline to go with the new kids on the block autopilots (the few experimental devices that are becoming approved). Yves
  17. They might not be the best (cheaper) to deal with for custom stuff but I got very good service and turn up one piece of my kit. Yves
  18. We always pay more in $CDN about 20% premium. VISA (or my bank) does the conversion. The price I see on their web site seems the same (from memory) as what I paid in the fall. I am not sure I understand what your issue is with them. I only see carpet /floor kits and a few seat cushion covers stuff... I do not see whole interior kits anywhere. Yves
  19. Bonjour Mike, I have installed new carpets this last fall in my 1965 M20C. I bought the kit from SCS interiors (I strongly recommend them) and did not have such an issue near the pedals. One suggestion, take a picture and post it here. I am sure someone on the forum would have suggestions. We have a few experts (one of them is also a Canadian: Clarence) who might be able to help You could also send the picture to Don Maxwell for his opinion if you do not get an answer here. Ou est basé ton avion Mike? Yves
  20. This might help you. Anyone having the shims picture (figure 1) missing from this page? http://www.donmaxwell.com/publications/MAPA_TEXT/Alining Engine Using Shims/ALIGNING_YOUR_ENGINE.HTM Yves
  21. When I woke up this morning, the OAT was at -30 C. Too cold for flying. I put some wood in the fireplace, light it up and did nothing else than warm up all day! Yves
  22. There are at least 2 flights every winter for me where the step is iced up but the rest of the airplane is OK to fly. I have wing , tail covers, and canopy covers that protect from elements and when removed, there is rarely any need to thaw any part. When the step is iced up I am usually telling myself... it will not go all the way up... and go do my flight. If it would be electric I would want something very safe like what I get with vacuum. Yves
  23. The coldest I flew mine it was -30 C on the ground. The aircraft is parked outside. After ground pre-heat it started OK. On take-off one or two dials went berserk (do not remember which one(s) it was too long ago). It settled after a few minutes. The rest of the flight went well without any events. The kids sitting in the back seat were freezing though. Since then, I avoid going to the airport when it is anything cooler than -20 C. Yves
  24. The system I would want is something that would try the retraction a couple of times... and if too much current is senced, would just stop moving anything until the next flight, or some action from the pilot that would request trying again. Yves
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