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Everything posted by slowflyin

  1. http://www.batteryminders.com/batteryminder-model-128cec1-aa-s5-12v-8-amp-concorde-aviation-battery-charger-maintainer-desulfator/ This is the newer version of what I use. Of note; I've used it on a Concorde for six years while my business partner chose not to on his Skyhawk. Same environment-comparable flight times- both have Skytec starters- one IO360- O360 and we just replaced his Concorde after 36 months. Scientific, heck no but he just bought the unit above.
  2. I use a battery minder that is specifically designed for a Concorde aviation battery on my Mooney with excellent results. It has a temp sensor attached to the battery and I'm very comfortable leaving it running in my absence. In the summer its not much of an issue but I think it is valuable in the low temps we have in the winter. Brisk starts durIng the bitter cold are the norm. Nothing scientific but my battery challenges are nonexistent since I bought a quality charger/maintainer. My experience, less money spent on batteries and great starts year around. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. +1 one for Orion Nav/Anti Col. all the way around and removing the beacon.
  4. Congrats from a fellow F driver! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. Tons on this site via search. That being said, http://www.donmaxwell.com/publications/MAPA_TEXT/_overlay/Fuel Tank Repair_How We Fix Them 2-05.htm
  6. Unfortunate to say the least.
  7. Welcome! I'm an F driver as well.
  8. It's not the lines- it's my health. Dang if I don't pick up a bug more times than not when I fly commercial.
  9. Very nice! Which model 360Fly are you using?
  10. Thanks for posting! Looks very cool. I looked up the specs on the newest version and it says it will accept a BT audio input. This could be really fantastic if it will link up with my BT audio panel. Video with ATC with no wires! joe
  11. Here is a Don Maxwell opinion. http://www.donmaxwell.com/publications/MAPA_TEXT/Field Overhaul/Having Your Engine Overhauled In The Field.htm
  12. The original question- Is it worth it? Seems like a low-risk proposition. Put it on and try it. If you don't like it send it back. That was my thinking when I was on the fence. I figured all it would cost 3-4 hours labor on both ends. My stock exhaust needed inspection anyway so I was really down to 3-4 hours of labor if I didn't like it. I didn't pay $4000 either. Bought in advance and saved a considerable amount. I'm fairly certain I can sell my stock exhaust and recoup some funds. I've chosen to keep mine. Others may have chosen differently. I've heard stories of someone who knew someone who knew someone that returned theirs. I do believe some are returned. Anyone here that has exercised that option?
  13. I'll be sure and bring my gun.
  14. I'm checking but it's pretty far out.
  15. I have not. Worth considering. Thanks
  16. Good Afternoon, The wife and I are flying into New Kent, VA (w96) for a wedding about 6 miles away. No courtesy car or transportation at the airport. Anyone from that area with a suggestion?
  17. Congrats!!!! Pics please.
  18. I've experienced the same thing but only during a GAMI lean test when I'm leaning very, very slowly. Checked and rechecked, no blue. Only the usual tad around the injectors. Sent the entire system, servo to injectors for overhaul and it didn't fix it. I'd be interested to know your findings.
  19. Affirmative- was quoting Jetdriven
  20. The video is misleading. The claw is designed to have equal tension on all three legs. Not saying it's great, but the video was shot by a competitor that did not test it properly.
  21. Late this morning the wife and I made a return trip from Lakefront-Cleveland, OH to our home base in Blackstone, VA. 1.75 vmc out of a 2 hour flight. Light to moderate rain most of the route with a nice GPS approach ending. Breaking out close to minimums with the runway exactly where it is supposed to be never gets old! Magic Carpet ride! Also, Cleveland was great. Tired of the heat and humidity we set out to find better weather. We laid out a 2.5 hour radius and Cleveland had the nicest forecast so off we went. We were airborne Saturday morning and were greeted with 70 and clear with a nice breeze. Walked all of downtown, ate some great food and enjoyed the sites. Another great weekend made possible by our Mooney.
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