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Everything posted by slowflyin

  1. I’ll check it out. Thanks again!
  2. I had the fuel senders all replaced with Ceis and moved some things around on the panel during the process. I’ll have to pull the invoice to get you a number.
  3. I flew it home and went to the wire shop without delay!
  4. Thanks for all the help. I had assumed it was one of the dealer setup items. Never even considered it was an end user item. Thanks again!
  5. Yes, please advise. Thanks!
  6. I have a JPI 900 with CEIS senders (two per tank) on my Bravo. The display shows fuel level but does not specify fuel remaining. Please see pic. I've noticed the JPI website has the 900 displaying fuel used in the fuel level indicator. Seems like I've seen the same display on some users panel pics. Can anyone explain?
  7. Not a Mooney or even aircraft accident but relevant still. We lost two gentlemen from our community this week to CO. They were four wheeling in a side by side off road vehicle and had it buttoned up very tight to keep warm. Apparently they got stuck as a Son watched. He hightailed it to the house to get the truck and when he returned they had both perished. I didn't know them personally. Prayers for the families.
  8. Yep, because I had multiple transactions with him I ignored my gut and got stung. I’ll be out his way soon though. Work will be taking me there.
  9. Beware- I was a Bob Fields customer. Love their seals! Paid for my last one last year but never received the product. Call after call after call...…..Sad to see a son do this to his fathers legacy.
  10. Fluid is 55 pounds. 37 Pounds Non-FIKI empty.
  11. I read Bravoman's post to say he had Inadvertent/Non FIKI TKS. Not sure if that's correct. If so- Inadvertent is 92 pounds. So that's a 17 pound additional weight penalty. Still more than I would have expected.
  12. I'd think it would be a much lower weight penalty to go from inadvertent to FIKI. All I know is what I've read from other MS threads. They seem to say redundant pumps, and a heated stall vane are the additional requirements. Hopefully someone can chime in.
  13. I don't fly an O but here's my last trip back from FL to VA. A similar mission but not quite as far. 702 NM and about 67 gallons.
  14. I'd be interested in a set.
  15. Yes they are still for sale. However I’m out on travel until Jan 2. If I can wait I’ll ship promptly.
  16. The lamp is located in the Bravo annunciator panel. 28 volt system indicating 28.5 under load. Thanks
  17. I’ll review the m manual. Thanks for the advice. Fingers crossed hoping the diodes haven’t degraded.
  18. Gents, Looking for some advice regarding my alternator idiot light. The light for my left alternator will occasionally flicker while in cruise. I’ve turned off the right alternator with no drop in voltage with the system loaded up. Lights, pito heat, prop heat............ I have tested this way several times and it seems the flickering subsides with the right alt offline. Is there a threshold setting? Thanks, joe
  19. I've got one with little or no time on it in VA.
  20. Part Number : 01-0770329-00 I have two power packs that I removed from the wing tips of my 94 Bravo. Both working when removed. $100 each or $175 for the pair. obo I also have the tail strobe power pack Model Number: A490ATSCF. $100 obo Various other components as well.
  21. While chasing down an oil leak I discovered both the inter-cooler drain and sump drain check valves were seeping. New O- rings fixed the problem. Here’s my confusion, the check valve in the sump is down stream from the turbo only allows air out. Seems like under boost pressure would escape. The check valve for the inter cooler only lets air in. Seems like both positions would be treated the same. I’m sure I’m confused but I’ve learned not to assume things are correct. thanks in advance, joe
  22. Amen on the lack of injuries. Respect for your positive attitude. Airplanes can be fixed. Still so very sorry this happened.
  23. Full disclosure, the email above has some lines deleted that were not relevant to the discussion. As gsxrpilot pointed out, it's probably all good as now I have the choice of two Aspens without the backup. At the time it was discouraged by the lack of consensus and walked away.
  24. Lesson learned. In hindsight I should have sourced another shop. It's tough to change when you have been using the same folks for 15 years. I did however get a second opinion when they told me no. Currently, the L3 ESI-500 is not an option, that may change in the future but, it could be a ways off. The Sandia Quattro and the RC Allen 2610 with battery backup meet the requirements of our STC but, the Aspen dealer will need to make their own evaluation since they are signing it off. Best regards, Michael Studley Director, Customer Service - Field Service Engineering – Northeast Sales Aspen Avionics 5001 Indian School Rd NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 USA Office: +1 (603) 617-2886 www.aspenavionics.com
  25. When did you have the work done? I approached Aspen in April about using the EIS 500 and was told it was not an option. I'm hoping things have changed.
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