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Everything posted by slowflyin

  1. I don't do much night IFR as my typical mission doesn't require it. As far as day, I'm comfortable with an "out". I need better weather within fuel reserves +. I haven't cancelled more than a handful of flights over the past 15 years but It happens. This year I was coming home from FL to VA after two weeks on the road. Really, really ready to be in my own bed. The whole East coast was forecast 400 and overcast and my hour reserve wasn't enough to get me far enough West to find better weather. 400 isn't particularly low for me but I was concerned if the forecast was a bust it would be for the entire area so I cancelled. I don't ever want to be in a situation where I have to get into an airport. As a side note, I made the trip the next day with my destination on the trailing edge of the weather and broke out at minimums (315) even though the forecast was 800 OVC. The difference, my alternate was 30 minutes west with 4500 and broken. It was a relaxing approach knowing better weather was so close. I fly the Brittain wing leveler paired with an Stec 30 Alt hold.
  2. My local hardware store sells asphalt marking paint. Brush it on and it dries really, really fast.
  3. Mine did the same...sent it to them and they fixed it even though it was well out of warranty. Great service.
  4. It's always so satisfying to finally fix a leak!
  5. Mine dripped once..trash..flushed it out and good as new. Run a little avgas through it. Open and close repeatedly while it's flowing. Just poor it in the oil filler tube. Won't hurt a thing. Alternatively you could have a bad oring. Either way, easy fix. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  6. My wife and I flew Bose for years. Great product! However, once we became Mooney drivers and started flying more than two hour legs we became uncomfortable. Bought two Clarity's and have never had a regret. No headaches, no sweat, sunglasses.... Fantastic! Early on we were constantly attempting to exit without removing them! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. I'm interested as well. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Wise Man. Happy Wife, Happy Life!
  9. I've often said the same regarding the comfort. I can't ride in my wife's Cadillac as long without getting all squirmy and uncomfortable. My previous two birds were Cessna's and I sat upright as described. Definitely something about the way my Mooney's tiny seat spreads my weight out.
  10. Some of the leading manufacturers of these hobbyist systems do exactly that. Turn it on within 5 of an airport or anywhere else it's illegal to fly and it won't work. They are also limited to 400 feet AGL everywhere including Restricted airspace. That being said, there is a ton of open source autopilot software being used. Think of your Android phone software flying around. Yikes. At the end of the day most of the half a million of these things flying are being operated by responsible folks. It's always the few that make trouble for the rest.
  11. I support the AOPA. Early in my flying career they were invaluable. As I accumulate more and more experience the resources I once enjoyed are less desired. However, GA needs pilots and those that came before me supported AOPA. So for the features I don't rely as much anymore, I'm just paying back. I also support the PAC on occasion. Other than the EAA and AOPA who else is lobbying for us? Third class medical reform alone is worth the price of admission.
  12. Congrats! You will have an excellent traveling bird!
  13. I added the Accuflite with DG and an Stec Alt hold during my last upgrade. I find it works great with the 650! I've pondered adding GPS roll steering but I really don't think I need it. With more and more Direct clearances I find myself in the set it and forget it mode. The heading bug is relatively inexpensive and reduces the work load considerably. If I'm issued a new and lengthy clearance I often set the bug to get me headed in the general direction of the first fix. Sometimes I'll ask for a heading if I'm in unfamiliar territory or the work load is high. Then I've got plenty of time to reprogram the 650. I've also share the same experience with practice approaches. Once the 650 shifts into approach mode, mine will keep well within a single dot with no rudder input.
  14. Hartzell sent me the wrong part for my alternator install. Maybe we will get lucky and you can use it. You need to call Lycoming and give them the serial number off of your engine. They pulled the microfiche for my exact engine-(serial number specific) and identified the correct part number in about five minutes. I was really appreciative and totally impressed. In my case the Lycoming manual showed a few different variants. Only by checking the assembly sheet for my serial number did I get things moving.
  15. Lots of tires will do fine. However, as Matt said, only Airstop tubes. They truly do eliminate or cut adding air to near zero.
  16. This was my experience. No real consensus even among controllers. Some folks are adamant their opinion is correct, but in the end, it seems there are only opinions. I can't seem to find any regulations to back this one up.
  17. Spruce sells a nice purpose built wrench. Well worth it. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
  18. Congrats!!!!
  19. Best I can recall the later model Skylanes have a 42" wide cabin and the Ovation is 44".
  20. A quick google search revealed a ton of links to this subject. Many responses from controllers state they want a 3 mile final but just as many stated they expect a base leg three miles long. It's interesting that his has come up on so many forums. Also, most forums had at least one person that attempted to find a regulation to support a position. All I read reported no joy.
  21. If this is a duplicate post please forgive in advance. I thought I commented but I don't see it. This situation happened to me as well. I was 10 miles East of the field and was ask to report a 3 mile left base. Traffic was landing to the South so this seemed reasonable. I chose the bottom drawing and reported a base leg that was 3 miles long assuming he wanted notice before I mixed it up with any downwind or final traffic. The controller quickly corrected me. It seemed he wanted a base leg of normal length that would result in a three mile final. The next day I discussed it with our local Tower Chief and he quickly dismissed it as poor phraseology. Not to throw rocks as I've had nothing but positive interactions with controllers form many, many years but I tend to agree. I don't think you will find "report a three mile base leg" in the controllers handbook. Maybe report base for a three mile final. What I learned, just ask repeat back with greater clarification. "Report base leg for a 3 mile final, 6799V" or "Report established, three mile base leg for one mile final, 6799V"
  22. Same exact thing happened to me last year. In that case the controller wanted me to call a left base for a 3 mile final. During the event I went with the bottom drawing but was quickly made the subject of a teachable moment on the radio. I later visited a veteran controller for guidance and without hesitation he informed me the phraseology was incorrect.
  23. I've done both new and used. As 601RX noted, Lycoming is the only option of new and I use Gibson Aviation for used. My preference for the A1A is new.
  24. I found these in my search. Seems like a good compromise between taxi and landing. Anyone have a PAR 46 size of these installed that could offer a PIREP.
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