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Everything posted by stevesm20b

  1. I use a hacksaw. Easy to cut and fast.
  2. What about the Cessna 210? Faster than 6 place Pipers and the 201. Cheaper than an A36.
  3. What is SB208B?
  4. Nice!
  5. The Bonanza is a nice airplane. But a lot more expensive to buy and maintain. If you took the money that it cost to buy a Bonanza and spent it on a Mooney. You could have a Rocket and money left over. He should be comparing his Bonanza to a Mooney with the big continental 6 cyl in it and not a Mooney with a little 4 cyl .
  6. I like the manual step, flaps and gear in my "B" model. Simple and always work.
  7. Great Video!
  8. Nice!
  9. I put Goodyear Flight custom II tires on my M20B about two years ago and have about 250 landings on them and they still look new.
  10. Had both comm radios go out at the same time. Comm #1 stopped transmitting and when I switched to comm #2 and tried to tune to tower frequency the tuner nob broke. Had a baggage door open in flight, ripped off the interior of the door but the door otherwise held up. Never again let passengers secure doors.
  11. I cruise WOT and 2500rpm regardless of wind direction. I may vary my altitude depending on winds aloft in order to get the best ground speed.
  12. I think they should last at least 10 years.
  13. What did they do to the 1970 model C to increase the green arc from 150mph to 175mph, and the Vne from 189mph to 200mph?
  14. Sounds great on paper. How do you descend at 500 feet per min with any kind of power in a "B" model or early "C" model without going way into the yellow. I'm in the yellow at cruise power when flying level below 6,000ft. The yellow arc starts at 150 miles per hour in the B model and early C models.
  15. Congratulations on your hitchhiking project. I think Hawaii is going to be a tough one! Good luck.
  16. I have a 61 B model with the 3 blade Hartzell prop. I don't have any vibration problems. I went to the light weight starter and the Plane Power Gen to Alt conversion and it is actually lighter than it was with the two blade with the stock starter and generator. I didn't notice any speed loss going to the 3 blade. But I had the engine overhauled at the same time. I did notice a 150 to 200 feet per min climb increase with the 3 blade prop. My plane has most of the speed mods. 201 windshield, cowl enclosure, aileron seals, flap gap seals, wing root fairing, dorsal fin, tail root, rudder and elevator covers and brake cylinder rotation. I usually cruse 150kts between 7,000 and 9,000ft.
  17. What ever happened to the 4th amendment?
  18. Which LED light do you have?
  19. One more reason I like the manual gear.
  20. I would trade you panels.
  21. It cost us tax payers nearly 100 million for Obamas trip to Africa. Obama has spent more money on his trips and vacations in his first term in office than all the presidents before him combined.
  22. This is really screwed up. None of the "C" models came with fixed cowl flaps.
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