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Everything posted by stevesm20b

  1. I did the Plane Power Generator to Alternator conversion and used the same belt.
  2. I agree with Mitch. Hawthorne would be your best bet.
  3. The "E" with the Stec30 would be a better buy for 10k more. It has the IO360 with 20 more hp and to have an Stec30 installed in the "C" would cost about 14K.
  4. I have a simple rule. I don't fly when icing condishions are present.
  5. Great looking panel! Can't wait till I can get mine done.
  6. Nice!
  7. I watched the show. I agree with the over dramatization. They make it sound like he is flying all alone but someone in another airplane is filming him flying. Then there is allways someone there allready to film him land. I still liked the show.
  8. I just lean until engine runs rough then enrichen until engine runs smooth.
  9. Sounds normal to me.
  10. Sounds like a great deal to me. If I could sell my mooney and come up with the extra cash I would buy it.
  11. Nice video. Too bad the last third was lost.
  12. Try Challenger Air Filters. There in the Aircraft Spruce catalog.
  13. I agree the "C" model is the best bang for the buck. All else being equal, avionics, engine times, overall condishion. The C will cost less to aquire (less than half of a 201), and is cheaper to maintain.
  14. I just say Mooney.
  15. Never had a problem with the manual crank up step. I don't know why they got rid of it.
  16. 24V systems don't require two batterys, just one 24V battery.
  17. I use Aeroshell 15w-50. I don't use Camguard.
  18. I don't know why someone would go to all that expence and trouble to go from a O-360 to an IO-360 in a C model. The carb is less trouble and easier to start. The O-360 is a lot cheaper to overhaul than the IO-360. There is only about 4 kts difference in speed between the C with the O-360 and the E model with the IO-360. If you put the Powerflow exaust on a C model you just about make up the difference in speed between the two aircraft. And for a lot less money. The only advantage I can see is running LOP with the injection, so your able to have a slightly less fuel burn at the same speed. I think if you want injection buy anE,F or J. It would be a lot cheaper than going through the expence and trouble of converting a C to fuel injection.
  19. I don't think you would have any problem learning how to fly in a Mooney. But, I think it might be better to learn in an airplane more suited for training. Some of the maneuvers, like learning short and soft field landings for instance. Would be better in a airplane that could stand heavy abuse(hard landings). Cessna 150/152 or 172 would be my choice to learn in.
  20. Nice!
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