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Everything posted by stevesm20b

  1. I would keep the KX-170. Cheap, reliable and you have a backup. With the Ipad you really don't need an old outdated panel mounted GPS as a second GPS with the GTN-750.
  2. I'm interested. Does it include all servos and brackets?
  3. I was going to fly out to Fullerton in the morning, but not sure how the weather is going to be.
  4. stevesm20b

    M20B Fuel Switch

    In my M20B, when the switch is up the fuel gauge reads fuel in left tank and when the switch is down it reads fuel in right tank.
  5. I'm interested in this. Do you have pictures of the servo? Does it include the servo mounting hardware?
  6. I'm interested.
  7. I have the 3 blade Hartzell on my B model. Climbs about 150fpm better than the 2 blade. I true out at 150-152 knots at 8,000 to 10,000ft. I didn't notice any loss of speed with the 3 blade but could have been because the engine was overhauled at the same time. Another thing I noticed was the airplane slows down faster than with the 2 blade when you pull the power back with the prop forward. Which is nice if your high and fast on final. I like the 3 blade, is an advantage when flying into or out of short fields or high altitude fields.
  8. I would go with the 252 rocket. The ceiling is 28,000ft. The 231 rocket is 24,000ft. Both will climb 2000fpm and at 24,000 still climbs at 1000fpm.
  9. I went to the 37by plugs a year ago and there great. Smoother engine operation, runs cooler and no fouling.
  10. Does not look like the weather is going to cooperate for me for this trip. Even if I filed IFR the mountains are obscured by clouds and freezing level below mountain top level, and the weather is forecast to get worse as the day progresses. So, even if I could fly there, the trip back would be even less likely.
  11. I had the same problem with the spring breaking until I made my own with a coat hanger. Used a socket the same inner diameter as the spring and just used it to make a new one. My M20B has two mufflers, one on each side, and each muffler uses two spring hangers. I made two hangers and used the stock one with the home made one on each side. So far haven't had a problem with the springs breaking in 3 years.
  12. No one has talked about the gyros when doing aerobatics. Unless you have caged gyros you risk having an expensive repair bill after the maneuvers.
  13. 2 on the 10th at 11:00 KSBP for me unless the weather gets nasty.
  14. I'm interested in going.
  15. I had Corona Engines hone and install new rings on a couple of cylinders while I waited in their shop. I checked out their operation and watched how they work. They were very knowledgeable and do very good work. If my engine needed an overhaul that is where I would go.
  16. The B has a gross wt of 2450 and the C has a gross wt of 2575. The B has the same airframe and engine as the C and other than the slightly less rudder travel of the B, they are the same airplane. So the B should perform better at gross wt than the C at gross wt. I have flown out of Big Bear (alt 6750) and Flagstaff (alt 7014) in the summertime with DA as high as 10,000ft with my B model.
  17. I'm interested in going.
  18. Daytime VFR over the Water is not a big deal. Night flight over the southwest desert would be a greater concern for me. If you have an engine failure over the water you can ditch near a boat or shore and is survivable. You have an engine failure over the dark desert at night is a different story. The desert at night is a big black hole. You can't tell what kind of terrain is in front of you until you hit it. But people don't seem to have a fear of flying over the desert at night but question flying over large bodies of water.
  19. Any update on what time everyone is going to meet?
  20. See you all at Catalina on the 11th.
  21. The 11th is good for me.
  22. I'm interested. Oceano is very nice. Camping at the airport, nice hotel across the street, walking distance to the beach, can rent atv's at the beach.
  23. I got tired of the factory springs breaking. I replace two in two years. I have two mufflers, one on each side. I made some out of coat hangers and put one on each side. Still good after two years. Each side takes two. Put the factory spring along with the home made spring on each side to determine which one will last longer. I believe you can replace a factory part with an owner made part. Anyway, a lot cheaper than the factory and not hard to make. Just used a deep socket to coil the wire around and bent the ends to match the original.
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