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Everything posted by M20F

  1. That is what I felt was the best quality of NDB approaches from a pure training perspective. Those who learned them fundamentally understood exactly how wind works on a plane and how to compensate for it. There is not a great replacement training tool to really show wind like NDB's.. Pilots today certainly learn wind and how to correct for it, but the NDB was such a great tool for it.
  2. GPS can and does supplant anything you need an ADF for both practically and legally. You would put the fix CAT in your GPS, set OBS, and hit OBS (on a Garmin product anyways) and fly the hold. No need to have an ADF in the plane to fly that approach legally or otherwise. I can understand the number of people saying they would never want to fly a NDB in IMC because the options today are so much better. Not so long ago though the only way into a lot of airports was through an NDB approach and I never found them to be any worse/better than a VOR/VOR-A approach. Certainly not a precision approach but not a bad option.
  3. If it is all the cylinders all of a sudden after an annual going up 40-50 degrees than I would guess as others some type of timing issue. Have you discussed the issue with the AI that did the annual? Do you have any additional engine data to share (EGT, fuel flow, etc.).
  4. When I picked up my F several years ago Maxell had a plane that had one of those giant cable wheels roll into it (long story) getting reskinned. If it were me I would want new skins and done by somebody like Maxwell or other top place.
  5. I would ask seller for clarification first and go from there. Talking costs nothing.
  6. Probe going bad would be my guess.
  7. Several people here have had their non-Turbo F's/J's/C's/etc. over 14000ft so with O2 you can make it direct. Just looking at the VFR chart though going a bit south at 10K appears to work without going much out of the way (look by KFMN).
  8. Go with the 15, price difference is minimal. You can't go wrong with more power, ever! I have an RG-35AXC and love it especially when it is cold out.
  9. I find that report to be very flawed as I think it is compiled based on FBO's who pay to be on it (think, don't know). I find Foreflights overlay of fuel prices to be pretty spot on which is usually what I use to find enroute spots.
  10. KDMW is $4.09 and it's only 34NM.
  11. $3.13 at 54J last week but it they raised it when they filled the tank
  12. Some interesting SR-71 stuff https://m.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2k06jn/iama_former_sr71_pilot_and_squadron_commander_ama https://m.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/3tktsm/iama_former_sr71_pilot_and_wing_commander_ama_pt2/
  13. All airplanes corrode and from time to time you are going to have to address it on your airplane. Things like corrosion-X, climate, etc. can slow it down but you will always get corrosion. The thing to keep in mind is properly addressed it isn't a big deal, where you find the chronic corrosion issues is where you do a lot of pencil whipped annuals over the years and never look in the spots where getting corrosion is really bad. Thus if you get a competent pre-buy on a plane you buy and follow it up with good annuals along with some corrosion-x then no big worries.
  14. Any chance of a picture?
  15. Anyone know where to specifically fine the static drains on a 67F (pictures would be great!)
  16. I have an S-Tec 50 and so can only do a localizer which if you get it lined up and then hit approach it works great. If you are not lined up it will find its way to being lined up but it is a bit jerky in doing so. Likewise if I hit altitude hold pitched for a 500 FPM climb it will remember I said hold 5000' and work its way to it but it pitches around until speed/pitch/alt/etc. all eventually stabilize. So in my case if I get the localizer dialed in using heading bug and then hit APP no issues, likewise level and spin the trim wheel a bit and then hit ALT hold no issues.
  17. Sounds like a lot of the Internet which is a one sided story, without knowing the other side it is really hard to make judgements.
  18. I always reccomend the annual route. From a cost perspective it doesn't add much and it makes the AI have skin in the game because they have now signed the books. Love Don and he did my annual pre-buy and some subsequent annuals/work but business is business and when you are making a major investment better to uncover all the rocks especially when the cost is negligible.
  19. M20F

    Slow J

    I would reccomend doing a 3 way ground speed test at your normal cruising altitude. Report that, your power settings, and engine data (fuel flow, cht, egt, etc.). Also note altimeter setting, temp, and IAS. Could be a lot of things but without more information just a lot of guesses.
  20. I would take it to Don Maxwell in Longview.
  21. Departed 1320 made FL250 at 1416 Flightaware Track
  22. There used to be a really nice Rayjay performance chart the owner of the below website put together that I can't find and alas the website is no more. Anyone know what I am talking about and if so have a copy? http://www.cnrepperson.com/flying/9791m/9791m-enginePerformance.htm
  23. 59 seconds and Clarence gets his power the old fashion way through 400hp (PA-24-400) because Pug Piper thought turbo's would never take off.
  24. Likewise, I find it pretty hard to believe that both wings would be replaced and the log books don't mention it. Ad's claim a lot of things to get a phone call, but that doesn't necessarily mean wholesale fraud within the logbooks. Personally I would be very cautious on making any accusations or phone calls to the FAA with out a clear set of facts like Bennett describes where it was his plane and he directly knows the story.
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