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Everything posted by M20F

  1. Bruce Chien on the AOPA forums used to own one from what I recall he wasn't a fan. You may want to PM him there assuming you are a member and he can give you direct feedback on ownership.
  2. You can renew online and it is instantaneous as well.
  3. Wings Financial https://www.wingsfinancial.com/loanrates
  4. I am left handed which in Europe is even rarer than in the US if you are X age. If however you eat in Europe almost everyone (especially the Germanic people) holds the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right hand. Being curious I asked about it and the answer was that you can control the knife better in your right (predominate for most) hand and that is what is important not the fork, they don't switch out. American's tend to be the sole cut with the right and then swap, this actually has some backstory in Monty Pyton/Fawlty Towers where Terry Gilliam did this at a hotel that served as inspiration for Fawlty Towers and was berated for essentially being a savage
  5. The flat rate is for an annual inspection not for making the plane airworthy.
  6. It has a function to calculate TAS by inputting pressure altitude, temp, etc. it doesn't read it per se. The best way to determine actual TAS is a 3 point ground speed check as that will remove any instrument error from the equation.
  7. I love Don, he did though (and I did as well) miss a rather important 337 in the pre-buy/2 annuals. It got noticed when I needed to do an annual elsewhere and we got it sorted eventually. Don is the best at what he does, but he is human like everyone else. I would certainly be interested in a plane he had maintained over the years in part of my purchase decision over the 6 different AI's in 6 different years route. You still though when making a large purchase like this should take it to a reputable second party for a second look it over. Again not trying to say Don did bad by me or put him in a bad light, just saying four eyes are better than two.
  8. If you slide your seat all the way back you can usually grab 1-2 knots on that as well depending on where your CG loading is at.
  9. Trey Hughes sent this to MAPA email list this morning " MAPA Family, I am sad to report that Bill Wheat is now under Hospice care at an assisted-living facility in Kerrville. I would ask that the Mooney family pray for Bill and his family during this significant time in his life."
  10. If you are looking to spend close to 3/4 of a million dollars on a plane (which a 2015 is), then the cost of hiring an expert is going to be a lot cheaper and work a lot better for you. Recommend calling All American Aircraft and have them find what you want. Will be cheaper, safer, and better. You don't know what you don't know and trying to learn that on a $600K purchase, well YMMV.
  11. I bought mine from All American and Maxwell did pre-buy annual. Worked out very well in terms of getting the plane in good shape, at the right price, and Dave/Jimmy/Don were all great to work with.
  12. Statistics unfortunately do not work that way. As you increase the level of risk, you increase the level of incident.
  13. If it is a choice between a 2400' foot strip and a 6000' strip five miles down the road, I am going five miles down the road. I have no doubts on my ability to squeeze into 2400' or less, but it certainly creates additional risk that I don't need. Just because you are capable of doing something, doesn't mean it is wise doing it.
  14. Personally I am convinced a large part of this comes down to metallurgy more than anything else. Thus you can do the exact same thing person X does and still get Y's result. Airplane engines just aren't made to the same consistent quality level you would see in a car or for that matter even a lawn mower engine these days. This will though prove to be a great thread with intensive LOP vs ROP, turning the prop by hand, shaking chicken bones over the cowling, etc. all of which in one fashion or another have all equally and unscientifically proven their ability to reach TBO and beyond.
  15. When it is low IMC, gusty, snowing, or otherwise awful I always make really nice landing's. When it is beautiful out, I tend to make lousy landings regardless of the plane unfortunately :-)
  16. You would be a lot better served by talking about your specific issue directly than asking vague questions about what people consider damage.
  17. As I said and agree with in my second paragraph above your post. If I plane is listed with no damage history and has damaged and been repaired, yes of course it is a misrepresentation. Nobody here has disagreed with that at all.
  18. More than likely the one that was damaged 12yrs ago for me. Odds are it has a one piece belly, new antenna's, newer prop, an overhaul, etc. The damage isn't the issue the quality of of the repair or lack thereof can be. In almost all cases repair work done decades ago is a non-factor, and if it is documented it is very easy to determine if repairs were done correctly. The challenge is most of the damage you really need to be concerned about is the damage which never finds its way into a logbook. The idea as N1395W (Andy) says that a 40+ year old plane doesn't have some kind of damage on it, well I got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale if your interested.
  19. You could expect to find a plane with no damage history or a plane with a lot of damage history. The logbooks can be an indicator but just because they look beautiful does not mean the plane is. This is why a pre-buy is done examine the books and the plane.
  20. Glad you found a plane that fit your needs, enjoy it!
  21. Damage is like pornography, I know it when I see it and what is pornographic to me might not be to another.
  22. That is what repaired is. Those words have a lot more to do with perceived value than any real value. My engine was repaired and returned because I had a new cylinder with 4hrs on it that I didn't feel like sending in. It means I get repair and returned versus overhauled in the book, realistically though no difference.
  23. My advice exactly!
  24. I really enjoy a lot of your posts, have no dog in this fight, but this kind of stuff is way over the top. I don't buy a video and as a result I am assumed to fly an unsafe and under maintained airplane? No value to the conversation. Fly safe all.
  25. Curious why not?
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