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Everything posted by LANCECASPER

  1. The G5 has a built in GPS and even a portable GPS antenna under the glareshield may be all you need.
  2. Your weight and balance sheet might tell you what encoder you have.
  3. Please show us a picture of the IFD550 with the SVS selected. I am anxiously awaiting my 550 on the upgrade program Avidyne offered.
  4. If you are losing TRK you are losing your GPS signal I am guessing.
  5. I predict it will be on Ebay a year from now and the Seller will be from Tennessee and the reason for selling is that he lost his medical.
  6. http://www.wmbfnews.com/clip/13314811/raw-pilot-makes-distress-call-to-airport-before-plane-crashed-into-ocean In the radio transmission the last 3 of the call sign are "835". He says something hit his airplane and he lost power.
  7. Not cheap. Made in Italy, Very well made, stainless steel, brushes, attachments for everything, etc, etc. MSRP is close to 3000. Mooneyspacers would get a great deal. Not allowed to quote anything on the internet, but if you're interested PM me.
  8. I'll get mine dirty and then clean it . . lol Sure I'll take some pictures or videos the next time i clean it up.
  9. The picture in your profile shows your good looks!
  10. I use 340 degree steam in my EV 3000i steam cleaner. Water is a great solvent! It works great for the belly, the landing gear, the bugs, the interior, engine, etc, etc. I use it in the house for grout, tile, showers, ovens, bbq grills, windows, mirrors, etc, etc. I saw a prototype of this in Germany in 2002 and have the distribution rights in Texas.
  11. Falcon offers a MAPA discount.
  12. No it's not my default setting, but I can see that if someone chose to run it that way there's a lot of test data to show that it's a viable power setting. I was simply answering the question, "Why on earth were you running at 2200 RPM?" I've been flying eastbound across the country with an amazing headwind up in the Flight Levels and to avoid a fuel stop after calculating my range and then running at a reduced power setting made for a shorter trip than having to descend, make a fuel stop and climb back up again. So although the power setting might not be anyone's default setting, there's a place for it. An M20M, especially with long range tanks, offers a lot of cross country options. (BTW 2400/29" is my default)
  13. Maybe since the choice of 2200 rpm is in half of the choices on the M20M Power Schedule included with every M20M (printed on the pilot's sun visor. MOONEY M20M POWER SCHEDULE.pdf
  14. Apple was nearly dead two decades ago, not one. On Concorde or Gill the only way to know if it's as strong today as day one is to do a capacity test. Just because it starts doesn't mean it's as strong as day one.
  15. That is a great deal on the GTX335 with GDL 39 3D.
  16. No, the discount is $13,817 off of the original price with all of those options, which brings it down to $19,995.
  17. Those numbers were my EGT's. My TIT was at 1602.
  18. All G1000 Bravos came with S-Tec 55 autopilots. Even early Acclaims had S-Tec 55's installed and then later were retro-fitted to the GFC700. The GFC700 wasn't introduced on Mooneys until 2007.
  19. Shops get a whopping 2% off of Concorde batteries plus free shipping through Aircraft Spruce. So naturally they have to mark them up if they are going to stock them.
  20. Good riddance to the Moritz gauges. Once they start going it is a losing battle. Everyone that has them needs to start a JPI-930 or an MVP-50 fund.
  21. Apparently not. It was in pre-buy 2 months ago.
  22. It looks like roughly $100 difference. The expensive part, the labor, is the same. If you don't do the .25" you'll always wish you had. And as mentioned, in the case of a bird strike, you stand a better chance with the extra thickness. Good choice on the solar gray.
  23. Please make up your mind on the price: http://www.ebay.com/itm/122457892330?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT https://www.trade-a-plane.com/search?category_level1=Single+Engine+Piston&make=MOONEY&model=M20M+BRAVO&listing_id=2255030&s-type=aircraft 93 Mooney Bravo Nice cheap 93 MOONEY BRAVO NICE CHEAP • $115,000 • BEST DEAL EVER! • 1993 Mooney TLS Bravo Loaded w/Brand New paint in Ovation schem YES ITS THAT SHINY 1667 TT A&E . 1100 smoh Also has TKS deice system KFC 150 Auto pilot with slave HSI. SPEED BRAKES Avionics Garmin audio panel GNS 430 waas KLN 94 Color King GPS not in picture .Kx155 King DigitalCom / nav KFC 150 full Auto pilot with a slaved HSI and FULL flight director. Altitude pre select also KR87 ADF with slaved indicator, KT76a fuel totalizer GPH Stormscope Radar altimeter, Full OX system NEW TIRES and tubes New dual 24 volt Batter.dual alternators Full TKS deice system adds 30 K on factory invoice. • Contact James M. Carter, Owner - located Jonesborough, TN USA • Telephone: 423-948-9651 . • Posted April 29, 2017 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Pictures
  24. I agree 100%. I maintain a 24 year old Mooney for as inexpensively as anyone on here, without compromising safety.
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