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Everything posted by LANCECASPER

  1. I appreciate the opinions. I already know what I would be willing to put into the airplane. All I was asking is if anyone had already been through the process of a pre-buy and walked away.
  2. Just curious if anyone has gone to look over N1152L for sale in Lawrenceville, GA. If anyone has any information they feel would be helpful please PM me or e-mail me at lance99@aol.com. Thinking about putting it into a pre-buy - wondering if anyone has done that on this plane and walked away? Thanks Lance
  3. Same here, I bought an Apple IIe in 1983 and then a Mac in 1984 and have had Macs ever since. They aren't perfect, but having used PC's at work, they are much less frustrating - they just work. I traveled a lot for work and when I would plug into a strange printer in someone's office I could get it to print, without them to go and get the install discs. I have VM Ware running XP on my mac just incase I have to use PC software for something. Having said all this, I installed OS X Lion last week and am finding a few programs that crash, mainly my old MS Office. I can still get my files to open in OpenOffice, Pages or Numbers though.
  4. Just a thought . . I've never flown with a Centiry 41, but some autopilots won't capture the GS if when you intercept the localizer you are above the glidepath. I had a STEC 55 in a Mirage that was like that. I was used to a KFC 150 in a Bravo where it wasn't a problem.
  5. Before I knew about the For Sale Forum, I put a data card on Ebay to sell. Here's the posting: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110708145067&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMESELX%3AIT#ht_500wt_1182 Also here's a Skybound Data Card writer for a PC laptop with a PCMCIA card slot: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/GARMIN-GNS430-GNS530-JEPPESEN-SKYBOUND-NAVDATA-UPDATER-/110708147100?pt=Motors_Aviation_Parts_Gear&hash=item19c6b8439c#ht_500wt_1182
  6. Here's what it says at http://www.narco-avionics.com/ : Due to circumstances beyond our control, we regret to inform you that after over 65 years in business, Narco Avionics, Inc. has closed. A trustee will be appointed shortly to oversee liquidation of assets and assure return of Customer's property, such as Customer's Radios sent to Narco for service, as soon as possible. We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience this causes and thank all loyal Narco Customers, around the world, for their loyalty over all of these years! Please monitor this web site as informational updates will be provided as soon as possible.
  7. http://www.aircraftsecurityalert.com/mooney-series They have Medeco locks for $99.99
  8. Seth, I would appreciate the details of the pre-buy. My email is lance99@aol.com. My phone is 210-643-4161. This is only my second day on the forum, but it is awesome. Thanks,
  9. Did Mooney make many 252's that were stripped down? Has the bank figured out that this one can't be compared to what others have sold for
  10. How much of a hit in value for a 252 that did not come with Factory Oxygen, Speed Brakes, Hot Prop and a 2nd Alternator? Also is has the Century 2000 autopilot instead of the KFC150. There is no FLight Director or HSI, just an Attitude Indicator and a DG. On the plus side it does have a Garmin 430. Any ideas on how much it would cost to add built in Oxygen? Speed Brakes? 2nd Alternator? Thanks
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