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  1. SOLD Oh... and as such... I say goodby to this wonderful community. You folks are awesome!
  2. It had a leak from a hose (or something, IIRC right now) that was fixed during annual. It was an obvious leak (oily belly) that I was aware of and was on the squawk list for annual. Since then, it returned back to normal.
  3. Engine type is a typo (since corrected) its a A3B6D I never asked Gann what they used. It was like that for years and stable. I wasn't concerned about it to have them investigate.
  4. Price reduced to a smokin' $119,000.
  5. Bump! I just listed in Barnstormers and TAP.
  6. Well... since you're so handsome... then you should be able to marry rich! I'll give you a few weeks. She probably won't sell by then.
  7. Well it’s time to let go of my Mooney. She has served me and my family well, but now I’m comfortable enough in my 195 to cut the safety net of having her around. They say the best planes get sold before they are advertised. This is a great example. I found this plane, right here on Mooney Space, and I'll bet she finds her new home with Mooney Space member again. I’ve set up a website with all the details and pictures. Here’s a some pics and specs to get you interested: 1987 Mooney 205SE Flown regularly Well maintained 530 WAAS, GPSS/roll steering Aspen MFD with Synthetic Vision Altitude Pre-select Yaw Damper 1040 SMOH 4350 TT Hangared No Damage History Hartzell Top Prop (535hrs) 1000lb Useful Load STC New seats from Oregon Aero IFR and Annual* Current (*end of May) And much much much more. $138,000 $119,000 Check out the website for lots of pics and all the goodies.
  8. AWESOME! After trying to figure out this part number via the parts catalog I have, I had a V8 Moment and came here. Done! Thanks
  9. Let me add my voice to the choir of "I'll miss Patrick" I met Patrick at a NJ Fly-in and was moved by his kind soul. It was wonderful to hear his voice on the phone Wednesday encouraging me to come to Saturday's Mega Mooney Fly-in. He was certanly one of the good ones. I'll miss him.
  10. What a great story! I too am suprised by the attention you while being surrounded by "much cooler" planes. I guess perhaps it felt much more accessable to the folks. That's really interesting. I'm going to remember that next time I have the opportunity to be an Ambassidor and think about dismissing it becasue I think "My plane is not so special. Who'd care about this?" Thanks for shareing!
  11. Looking at this http://www.mooneyspace.com/index.cfm?mainaction=posts&forumid=4&threadid=2690 Miscellaneous Aviation Talk » Garmin Aera 500 vs iPad with Foreflight a) Something is up with JetDriven's post. Seems truncated. I don't see my post.
  12. Quote: Becca (since with an application like foreflight the charts get downloaded and stored on your ipad while in flight).
  13. Quote: Bob Mitch, My Attaboy check list makes that failure impossible. A checkilist is only effective if it removes the possibility for any and all error. Attaboy Checklist: 1) Tear off label 2) Remove cap 3) Fill bottle to maximum rim height 4) Reinstall cap 5) Toss behind you into right rear baggage area, out of reach of pilot. 6) Lean forward to adjust for weight and balance.
  14. Quote: jmills Instead of the little bottle, what about the disposables? No need for anyone to see them, as you just drop them in the trash. http://www.mypilotstore.com/mypilotstore/sep/3256 (PS I have no affliation with Pilot Store, just used their site because I found them there).
  15. $5700. Gulp. But I'd probably do it. It's adding real saftey to the plane. Please let us J owners know when we have the option!
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