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Steve Dawson

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Everything posted by Steve Dawson

  1. Thanks Jose. I've heard from a couple of people that have spun the aircraft (M20J's) and have had problems bring it back to control so can you tell us is there much more to spinning a Mooney compared to a 172?
  2. I'd like to hear more about how and what you did to prepare for the 49 spins. Steve
  3. Try googling Plane Plastics Christian. But take a lot of time installing them. They aren't made to fit.
  4. This is very similar to what happened with my CIIB. I'd check all your connections first then your DG and AI. My cost was $500 also.
  5. Are you looking for that particular interior or want something similar? I used Airtek in Pensylvania and I'm very happy with both there qualitry and style
  6. Here's a list of suppliers that have both used as well as new: http://www.controller.com/list/PartsSearch.aspx?PartNum=20TC2 I lucked out when my landing light breaker went and found one on ebay and just for safety bought a new one from Sensata for approximately $240.00 last year
  7. If you haven't found it yet send me your email address and I can PDF the one I have.
  8. Just out of curiosity Scott, did you notice much improvement in power and did balancing the crank/rods/piston assemblies also help out for smoothness?
  9. Same thing happened to me Tim. As well as over charging me $200 for shipping. The door skin as well as front top cieling piece had to be re-orderd twice.
  10. I used Airtex a couple of years ago and they were very helpful. All leather and the seats look and feel perfect. I decided to use a local shop only because I wanted them to look right and they do.
  11. Please keep us posted on the condition of his son Yves. I talked to Hounan in November about buying a rocket and what his thoughts were. He was very helpfull and passionette about flying his Mooney and was looking forward to meeting him someday. Hope his son will be fine.
  12. Like maurader I found foreflight hard to flight plan with but they do have a great weather briefing system. Garmin pilot wasn't much better for planing either but I have an Aera 796 with the GDL39 3D to work with the GP. For flight planing and ease of use I have always used WingXPro and use GP for the majority of work when flying. Foreflight does have a lot of options and I liked that it had Canadian charts. Try them all if you can get their trial start up offer and see which one fits your use.
  13. It's been a couple of years since I did a speed check with mine however I believe that at 7K feet I was running just around 10GPH, 2500 RPM and around 24" (WOT). All my temperatures were well within limits and below yours. My 4 way and 3 way speeds were the same at 158.5 KTAS. I had done some tweaking on the gear doors and roughly 4 years ago Clarence had shimmed the engine up. I had the step removed but have since reinstalled it and haven't noticed much difference. I have gotten as high as 167KTAS, WOT ROP and 2650RPM at a lower altitude and colder day. My temperatures have never been that high either when the OAT is at standard. When is the last time you had your rigging checked and can you totalize (sp) your fuel flow to confirm the proper K factor? I'd have someone you trust and knows these engines and planes check out your engine. Another thought is to send your information to Savvy. They are good. I had a slight vibration while cruising once and sent them the flight file and they pined it down to a loose baffle. Here is a picture I took while flying back from Florida last year. I can't remember what the fuel flow was nor the engine temps.
  14. I think there's something wrong with that type of fuel flow. Are you sure your K factor is right? What kind of fuel flow meter do you have?
  15. I like that idea and especially the price. I'll have to check with my avionics guy but that may just work. Thanks
  16. I did check the price from sigmatek but I'm cheap so I wanted to find a used one if possible. Thanks
  17. I'm looking for a vacuum switch that goes on the back of the DG of my 1978 J. The switch sends a signal for both the high and low vacuum. Thanks Steve
  18. Glad to hear that your plane will be OK after just having only to replace or rebuild your turbo but very sorry to hear about your father. You're a good son.
  19. Does anyone have a vacuum switch as shown. It's found on the rear of a DG and sends the signal for high or low vacuum. 12V Thanks, Steve
  20. I price out an engine for a 252 from Zephyr and they were very reasonable as well as having a good reputation. Secondly they'll remove and reinstall your engine at their shop.
  21. I've gotten 165K at 7K
  22. When I bought my J it didn't have the inner gear doors and after I bought a set from Scott and installed them. The plane picked up 5 knots. With a bit of rigging work and lifting the engine so the spinner wasnt lower than the cowling I can normally true out at 157-158 at 2500 RPM and 25MP or lower depending on altitude.
  23. Just curious but where do you get the inlet for the tail and is there an STC to rivit the existing roof vent closed?
  24. I installed rebuilt cylinders 2 years ago and I'm getting 10-12 hours per quart. What I did notice that after take off and establishing a good climb rate I lower the cylinder pressure by pulling back to 25sq and this helped lowering the oil used.
  25. John I had the same thing happen on my SkyTech on the 23rd month of the 2 year warranty and they replaced it with new within the week. I'd recomend them any day.
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