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Steve Dawson

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Everything posted by Steve Dawson

  1. That you for sharing Erik, Like you I remember Bennet telling and showing his prestige 201 and his adventures with his 262. I think he loved life the way he wanted
  2. I used Sheppard Air. They are also very supportive
  3. I have a J but if you look at where your arms are positioned in the later model R and M's it looks like they have a bit more arm room.
  4. +1 for Airtex also. It took longer and was more expensive then I had figured but after 5 years it's holding up very well and is still comfortable. And Airtex was very helpful when I ran into any questions.
  5. If there's enough hours on the new oil you could take a sample and send it out for analysis before you purchase if you're curious about the engine
  6. I wouldn't cast doubt on the engine yet. Has the owner done the proper maintenance on the engine and frame? Has he changed the oil ever 25 hours and the filter every 50? Does he do oil analysis every 25 or 50 hours and does it show a trend of consistency and is he willing to show you all the results? Where was it kept over the last 10 years? Near the ocean outside or a heated hangar? Or in the desert and how many hours before it needs a quart of oil? Check out a few of Mike Busch's webinars on engines. Educate yourself. I personally like the J model because it was designed from the start to go fast and be efficient and I think they will hold the best value compared to other NA models other than possibly the Ovation
  7. I've built a few industrial buildings so I can suggest something on the sky lights. I've installed windows high on the walls. They'll let light in, no leaks, less expensive than skylights so you can instal more and depending on which way your hangar faces, more windows on the east and west sides will provide natural light longer. It's also cheaper to build a bigger hangar first than find out later you need a bigger hangar. I'd also ask other owners about door size. Maybe you'll want a king air next or want to sell later to someone that has a larger plane. Check out Beechtalk also. Lots of guys there have built hangars and I believe there's a few threads on it.
  8. To the best of my knowledge you either have to get the Stec altitude hold for approximately $8K installed or the PSS 60. You might as well wait until Tru Trak or Garmin (GFC 500) has their system out. Check previous posts for info on this.
  9. I know it's a moot point but it's still less than the G500TXi that is $15,995. Compared to the Dynon HDX with it's auto pilot or adding the GFC 500 with the G3X cert plus G5 it's relatively only a little more. And at least the Garmin is available soon.
  10. Hey Dave, These are areas covered in IFR training under meteorology so the answer is there. Please Note: I'm not an expert but it is a question covered by Scott Dennstaedt under his avwxworkshops.com . Scott is the guy to go to for weather.
  11. Why are you bringing facts into this conversation? Ok another question based on the two different types, By what standards can a FIKI aircraft fly through known icing and what defines intermittent? IE: How does the FAA define this? Here is a scenario; Can you legally fly your non fiki through a cloud deck of 3,000 feet of strato-cumlus or strato nimbus to a higher and clearer altitude? (airport altitude is 1000' and 0 degC and deck is between 3-6K) and you've planned for cruise at 12K
  12. I've been looking myself. What are the details of the system that CAV states and the differences in which type of icing you can fly through? Do they state you can fly through SLD or freezing rain with FIKI? What sort of flying missions are you trying to do?
  13. JT maybe phone Brant Aero in Brantford. They're easy to deal may. have lots of parts and their in Canada also. 519-753-7022
  14. I've had mime for over a year and love it. I don't get as much exercise anymore though.
  15. Has anyone heard of any progress for either the TruTrack or Trio yet?
  16. I'd phoned the owner to arrange a time to look at it and he had someone coming within a few days. He never got back to me after so looks like it sold since it's no longer listed.
  17. For me installing the Dynon will have to be a personal decision depending on pireps after the first installation, the cost for the actual installation, my need/want situation as well as what aircraft I have at the time. The alternatives to a panel with so many features now stands at only the Garmin TXi with the Dynon pricing considerably less. Here's my rendition of what a panel would look like with the Dynon. Plenty of room for the standby EFIS and Dynon's autopilot control.
  18. Panel with left inst R4 wDynon Model (1).pdf Not sure how to paste a drawing but here's a PDF with a 10" screen layout
  19. HI Ned, Thanks for the offer. I can never tell what my schedule is until a couple days before so I wouldn't want to commit then not make it. I like how your wife gets involved and likes it too. Steve
  20. Nice video and nice flying Ned.
  21. You mention in your ad that the plane has 180 HP however the 201 M20J has 200 HP. Don't sell it short.
  22. Any chance we'd get a deal Joel if we didn't take the key chain?
  23. This maybe a little prejudiced since I have my J for sale and the engine is technically over TBO but this is why I'd consider buying an aircraft with a high time engine. How was the engine treated and what has been done to it over the last few hundred hours? ie: Has it been dependable and needed little work? - If the plane you're looking at hasn't had any major work done to it, has had regular oil changes, has good compressions and they can prove it's a good engine through frequent oil analysis and maybe a savvy analysis that it's been dependable you'll most likely get a few more years/hundreds of hours of trouble free flying for very little cost. Are the avionics up to date (maybe some bells and whistles included) and will you have to do any upgrades in the near future. (more money you'll save because you won't have to do updates) How much work will you have to do for the rest plane such as the interior or brakes or tires? Mine had a complete IRAN done on the cases 970 hours ago by PenYan including bearings, cam, lifters, pistons and rod bolts. As for the cylinders they were rebuilt 660 hours ago. I'd keep mine but I want to go turbo!
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