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Steve Dawson

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Everything posted by Steve Dawson

  1. Show me Clarence specifically where you can't fly to the standards I mentioned under just an IFR ticket. I've done it legally a few times. I'd have to check but I believe that flying down to the CAT ll and lll minimums the aircraft company has to be approved by TC the aircraft has to be equipped properly and the pilot (even a commercial rated) has to be trained. Prove it by referencing a TC document.
  2. Can you show me where in the CAR that it states that you can't fly at night if IFR or that you have to have the night endorsement? As far as the visual reference In Canada with an IFR rating you can depart with 1/2 mile vis and land at a minimum of 1/2 mile and 200' if your plane's equipment properly or even lower if properly equipped aircraft and trained. Then from takeoff to landing you can be in IMC the complete distance between. My apologies to Amillet for my contribution to the thread drift.
  3. Hi Yves I'm curious too. I've never seen it in the requirements to obtain your IFR ticket or any restrictions after you have one. Ask them to quote the actual regulation. Steve
  4. Yves That doesn't tell you if a person with an IFR endorsement only can't fly at night. It only tells you that you can fly at night with the minimum endorsements as shown in 401.42 then add the night rating. Also under the requirements of IFR there isn't anything restricting night flying nor a provision for testing or specific questions on the exam. I know you can use your night instrument training hours towards your IFR training. Steve
  5. This isn't correct. You can fly at night once you have your IFR even though you haven't your VFR night rating however you still have to do 5 take off and landings within the previous 6 months before you take passengers
  6. Depends where you're going. I try to find a place that is close or along the way to my destination. Phone ahead because some are available with a little notice. If you're close to the border you can get the regular CBP people with the same attitude as the ones at the bridges when you cross with your car.
  7. I agree. For a little more money you get a fully functioning glass panel that replaces your 6 pack instruments , plus GPSS, for around $12K installed while the G5 does 1/6th for around $4.5-5K installed. The G5 will never be able to have SV or be able to drive your autopilot. Even the Dynon does more including some safety features for approximately the same price.
  8. Good question and I think it has more to it then just losing your cognitive abilities. I think part of it is losing confidence or at least not having the blind confidence you had when you were younger and not using your learning skills to keep your brain sharp.
  9. I don't agree with you Tom. First you have more information such as weather and procedures and know where to get more. Second you've another 20 hours plus dual with someone more experienced. Gert your IFR and fly a few hundred hours and you'll be very glad you got it.
  10. Hey Amanda, Great example of staying cool and handling that negative situation. It's a lot better seeing you here than reading about something worse.
  11. Can't remember what the fuel flow was but so I'm guessing at 10 gph
  12. I kind of surmised all of the above unfortunate scenario's. has anyone figured out if Mooney had maybe taken a M20J gear setup and installed them into the PFM? What's the difference between early models and Ovation gear?
  13. I've searched past threat topics and google and haven't found anything that leads to any information on an increase of a gross weight from 2900 to 3200 pounds for the PFM IO550 engine increase. Does anyone know of one? Thanks Steve
  14. Part of the problem comparing different aircraft levels is that the meters should be calibrated to the same standard. Especially something you buy from an AP store. I don't know if mine is actually 111 but when the same app compares two aircraft at least you know one is noisier then the other. 8 dB is a lot. I have aftermarket sound proofing and did try different RPM with only a change of 1 dB. If anybody tries this again try the same phone AP in different planes.
  15. After just reading the thread about why someone buys a K model, the thread drifted personal O2 levels and the flying high. I'm curious if anyone has tried separating their O2 levels from noise levels in the cockpit while flying long distances? I just went in a friends Bonanza V35 and compared the interior noise level with my "J". Using an Iphone app mine was 111db compared to his 103Db reading. Considering that amplification isn't linear but increases 3.16 fold per decibel increase means that it can be a substantially more fatiguing the nosier the interior is. Every-time I go on a long trip of longer than a three hours I'm beat and can't help wondering if the aircraft noise on the rest of my body fatigues me also. Anyone have any real experiences with this and their fatigue and other than ANR headsets what have you done to quiet the cockpit?
  16. I have one also. They fill in where ADSB isn't You can get a dongle for them and BT it to your iPad or AERA. BTW if anyone knows how to configure the dongle /BT for the ZAON can you share it? Thanks
  17. Has anyone noticed a speed penalty or increase combined with a change in engine temp by either opening up the cowl flaps or having the baffle seals very tight?
  18. Don, Why the Shadin fuel flow gauge when you also have the EVP?
  19. My guess is that because there's more Beechcraft than Mooneys with the IO 550 the designers return on their capital would be very small. Design, fabrication,testing, STC approvals. yada yada
  20. The original CHT sending unit for M20J IO-360 isn't working and I'd like to find a working one for replacement. Does anyone know what the cost and where to get a new one or have a used one for sale?
  21. If I remember properly it was 163 but I was also fooling around trying to get the best fuel flow/power too and didn't spend enough time on it. At that time I didn't have on my step either but I don't think that changed the speed by more than a knot. Secondly I'd just had rebuilt cylinders installed too.
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