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Everything posted by HRM

  1. Just musing on placards... I thought the IA was supposed to check for those at annual. I'm a fan of placards myself, and I have 'extra' ones; this fandom increases as I age. Placards have three motivations: 1) Pilot/Pax safety, 2) Regulatory compliance and 3) Manufacturer CYA. I try to keep everyone happy, but number one is foremost.
  2. Only the E's are Super...
  3. Welcome to (certified aircraft) GA.
  4. Gawd, I would kill to have those panel access bays in my E. Alas, not going to happen.
  5. Nonsense. It would make an incredibly cool piece of wall art in a manly-sized man cave.
  6. I could be off by an order of magnitude or so. No matter, point remains the same.
  7. Nothing has changed. Humans, in our current genetic state, have not changed in 200 million years. Why is everyone surprised by anything? Jeez, go fly for gods sake and forget about it.
  8. We invented the Autopilot
  9. There is so much uncertainty when it comes to annuals that it is mind-boggling. I am developing your philosophy as I and my E age--I want us both to go longer. I also subscribe to Mike Busch's philosophy about maintenance, which is along the same lines.
  10. Lucky dog, congrats to your son (and you too!). I am holding out hope for my grandson, my kids just don't have any interest and my wife is a classic case of 'fear of flying'.
  11. My god that is a gorgeous specimen of the Mooney gene pool. Almost super.
  12. Lowe's Aviation Supply is where I got mine. My IA groused a bit, but that was all. Three annuals later and they are doing fine.
  13. I have those clips and they are quite satisfactory even though they aren't factory.
  14. Somewhere here in the Mooney Space I posted my story of a fabled, revered master-Mooney-A&P/IA replacing an aileron servo on my PC on the tarmac in front of his maintenance hangar at KGGG. Not something i would want to do, but most likely what is wrong with your system. With patience and skill, a relatively easy fix for something that you will love having. I recall a CFI saying to me after we had been in the air for an hour, "You have remarkable rudder skills." It wasn't me, it was the PC
  15. Just gorgeous. Very clean. Hard to believe she is 50+ and "Aridzona" will keep her young.
  16. Not to beat this to death or anything, but MyGoFlight has a Rapid Charger DualMicro 28V cigar lighter plug-in that addresses all of the issues raised about the idea of in-panel USB. • Works with 12 and 24 VDC systems. • 2.4 DCA output, both sockets. • "Tested to not interfere with on-board radios and navigation equipment" • Has a small blue LED pilot light. So, Appareo puts this exact same thing, sans pilot light, in a plastic case sized to go in your panel and adds .330 AMU to the cost? As an aside, why are pilot lights called "pilot lights." I mean in this case it is a light to let the pilot know that the unit is powered.
  17. Amen to all. Best to have this done at an MSC. Also, if the upper block has never been replaced, time for that too (LASAR) and will be good for another 50+ years.
  18. Do they have push-button or lever latches? OK, never mind, latch is in middle.
  19. I'd want espresso on demand.
  20. Well, it is not in 14 CFR 61.56 and I read through the Wings site and didn't see it there. My guess is that at one point it was there, possibly in the the old Wings program, and now it is gone--but the CFI's don't know that. This supports almost everyone's contention that the program is too complicated. It is true, however, that completion of any phase of a Wings program counts as a FR. I am thinking that in the old Wings program the 'knowledge activities' counted for the ground portion and that is where it got started.
  21. That makes sense. My radios are so noisy I wouldn't notice any interference if there was any That said, the very inexpensive units are going to have buck converters of low quality in them and they will generate noise. However, high quality units will have high quality circuits and this will not be an issue. Easy to test as well. I am guessing that the paperwork, the application fees and then the actual testing in a lab is where the issue lies. Given the very few pilots who will buy one it further narrows the production amortization of development costs. Oh well.
  22. I always take a course just before my FR and then I take the certificate with me. It gets you out of the ground school requirement. The local CFI du Jour typically doesn't like it, but they are too afraid of the FAA not to accept it Frankly, I enjoy the online courses and wouldn't mind doing the flying part of the Wings Program, but as you point out, nobody seems to know how it works. What they ought to do is set it up over a two year period, where for two years you work through the online courses and then at the end you go for your FR and your FR consists of the "in the air" final exam. You get your 'Wings' and your FR out of the way at one time. They could also include a few solo flying assignments that the CFI could verify when they review your logbook.
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