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Ron McBride

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Everything posted by Ron McBride

  1. Use caution at the the radio shops at Fch.
  2. Density altitude 17500, actual indicated altitude 14500, with oxygen. ron
  3. Several years ago, I went in and out of Lakeport with a tfr over it, I just talked to the helicopter pilots and they would clear me in and out. I tried talking to the controlling facility, but they never answered. ATC suggested talking to the local helicopter pilots. At Mariposa on the current fire, they put in a temporary tower manned by retired center controllers, different but works. Check notams often. Ron
  4. Battery may be under warrantee also. Check all of the log books. The battery should survive not being used for months, but with how many starts and very little charging? If someone siphoned the fuel, I doubt that they could get the last 3 or 4 gallons. You cant drain enough fuel through the drain to be effective to steal fuel. If they did for there car, someone will have catalytic converter problems. If bone dry, it must have leaked when the fuel lines were disconnected. I never noticed fuel disappearing like this though. Was the fuel selector turned completely off? Ron
  5. Chris. Was the tank empty, or below the visible fuel level in the tank? Could be 5 gallons in it and you could not have seen it. Could the mechanic had something a little loose during all of the work and it leaked? The mechanic may have drained the battery with the work completed. I would suggest charge it good, test and then decide. Battery was replaced last sept or October. The age of the fuel pump and the mag wires is not known to me, could be the last engine overhaul. if you have flown the plane 75 hrs. Since April you are getting close to several ad’s being due. There are several that are every hundred hour due. Annual time now instead of a couple months from now? Fly safe. Ron
  6. Chris, be safe. Have a great day. Ron
  7. Try pacific oil coolers in Pomona CA. I replaced mine several years ago, it was not that much. Ron
  8. In my 69F the aileron servo is in the left wing, in access plates after the flaps. Ron
  9. Chris, not me. The boost pump was rebuilt less than 2 years ago, if I remember correctly. On this forum it has not been recommended to use the dukes pump any more than necessary. This flight is asking for it to be necessary. There is a filter at the boost pump. It was cleaned at the last annual. Also, is the FS450 transducer allowing fuel to go thru, or restricting the fuel? Engine pump was never touched in the years that I had the plane. May be old. Be safe, what is your but worth? Ron
  10. Chris, no idea. Old ram air seal maybe. Glad you are ok. Ron
  11. Wouldn’t, a check ride or dual in a 320 hp twin with retractable gear, constant speed prop and flaps qualify for HP. And complex sign off? Why an extra ride in a school,plane? Ron
  12. Take the mechanic for a ride, if you find a problem, you can show it to him, instead of trying to tell him what is wrong. Most of the time, the shop may have the books done, but not the invoice. If you before the test flight, he will just add more for the problem, or??
  13. Something may be accessing the vent channel from inside your plane. Pull the panel down and inspect it. Also, there is a drain line to vent any water from the roof vent over board. Ron
  14. How did Don Maxwell sign off an annual with no prop logs? I know, they used to be in with the engine log books, but that was years ago. This could be a great aircraft, or a giant pile of parts waiting for many more dollars to be put into it? jmho
  15. Chris. I looked for that piece and never found one, I reinforced it and it cracked again. Plane plastics has the pilot side, did not have the engine side though, check again, maybe now. Ron
  16. Congrats Chris. Enjoy and please take good care of her. Ron
  17. Don't forget, its pressurized. + or - depends
  18. My basic med was completed by me personal Doctor. We went through the form, line by line. I was told that they did not have the color test, so She got creative, pointed to a poster and asked what colors I could see. I did the vision test in the hallway with the normal charts. When we had this completed, Her comment was, Is that all, "this was much easier than the Special Issuance crap that we were doing yearly. " I have Kaiser Medical Insurance and the Dr. and I have a 10 year business relationship, so we know each other well. My Special Issuance is for a Heart Attack 10 years ago, and Diabetes is developing. I had a solo vehicle accident and suffered physically from it, I am all better, She did not put any additional restrictions on me flying or driving. I pushed for additional tests, knowing a bad test result could cost me my drivers license and medical. All tests came back that "I was normal." My Dr. is not a fan of flying, Her father flew, and she did not enjoy it. Keep looking, Drs. are out there that will do this for us. I have heard that some local clinic type offices may do it also, the ones that do sports medicals, drivers license medical etc. Ron
  19. Miller made highly modded Twinky's with IO360's, 200 hp, extended nose, wing baggage compartments etc. Some of these are turbo'ed also. Almost a twin Mooney. Looks like a nice plane. F. Lee Bailey also modded one. Was for sale for close to $500,000 years ago.
  20. I think that the only time I had 2 engines when I did my training was take and occasional time. Get running right on 2 and the instructor is going to kill an engine. Do it again and again.
  21. I patched mine several times. I have done roofing and this reminds of putting henry's around roof jacks. After several repairs on a 47 year old plane, I had Advanced Aircraft in Troutdale do a complete strip and seal. Money was well spent. As a DIY guy myself, I would not do a strip and seal myself. Some things are better left to the professionals. Ron
  22. Lasar when I talked to Robert about a month ago, did not have a waiting time. Top Gun did tell me if I pushed hard, they could probably get it in earlier.
  23. Also You need to be able to fly without the autopilot, in case of failure, and just to monitor it for proper function. And yes, the autopilot helps a lot. You can even look down to study an approach plate without the plane wondering off.
  24. Also Try Lowens Mooney Salvage. (Lasar)
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