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Everything posted by piperpainter

  1. Thanks for the story! Don't ever hesitate to tell ATC unable so that you can slow things down. They can move a jet or two so that you can get in. And also if you start picking up ice, tell ATC that you're picking up ice (along with type & intensity so they can give a PIREP) and you do not have ice equipment! This should let them know to let you do what you need to get safely on the ground. I've told ATC unable a few times. It's one thing to be in a heated building on the ground with screens, it's another to be in a cockpit with lots of stress going 150kts!
  2. piperpainter


    That looks light!
  3. It should be attached to your generator if you have one. They had a 1" line that went to them to keep them cool during operation. However these days we have alternators and they don't run nearly as hot so the alternators do not require the 1" cooling vent. When I changed from a generator to an alternator I had worked with my mechanic and put a patch on it. Looks much better than with the hole! Hope that helps.
  4. Uhh a rapco 215CC is what you need and it's $295. If you work with your mechanic you'll learn that its a PITA to do. If he/she has a special wrench use it. or pay $20 and buy it. I wouldn't fly the aircraft anymore until it's fixed. Otherwise you could get parts into the system and then you'll instruments will fail and those cost about $1500 plus to overhaul....so don't do that! Ground the girl, or cap her and fly her home.
  5. I If you want to print it off you can click it and then save it. Then print it. If you want the actual spreadsheet that has weight and balance and some other stuff then shoot me a PM with your email!
  6. So the fine print says it can have a weight of 2700lbs and only 4 seats including the pilot. It doesn't say if that's empty weight or gross weight though....so if they dont define that in the reg should it ever happen then that could be questionable as to which weight.
  7. Even though I trust my airplane, If I wasn't in a hurry I would add the extra 270NM and go down to key west FL within right up to the Cuba FIR then over to Mexico! At least you'd only be over wide open ocean for (I.e. only not within gliding) for about an hr as apposed to 3-4 solid hours! Either way sounds fun!
  8. That's a normal and expected occurance as you pass the cascades in WA via V2. It's even more wierd to watch when you're in IFR conditions. I've had it bleed down to around 90kts or less before finally getting over the hump and then I had the nose pointed almost 10degrees or so down. It's an odd feeling but once you see it a couple times you can expect it. Flying around the mountains you learn a lot about when and were to expect bumps or odd things to happen. Just like shaddows give you drops and sunny side gives you lift!
  9. Tom, They are very good about letting you do what you need in the Pacific Northwest. That is a very well known area for icing. Cold, moist air! It does get annoying though because they typically over forcast the icing conditions to be worse. There are a few times that I took off with an out and didn't get any icing at all. I also learned to call Seattle from the remote frequency and ask for PIREPS about tops, icing etc. Then I would wait for a reply back via handheld. It's sad how few pireps are given even during bad conditions. If only everyone would do a pirep about weather it could help pilots that are trying to make the go/no go decision. Often when I am on a cross country with weather conditions I give pireps every 30 minutes or so....and after a flight I can look and see a trail of PIREPS!
  10. Holy cow! I did mine back in like 2009 and it took me about 4-8hrs to complete the change with my mechanic. 17 sounds extremely over excessive. If I was you call a shop like LASAR and ask them how much time they charge people for that. Then go back to your shop and ask what the heck! Rebuttal it before you pay it otherwise you wont get the money back.
  11. I've had ATC try and give me altitudes that would put me in visible moisture/clouds multiple times. Typically if you mention that you're concerned about icing and do not have de-icing they won't bug you about the altitude change unless they have to. I came over the cascades at 16,000ft one time and they wanted to start giving me lower but I told them that I would prefer to stay high up and wait to descend. I threw out my concern for icing and they let me stay. I then gave myself a tour in the clouds on the way down around the south part of the puget sound. I'd much rather stay high and fly longer than be over the cascades picking up ice with big rock clouds below! Just like others have said "Have an out!"
  12. In a heartbeat I would make this change. Along with just about every other pilot I personally know that doesn't use their airplane for hire. There is so much that could be done at a much smaller cost. This would boost aviation because you would be able to afford those experimental options that are 1/4 cost of certified stuff. I am drooling at the thought of this!
  13. Yep been there done that! I was trying to climb over a mountain the other day after playing around a little and my buddy in a 205 passed me. I didn't think much of it at the time, but circled a little and got over the hill. I figured i'd get over and be hauling butt on the way down and didn't...but again I wasn't worried about going slow, I did have my power way back! Anyway, went to put the gear down on final and...oh....that's why I have been going so slow!!!! DOHH!
  14. I agree you need to look at the scat. This valve will not stop the engine. I had my butterfly valve for the dump fail and it didn't stop the engine, it just didn't give me as much of a drop. That's how I knew something was wrong. I would look at all the SCAT lines and check for damage or possibly a bird nest or something inside. This is the most likely answer. Hopefully it's just a kink! Goodluck.
  15. Ha I love the remark about a brushed paint job. I guess Mitch & Jolie's aircraft are also done with a "paint brush." I can't tell you how many people compliment my paint job, and how well my aircraft looks. So think about that paint brush comment a little more. You're statement is very incorrect, but I enjoyed the laugh. And you're WRONG it doesn't matter if you have "newer gear doors with a heavier, newer model airplane." The sand is very hard when it's the correct wetness. At Copalis state (S16) Beach in WA, I have seen much heavier 182RG's & 210's (smaller tires too) and they had no problems parking the plane for hours. You're RIGHT however in that some pilots can't handle the fun that goes with dirt, grass, sand. But that's why they make all those long runways. For guys like you! And Alas, you're right. I do all the preventative maintenance I can on my airplane, and do owner assisted annuals. This allows me to save money, save wasted time (and get things done at my pace) and finally I have a greater knowledge of my airplane. That way when I am flying around the backcountry, country or in other countries, as I've been, I won't have to pay someone to clean a spark plug, or change a tire, maybe even replace a screw. I can get things done on my own and be on my way. I guess that's what happens when you're self sufficient....it's rough. PS. I guess all these people are very "irresponsible." http://www.aeroplus.nl/wp-content/uploads/Barra2-Images-19.jpg http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3092/2684741804_d384bf299d_o.jpg http://www.google.com/imgres?start=134&es_sm=122&espv=210&bih=782&biw=1432&tbm=isch&tbnid=KvqNWlfcLKjd1M:&imgrefurl=http://www.chickenwingscomics.com/forum/index.php%3Ftopic%3D2495.0&docid=V_lZouwV0rIx_M&imgurl=http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y46/flyK1W1/2020sands28.jpg&w=800&h=533&ei=EghnUr60LeqjiQLUi4G4CQ&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:35,s:100,i:109&iact=rc&page=7&tbnh=183&tbnw=263&ndsp=28&tx=186&ty=114 http://www.google.com/imgres? start=189&es_sm=122&espv=210&bih=782&biw=1432&tbm=isch&tbnid=EgsB7CTzandcYM:&imgrefurl=http://ebooksonl.blogspot.com/2010/02/18-of-worlds-strangest-airports.html&docid=ITg7Ys6Sszhm8M&imgurl=http://www.impactlab.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/airports-18.jpg&w=470&h=345&ei=EghnUr60LeqjiQLUi4G4CQ&zoom=1&ved=1t:3588,r:96,s:100,i:292&iact=rc&page=9&tbnh=172&tbnw=248&ndsp=27&tx=159&ty=78 oh oh...is that an Acclaim....on dirt! http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/1XxVNUA8pYI/hqdefault.jpg These pissing matches are fun!
  16. I have a video under my youtube page piperpainter of me taking off from Copalis state beach. Landing and taking off from sand and dirt and gravel grass not really any of the above...seashells by the seashore! Isn't a big deal at all. You just gotta spray off the sand after you get home. I've done it a lot and it's a blast!
  17. Aren't you guys jealous! I mean I have one of the few Bush Mooney's http://mooneyspace.com/gallery/image/33621-landing-in-a-field/
  18. As Davv8or said. If you have any play in them at all then they need replaced. They are gonna run just under $1K i think. replace them all at the same time. And if you don't have the tools to take the old ones off just undue the nut on top, jack and it'll slide off, then put the new ones on lower the plane and put weight on the donuts...put the top screw/nut thingy back on! The nose is a PITA!
  19. I used this App for a school paper experiement and it sucks! I would NEVER use it for an actual flight. The synthetic vision was the only thing that was cool. Otherwise it wasn't user friendly for flight plans or many of hte other features. go with Foreflight or WingX
  20. I've hit a bird. Insurance took care of me. $15K dollar fix. If you can get a ferry permit then go to a service center. The Insurance company will pay. looks like a tear down. Id go for an overhaul, I mean pay $4K or pay $16 down the road! What about the prop? Is it damaged at all?
  21. Try a hard reset of the iPad itself and this wont be as frequent. I have this with the gen 1 as well.
  22. I rarely watch my speed...I go by feel!
  23. Thanks! Can you show us what it looks like from inside? It'd be nice to see the 337 for that! I mean I wouldn't mind having room for a fishing pole or for skies!
  24. Soooooo???? What is it!
  25. Why so worried about your N number? We already know it!
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