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Everything posted by piperpainter

  1. It's like $35+/- for the lasar tie downs/jack points. They are great and you don't ever need to take them out once you put them in. Also you shouldn't have to worry about them coming off if you tighten them properly. You could always put a little lock tight goop on them too. Saves time & energy when you make stops.
  2. My C had the cut out. I don't have pics though sorry. Ask Dan and I'm sure he has a pic or can get one.
  3. Well my 7lbs helps lets me say I have a useful of 1000lbs. Lose 20, 30, 40 and your airplane still weighs the same when you sell it!
  4. DO NOT wast money on a new generator or a rebuilt one! I got the plane power alternator and I LOVE IT! I get power at even the lowest of idling. Also when I put it in it was like the airplane went on a diet! She lost almost 7lbs from the switch from generator to Alt. Well worth it alone. It also gave me more room up in the front to work with. I hope you figure your other issues out. Oh and I would get a corcord again, I had a gill and it sucked!
  5. Okay Hank I have posted pictures of the liners. If you have questions let me know. It was pretty quick and easy! mins the paint...which might take some time to dry after you put get them fitted. I don't have nearly the problems I used to when cleaning. Also I have decided if anyone wants to know more about off airpor/dirt/grass stuff even though I am not a CFI yet, eventually, I would love to let you know the knowledge I've gained so feel free to ask! Bryan
  6. piperpainter


    Wheel Well Liners...etc
  7. From the album: Modification

    Before paint...

    © Bryan J Painter

  8. From the album: Modification

    Before paint...

    © Bryan J Painter

  9. From the album: Modification

    Before paint...

    © Bryan J Painter

  10. From the album: Modification

    Before paint...

    © Bryan J Painter

  11. One more reason that pilots wont be taken away anytime soon....
  12. Looks like a great airstrip! I could understand not wanting to go with too much fuel on board for your first time. Practice doing some landings on short fields or using runway remaining markers. Then when you have lower fuel take her in there. It'll be fine. Also you could try and find a field that has both grass and asphalt. Land in the grass and if you don't like that then takeoff on the asphalt. Or vis versa! Goodluck! haha Yes I've seen that shirt Hank, I like it! Shoot me an email/pm so that I can remember you want a pic of the Liners! And no worries I only recommend those places once you are really comfortable. Some of the longer ones like 3U2 I'll recommend to anyone comfortable with grass....so beautiful up there.
  13. I have the wheel well liners from LASAR....they are awesome! I barely have to do anything to clean out my wheel wells. The install was quick, easy and didn't cost to much. Worth it. I can take pics sometime if you need.
  14. That was no low flying act, that was actually on takeoff from my Dads ranch in NE Oregon! PETA.....People Eating Tasty Animals!
  15. I've apparently been inspiring a lot of people! I wish I was a CFI I would show people what their airplanes can do...then the pilots! Haha and now we know the rest of the story! Triple8s that video is going to blow some minds here....careful! God I love my Mooney! I want to go play with her right now...haha!
  16. I got a quote for this from stockton propeller and it was $1900 for the prop reseal/fluid change. $3100 for a prop overhaul with the fluid. Just an FYI!
  17. Oscar I'm glad to see another Mooney driver taking their airplane into grass. These planes can handle a helluva lot more than what people think...even the owners!
  18. Exactly, doable, as long as it's something you've done before or you've had experience with. And have a plan. I.e. don't climb into climbing terrain!
  19. Not every airstrip in the world has a damn critter waiting for you!!! A lot of airstrips are nice and groomed. I've seen a Bravo come in and out of Johnson creek idaho a few times (3u2). If you have a nice strip go for it! I've been in grass that is pretty tall in the C and although I don't have the wheel covers, I have not had a problem in grass that has been almost a 1ft tall. I say get a pirep on it and take her in. (Unlesss your insurance says otherwise). Have fun!
  20. <p>I'd say he was perfectly within the airplanes limitations. I actually was there the day before and left at 7PM. I had a DA of 9300ft and I had a load, but not gross. I used a solid 2500ft of runway 36&nbsp;(i didn't try and pull it off) I lifted off accelerated and climbed at about 400-500fpm. So I took a little stroll along the beach towards the casinos and then I turned back around as I climbed up to 10.5K. I then flew the rest of the way home at that altitude with no problems. Now, had I taken off to the south you are automatically going into terrain. The only way you can avoid the terrain is to fly to the west and then join the highway that eventually heads north. If he had an issue with his engine, which he may have, then it appears from the video he tried to do the &quot;impossible turn.&quot; And just didn't have any energy or enough altitude. Stall/spin into trees. He should have tried for the golf course instead as others have done before. Sad day.</p>
  21. Why did you get stuck?
  22. Oh there is a go around here no prob! This pic is looking west, the pic looking east is of a hill but there is a river that runs next to it. So you can follow the river and climb out if you needed to go around. Even the Atlanta Airstrip has a go around, to the East and circle around. But you can't float and then go around at that one! This one you could!
  23. Lots of fun in the Idaho backcountry in my backcountry Mooney. Please don't try this till you have lots of experience!
  24. From the album: Johnson Creek Idaho (3U2) 2013

    June 2013 Please don't try this without experience
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