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Everything posted by piperpainter

  1. Thanks!
  2. I have the fixed and I love them. Easy to install and work great. I really has added an extra level of safety should something happen!
  3. I'll admit to having accidently not latched the rear door, this happend when I had a passenger . And right as you reach takeoff speed it'll pop open! However if you keep it slow it won't rip off! Staying calm is also important! I've also had someone "shut the door," and it didn't shut all the way(didn't seal so it let air in). It was a cold flight from Tok, AK to Ketchican, AK @ 13K. I've learned to only let select passengers close the door, and even so I verify it is closed prior to takeoff. Also if I am concerned about the hatch and I am by myself I can set the parking brake, roll the seat all the way back and push up on the door. That sometimes makes me feel better!
  4. Glad you liked them Hank! Fear not grass!
  5. I have the normal C-model hartzell. It's just been painted black! Also my camera is a Drift HD by drift innovations. See Mypov360.com It's a great camera. I have a mount for under my wing but I just kept it inside because I didn't want to hit it on any brush when landing. It's attached with a suction cup! Stanely!! That runway is awesome, even before getting 1600ft of asphalt!
  6. Quote: scottfromiowa G.R.E.A.T Video. I don't think you need that disclaimer either Bryan. Enjoyed it as much as the guys that had ground and helmet cameras doing the jumps with the special "wing suits" and would "fly" down the mountain and deploy the chute. That had to be an amazing rush...Any video from ground perspective? THAT would be great to include or supplement with your "in cabin" shots. One Mooney driver mounted a camera on the exterior/bottom of plane and got some tremendous photos of the Keys in Florida or perhaps the Caymans. Maybe a camera on the outsied for a future production? Thanks for sharing these. Youd did inspire me to do a grass landing at D25 (strong crosswind day). It was uneventful and really enjoyed it. Knew strip was well maintained. O.K...gonna watch it for the third and NOT final time. :<)
  7. http://player.vimeo.com/video/44636681 This one of the many amazing airstrips in the Idaho Backcountry. Please ensure you don't do this without experience. I know I know you all think i'm nuts! But "WE" do great together! V/R Bryan
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