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Everything posted by piperpainter

  1. If it's light that could very well be something possible for aviation. Heck at least you wouldn't have an iced over window!
  2. Don't do GREEN!!! They don't look nearly as good as the Smoke or clear! Just saying
  3. FYI if anyone needs a step and the suction/servo let me know!!! I have one for sale!
  4. That sucks.....any update if he survived?
  5. If it's real cold I'd make that more like 5-6 pumps!
  6. What frequency was he on? I spent all of last night trying to find it... Found it
  7. I am so excited! Next I hope to hear a they are coming out with Stratus 3!
  8. I wouldn't ask top gun for the cost. I would ask an actual overhaul shop like Lycon or one stop down in Oceanside, CA. I'm sure that top gun is gonna have a massive mark up cause they are " So special." Kinda like the redic $110+shop rate..just my $.02
  9. I'd get a twin too! That way you could go direct with two engines!
  10. Look next to your eyeball vent inlets....you'll notice a hole there as well! This is so that if any water somehow got into the door it would drain out. You don't want water to collect! At least that's my argument. I just looked and my C...1965 doesn't have them....maybe it was built a little different!
  11. Just make an effort to breath from your nose and you'll be good next time. I sometimes have to put extra though into breathing through my nose with the canula. If you use the mask it goes through oxygen super fast! Use the Canuala but make that effort to breath!
  12. Dangit! I thought that's what the fairway was for!
  13. Yep the step is no longer needed! I gave up my step for extra baggage space But not everyone wants that as much as they want a step!
  14. I have a step & servo that worked great before I removed it for my extended baggage compartment. I asked LASAR how much they sell for and they said $800 with an overhauled servo. I'll start with make me an offer. But I would say somewhere like $399 OBO is a good deal. The spring, wire & everything worked fine when I took it out and I was careful not to mess anything up. Let me know via pm or email or post...email is my username @ hotmail Bryan PS: If red isnt' your color it can be stripped! The step has a nice black no slip paint on it from the paint shop!
  15. my empty CG is 45.54 so you'd need to start with that number. If you're using F numbers that might also change things!
  16. Okay I had a whole thing written out and it got jacked up. Sorry you'll have to wait a bit longer....here are a couple points 22" deep 19" tall 29" wide Limited to 40 lbs of weight per Mooney (the rack was limited to 40lbs...we just made a floor out of the rack and added a little between the main floor and racks to remove a gap) 337 ....May not be able to give this out free. I spent $$$ to get this done and paid Lasar $40 alone to get paperwork that really didn't help a lot. Please don't hate me for this, I haven't decided yet or if I can....less than $10 if I did.... along with pictures. work....30 man hours. I worked with my mechanic very closely to get this done. Made new partition at station 125. removed step ---minor modification as it was optional for Mooney's and is so put in the logbook does anyone need a step and suction? Okay i'll try to get to the details soon but I've been doing some other stuff and getting ready to move back to WA!
  17. You need someone to ferry it!? Also can you post anything about the aircraft? Some of us might be able to find some info for you, or make sure that you aren't getting a lemon. Unless you like lemonade!
  18. Go open that panel and see what all you have back there! My battery is located in the engine area so I don't have to worry about that stuff!
  19. Got pre approved and it's now completed as we didn't want to do a bunch of stuff and not get approved. Paperwork is all done. New weight and balance is done with 1005lbs useful. Lost weight cause I also had to remove my step. Pretty excited!
  20. Let's just say I got a field approval for this extended baggage! Would anyone want the info?! Limits 40 lbs. If you have stuff On the avionics rack it'll make it harder to do!
  21. That was a cool website! Thanks!
  22. Beautiful plane...what was wrong?
  23. That strip looks great!
  24. haha There is a video of the takeoff. It's not the greatest shot though cause it's from inside.
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