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Everything posted by 201Mooniac

  1. I'm one of those who has the G500 TXi and absolutely love it. I've flown with both and seen the screens side by side and prefer the TXi for display quality and connectivity but if I didn't have the TXi I would be thrilled with the G3X as well.
  2. I haven't come across any of that. Equipment has performed flawlessly. I did have a few missing approach waypoints but an email to their tech support quickly resolved the issue with an updated database.
  3. I've been using the TD-2G sim for over a year now and I find the equipment to be very realistic to use and quite excellent for IFR proficiency. It isn't a Mooney but it flies the Mooney approach speeds and procedures. I don't use it for cross-county flying, I mostly just do procedures (approach, departure, arrival).
  4. I got one a year ago and love it, I do more approaches in a week than I used to in 6 months
  5. While I would never talk anyone out of a J, there are electric gear C, E, and F models that will also meet your needs. The J only needs the complex endorsement as it isn't over 200 hp.
  6. Is it the factory probe or a probe for a multi-probe engine analyzer or do you think the factory gauge is failing? If it is a probe, it is fairly simple to find one but should be checked to ensure it is compatible with your display.
  7. I had the same experience. I did my insurance checkout hours with a non-Mooney instructor and he caused all sorts of issues (including almost a landing overrun) which made me afraid to land on a short runway. It was more harmful than helpful. I couldn't agree more. After the initial experience I flew with @donkaye for a few hours and he taught me more in those few hours than I had learned in my previous 300 hours of flying including all my instruction. After the first hour or two, I was comfortable on speed control and no longer had any fear of landings.
  8. You might also try Buchannan Aviation at KCCR. It has been 20 years but they did a great job on my interior and it has held up very well. They were reasonably priced, at the time.
  9. Paul, Yours might be different but on mine they weren't squeeze from the short edges there was a slide latch on the lower side of the connector that needed to be pushed up. I agree that removing them with your head on the floor is the easier technique.
  10. Check with @donkaye from San Jose, excellent Mooney instructor and has done many ferry flights.
  11. Mostly because the gasket doesn't seal out containinants well after the system is worn. That lets dirt and grit into the induction system having bypassed the air filter.
  12. I received an email this morning that my subscription is expiring and the link in the email to renew doesn't work. I went to the donate link on the bottom of the page and donated. Hope that was the right way to renew.
  13. Absolutely beautiful, if only I was looking to upgrade...
  14. While it is expensive, it will fix the OPs problem since it replaces the entire ram air system with a different system that actually work and is easy to maintain. On my 1980 M20J, it provides 1.25" additional MP
  15. That is the LoPresti Cowl and it is a great modification. When it was put on my plane, I got significant increase of 8+ KTAS. The ram air on that cowling gives a true 1.25" increase in manifold pressure. It also significantly increases the ability to pre-fight since there is a large access door on both sides of the cowling which spans the baffling so you can easily see the entire top of the engine. I can reach in through the left door and grab the magneto to make sure it isn't coming loose. Additionally, the parting line is lowered so when removing only the top cowling you have great access for routine maintenance.
  16. I would close it off, over time the gasket wears and you get grit into the engine intake. It doesn't really help at all anyway. The downside of closing it off is having to fiberglass over the opening and get it painted, a pain but worth it in the end.
  17. I also had ArtCraft paint my Mooney, 12 years ago now and she still looks like new. Highly recommended.
  18. Be VERY careful going that high, any problem with your O2 system can cause a problem in a real hurray at FL280. The good thing about the high altitude training I took was a chamber ride where we went to FL200 and then FL250 to see how we reacted to a loss of O2. For some in my class it was a very quick step to being incoherent. I learned a lot about my initial signs of hypoxia and I constantly look for them even at lower altitudes.
  19. Well since my last post went away due to the move, I'll repost. Lots of us Mooney drivers in California, a great group of Mooney folk. I fly out of KRHV and KJAQ in my M20J. Where are you flying out of? We occasionally have fly-ins around the state. I know the Mooney Flyer group is doing a KPRB fly-in in September.
  20. While certainly not a necessity, the GFC-500 is a great autopilot and you will certainly enjoy having it. You will generally arrive less tired after long flights and it flies approaches on rails. While only you can decide if it is worth it, I'm very happy with having done mine.
  21. I never seem to run out of things to spend money on for the plane.
  22. It is a configuration that is specified in the STC for the aircraft type.
  23. I definitely don't get a pitch down while flaring. The underspeed protection should be off below some threshold, maybe it is 200ft AGL, based on the information from the navigator. Also, running trim up while flaring works fine. I would think there is some installation or configuration issue.
  24. If this is for an M20J, I might have one. PM me.
  25. The best part of the SVT (at least on my G500 TXi) is the flight path marker which needs heading. I'm not sure if SVT on the GI-275 requires it but I would definitely want heading information to get the flight path marker.
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