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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. man, just ran across this on lycomings site, who would've guessed that instructor guy knew what he was talking about Leaning Lycoming Engines | lycoming.com
  2. I'd be super happy with a diesel. Certified Jet-A Engines (continental.aero)
  3. yeah, that dip at E will absolutely get your attention. I believe they are slowly fixing things, kinda tired of having my prop filed every annual
  4. just did a quick measure of kdwh, if google/bing is anywhere near accurate. say a few hundred feet. then i'm normally landing and taking off in 1000 to 1500 feet of runway. when landing 17R, i'm normally be able to exit by the Delta Taxiway. don't actually do this, you'll need a propstrike inspection. when taking off, the plane generally leaves the runway around the 1000 footers. Admitted, using 1000 feet of a 7000ft runway is way different psychology then if it was 1000 to 1500ft.
  5. memories, before getting my ppl, I installed a bunch of weigh/price/labeling equipment in that Harris ranch plant. Really hope to one day fly in for lunch
  6. M20E 2000ft, knqa. Some dumb guy didn't check notams before picking the airport. Runway was being reworked, they had temporarily shortened it to 2000ft. No drama or pucker factor, probably only needed 1500 ft
  7. that's the thing, it's one of my routines, NEVER deviate. if i have to fly 50 miles, i have 3 hours of fuel in the plane. if the destination is shut, I have all the fuel in the single tank to get somewhere safe.
  8. I follow the poh procedure, 1hr tank1, empty tank2, land on remaining tank1. fill up, if i don't have enough fuel. I plan all my flights around this procedure. max range including landing is planned to be 450 to 500 miles, no wind of course. can't remember when last i even looked at the gauges.
  9. not a bad looking girl
  10. can't seem to find it, there used to be a company selling the inogen for aviation use.
  11. looks to be a pretty nice plane. while yes, you could put boatloads of cash into the panel, that one is perfectly serviceable. If you're lucky, the brittain works or can be fixed, it'll follow the pink line like it's on rails. Honestly, if you bought an E today and tried to mod it to an equiv level, it would be WAY more expensive than what's being asked. tanks alone are almost unobtainable. oh yeah, it's prob faster then a M20J. get it annualed, if it passes write a check, have fun.
  12. yes. RAM® X-Grip® Universal Holder for 7"-8" Tablets with Ball (rammount.com)
  13. I use two IPads, mini5 and mini6 when flying real distance, 1 may or may not play an inflight movie 8) 1 is mounted on the yoke, the other is attached to the windshield bar, above the compass near the ceiling. I use Xgrip mounts and standard speck cases, have never had issues with over heating.
  14. everyone is soo proud of their used equip, makes it unattractive
  15. the ev i have on order get's 300 miles per charge, so with a 15 mile commute that's approx 7 days between charges after which it gets charged at the ***house!!*** my ic will NEVER approach that amount of convenience. I've stopped at a gas station at-least once per week for most of my driving life, this alone makes it worthwhile. if i take that same vehicle 300miles on a roadtrip after 4 to 5ish hours of driving I stop for 45 mins to charge the vehicle, no where near as quick as fueling my ic but, i was gonna stop for 45mins to an hour anyway; past 4 or 5 hours i'm taking a plane so neither ic/ev has an advantage. Houston to Dallas is about as far as I’m driving and with most new evs making that trip, I’m good.; any further I’m taking a plane. do have to say the minimum range on my IC is 500miles WAY more convenient if i ever drove 500 miles. everyday use, where I’m home charging and just puttering about the city, at todays rates the EV fuel cost is something like 19$ vs 40$ for the same range. seems like a win for the ev. total lifecycle cost, no clue. I drive fully optioned vehicles so can't really speak to this
  16. forgot about the aztek, would def ride a prius before that. No clue how someone at GM could think that was a good idea
  17. Drove a chevy Volt that would completely destroy my 1996 camaro in the quarter, unfortunately, it was about as sexy as a prius, no take that back nothing is as ugly as a prius
  18. i use the way-back position when flying long cross countries, feels better than business class 8)
  19. Unfortunately, I believe GA is killing itself, electrics will have little to do with it. it's just gotten damn expensive. in the last 5 years, insurance has double, hangar rent has went up 1.5 times, mechanic now charges 100+ dollars an hour everything avionics is just damn expensive. new garmin navcom is 5k, hell a used 430w is still 4 or 5 k. new 172 is FAR more expensive than my house, let alone something like a cirrus/diamond really, really hard to get a young person excited about flying when it means sacrificing pretty much everything else
  20. House on the Rock - Wisconsin Attraction | Resort | Golf (thehouseontherock.com)
  21. check with the avionics shop about moving the radios, I found out the hard way(spent more money) avionics stcs can be pretty particular about where radios are located
  22. 2 gi275 and a garmin 375 transponder
  23. how about swapping the garmin 345 for a garmin 375, add a g5/gi275 and gfc500 autopilot.
  24. Get the lens cover stc from ari : Aero Resources Inc put it on birdy just for this purpose. also i swear it makes the plane .00001 kt faster
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