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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. I use one of thse
  2. am i the only one that can't stand the feel of microfiber cloth? really hate touching the stuff
  3. this is pretty much what i'm planning, scotchbrite, blast, sand off failing paint, prime/seal, then hit with the white base. update, I may have a place where it's safe to bring in real paint equip, might get to spray the whole wing. found a new sexy dark green at the paint store, so now trying to research how to paint lines
  4. 200hp version would be awesome in my E, well if i had Bill Gates money anyway
  5. Dashboard of the jeep looks like a Shar Pei, darn jeep, they even promised to fix it and didn't. that and their service has guaranteed i'll never buy another who would've thought a real leather dashboard left in the sun wouldn't last
  6. unfortunately, it's way past fixing. the touchups done to it in the past are now falling off. strangest thing, the paint where original, is almost perfect.
  7. So red is actually the worse. Everything weathers if left outside uncared for. so my GM, 8 year old Camaro(Gray), looks just as good as the day it rolled off the lot. the 10 year old jeep which sits outside all the time, not as good but close. not really that concerned as the plane is hangared literally 99% of the time, its only seen rain 2 or 3 times in the 5 years i've owned it. really only need the paint to last another 3 to 5 years, long enough to install long range tanks, speed mods, 8.33 radio
  8. By tail i mean the moveable tail IGNORING the elevator and rudder. weight, i'm not sure how concerned to be about and just guessing 8lbs of wet paint, probably ~4 lbs once it dries. hmm could probably read the specs to see if a dry weight can be estimated. you can absolutely Tint a clear coat, usually used for special effect. Clearcoat is the UV protection for modern paint, actually it provides most of the protection for your vehicle.
  9. Couple thoughts Is the Tail considered a Flight Control? Really thinking of applying clear to the whole plane after the touchup, probably make her look really spiffy until she's repainted in a few years. would def protect the surface maybe even add a bit of metal flake to hide the patches
  10. do you have a set for a 74E that can be cleaned and put back into service?
  11. Nice, i fly it multiple times per year. CGI -- crew car, sight seeing, casino, mural on mississippi river KNQA -- Crew car, used to have best gas prices, nearby restaraunt with fried bologna specialty M01 -- good gas prices, helicopters stop here for fuel, kinda interesting lining up next to a life line or blackhawk KUTA -- strange ghost town airport, in middle of nowhere. used to be popular casino town but bit down hill of late DTN -- shreveport, crew car, casinos basically at end of runway, don't think they charge for overnight, really nice fbo
  12. Corvette, all the speed and handling, less than half the cost. actually in base models the corvette may be faster
  13. KDUA, KDTN, KLBX, KCLL, KLUV-cool museum KNEW, GASTONS, KANSAS DOWNTOWN, KLCH if desperate dtn and dua are better. Fredericsburg
  14. so after checking my after install bag, I noticed the installer didn't use ANY of my prefab professionally made harness, seems my original fabricator made it about 2 or 3 feet 2 short and instead of extending it the new installer just removed the connectors and rewired. Even the pins are still in place. we can probably come to a deal if you're interested. I've included pictures of the harness before the ends were removed.
  15. I purchased ALL parts from Aircraft Spruce or Dallas Avionics, be prepared, that canbus wire is some expensive stuff. simple wiring however , canbus is only 2 wires, daisy chained from component to component. you will need good deal of power and ground wire, probably 22awg unshielded. if you can't borrow the correct crimpers be prepared for a sticker shock, those suckers are EXPENSIVE. Avionics, Install Supplies, Pilot Supplies, Avionics Test Equipment (dallasavionics.com) where are you btw, i can check if i have some leftovers
  16. @Jeev, i just received a call from Duncan saying kits would start to be available soon, are you still offering installation ?
  17. you need one of those flimsy plastic bags to fit around all the bends, freezer bags are too stiff
  18. Fellow Mooneyspacers, one last fix for your enjoyment.
  19. How it works for me, i get an expected clearance, load it into my nifty 480, call cd/ground, get something completely different, enter that into the 480, take off and fly something different from everything before, sigh good thing it's mostly instructions to fly direct
  20. from my research the g5 and g3x were designed to work together. now i don't have a g3x so can't be 100% but from what I've learned, and this is the crudest example i can think of. you can basically unplug one of the g5s, use the same connector to plug in the g3x add power, pitot/static and temp probe and you end up with a basic working g3x. of course you need to cut panels, sell your old g5 and such but you get the drift. the g3x works with the canbus, so the gad29b, gmu11 will just work.
  21. so really 2 reasons, first, i could get g5's immediately, gi-275s was a months long wait. Most important : If 'm blessed, i really want to go G3x which integrate better with the G5s. To be clear it works with the gi-275 but works better with a g5
  22. second part of the question, is it possible to still get paints based on the given color codes ? did get an auto paint place to mix a pint of each green
  23. Absolutely this is exactly what i needed. I find it odd, my girl is a 74 but painted in 75 colors
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