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Everything posted by McMooney

  1. I've actually lived in Phoenix, Florida and Texas, flight trained in all 3. phoenix we flew no matter what except if you were flying the diamonds, they had temp limits. florida, didn't matter go, dodge the thunderstorm getter done. to be honest it's 98deg every day so you get used to it Texas, i'm probably just getting older and without some sort of mission just doesn't make sense. could be it's so early in the summer i'm just not acclimated.
  2. I've cancelled flights due to cold, ice, rain, never figured too much sun would have me sitting here wishing i could fly. Summer only just started btw. share some flying stories for those of us sitting on the bench
  3. I'm leaning towards installing a TX56 in Birdy, unfortunately it's way down on the list.
  4. REading my poh, it very clearly says i can use 91/96 octane fuel. wth
  5. I used the davtron probe instead of the expensive garmin, seems to work just fine. temp matches the davtron gage installed on the otherside of the plane so figure it's atleast close to correct.
  6. you need the Gad13 + temp probe for oat yes the gmu 11 provides MH. everything is connected via the canbus to the g5, really simple actually. BUTTTT, while you're in there and you've installed all that which is most of the g5 system, maybe add the gad 29b and arincs to the gps????
  7. I would love a diesel/jet a engine in the mooney. having the 20 to 30% extra range would eliminate my need for extended range tanks. turbo would let me get up higher and go faster plane would burn the same fuel as most of my cars, win win. If i win the lottery, i'm putting diesel something in the mooney.
  8. Grand Prairie, KGPM, has an awesome restaurant. also you may get to see some shiny helicopters KGKY and KGPM are literally across the street from one another
  9. Roll your own, look pretty simple to fabricate
  10. I have an E and run per the POH but with a hard 4ish hour limit, 3ish hours if IFR. ( adjust for fuel flow ) In the E, the fuel gauge starts to wiggle when the tank gets low, that's when you switch it won't shut off. Just time it. actually it's not really an hour limit, it's more of a tank limit. Tank1 is for Takeoff/landing Tank2 is for getting there. once back on tank1, i'm already on the approach or within 30mins of a VFR pattern. So far, I've landed with a minimum of 1 to 1.5 hours in tank1 when pushing it vfr OH yeah, engine restarts are a non event, switch tanks it restarts almost instantly. hopefully you didn't piss off Murphy that day. from experience, do NOT let the engine stop when riding with the copilot/cfo, really bad things will happen to you
  11. Thanks to BAS i may soon be back in the air, they had a donor oil cooler from a beech that'll fit. looking at it, can't help but feel some sort of way. seems it was made in indianapolis, just a few miles from my childhood home when i was 3. def makes me feel, i'm gonna call it nostalgic, kids would call it old also feeling a bit peeved, a brand new racing oil cooler, top of the line can be had for less than 500$ modern, prob better construction, prob better cooling,e tc... but thanks to this being an airplane part this 50 year old oil cooler cost 3x as much, sigh
  12. I'm sure iah and hou are better but around Houston most ILS/LOC/VORs are notam'd out most of the time. Only reason I've even tried an ILS was to verify green needles on the G5's and that was notam'd unmonitored.
  13. I've never had anyone except for the airport where I lease my hanger even ask for insurance
  14. I was really unlucky, i flew my Birdy for a few hundred hours before getting my IR, believe insurance was some where around 1600$. paid 1900$ literally one day prior to tmy IR checkride, bad luck. Expected a steep discount the next year but UNFORTUNATELY t was the year rates really shot up so ended up paying more 8(
  15. Mine was the oil cooler, almost impossible to find. took it to a radiator/heat exchanger repair shop, they applied 50 to 75psi of air to the inlet before the crack in the cooler showed itself
  16. OK another dumb question, are Flaps considered flight Controls ?
  17. I configure the plane, takeoff flaps, prop, radios, etc. between the IF and FAF, at FAF/intercept I drop gear and ride it down to the runway. No configuration changes after the FAF, land or redo. Sometimes i use the Brittain but it's only single axis.
  18. Well seems i was a bit unlucky, fixing the oil cooler line just caused the oil cooler to leak more 8(, guess i get to catch up on honey doos
  19. I noted this picture initially, IA said the cooler line was loose, replaced crush gasket and tightened. Hopefully that sorts it.\
  20. hmm, i was pretty sure that was rust but i'll look at it again, i do remember the spark plug wires being a bit oily at that point.
  21. If you're talking about the black section of the pipe, that is oil on the exhaust
  22. No clue, decowled but it's blown around so much can't figure it out. Best i can say is it's somewhere physically between the top oil cooler lines and the oil cooler. only the pilot's side has oil, other side is bone dry.
  23. Not even 2 hours of flying with the new avionics and bam. I must've done something wrong to someone
  24. I did it yesterday, gns480 vs kx170b 25miles@1230 to TNV results +- 0. woot i wrote it down, guess tha tmakes it legal
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