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Everything posted by KB4

  1. In a pinch to change a tire away from home I could see it being necessary and probably not likely to cause structural damages. Manufacturer saw damage I’m assuming continued and repeatedly using tail, but just guessing about frequency. Im guessing your J may be up in the air for few hours while you’re sorting thing out. Many use tail and many have no issues, until they do. If Jack’s don’t have collars you can draw a sharpie line around the ram to quickly see if the jack is holding pressure while you finish up under the belly. Harbor freight has 2 ton crane cheap.
  2. Seems you have familiarity with the SM, in there they do NOT recommended to use tail, rather lifting straps attached to motor mounts and a shop crane and jacks.
  3. What does the SM say? Rely on the SM. It is searchable. For J’s, place jack under lift point, remove tube stem, after air removed you will only need to jack up 1 side an inch. Use dry solvent to clean everything up and repack your bearings while you’re in there. Check torque value for wheel nuts—it’s different from nose. Mains 150 inch lb. and nose is only 90 inch lb. may be different for you.
  4. Will admit had me for a minute. So when the BRS is available for Mooney, curious how many spouses will insist on THAT being the next upgrade. Available for Cessna now but guessing skylight gives an ideal departure point for the rocket. My guess 20AMU. Suggested factory get working on this. Could be some revenue in a market where factory isn’t seeing much income. But since Mooney is not composite, a deployment should be designed so as NOT to destroy the airframe. Maybe factory needs to consult Elon he seems to be adept at doing what others think is impossible.
  5. Good point could be missing those bushings.
  6. Before buying new doors, might try adjusting the heim joint on pilot side a turn at a time.
  7. I hope not. That would be a terrible business decision —not enough sales. My guess is they are working on lighter materials for the gear legs for whole fleet beginning with J’s. I also wouldn’t be surprised if they were working on a Ballistic Parachute Mod for fleet and plan it to be standard in all new airframes, it’s available now for 172’s.
  8. For radios, pull an approach plate at airport that LiveATC monitors and spend few minutes listening to APPROACH even better if it’s same approaches you will use. Quickly you will be comfortable. I found this helpful keeping Instructions and Freq’s organized https://www.dauntless-soft.com/downloads/ifrfp22.pdf
  9. Many fast. If you are one and have conditioned your body only you can assess if you are good to go. For the rest of us that never fast, bad idea
  10. Little short sighted no? If your plane disappears, those logs are not worthless. There was no double negative. Only that a serious buyer will do whatever is necessary. Not about inferior, its about protecting your asset. But sorry you know more......
  11. Is that a good idea to have digital copies of all the logs floating around? Kinda makes up half the value and you have no control over who now has them. Any "Serious" buyer will make arrangements to have them inspected in person.
  12. Hope this helps other MS'ers. Andy Munnis YT video By far the best video I found. FlyM8.com free IFR Charts videos Pilots Cafe study guide not complete but good start. Was free resource, but when I checked the link, appears to be a pay what you feel is fair now. https://pilotscafe.com/IFR-quick-review-guide/ Sporty's video series on Ipad. I downloaded all the handbooks, supplements, TPP, IFR Low/High Legends, Regs... ect on the Ipad. I read through the PTS so I knew what to expect and special emphasis areas (these are freebies cause you know they will be tested). It has a good checklist for all the items you need to bring. I brought a small printer along as a backup and needed it to print at the end.
  13. FF offers PDC included in Performance plus package.
  14. Take away’s for me since it’s all speculation, let’s mitigate those potential causes in our community. 1. When seat is positioned where you want it—-gently -rock forward then back to FEEL you are hooked. I do this religiously because I had seat slip back when pushed rudder to turn while taxiing. Happy it happened on taxi. 2. Run-up— Exercise the Trim stop to stop. Admittedly I slack here. But not so moving forward. 3. A MS’er /A&P/AI posts pics and guidance on that AD from 2012. Hope all have complied, but again?
  15. And you haven't knocked out New Jersey and VA on your map. Can't be trusted if you landed in almost every state but the dirty Jers. If ur ever in NE without a bird, I can get you NJ.
  16. Why over the counter. Try a small cup of Matterhorn white from local aircraft paint shop. Probably charge you nothing. maybe $20 No shops around, good excuse to fly-in and do your touch ups. The SM does list the colors used each model covered in the SM. Get some anti-chafe tape too.
  17. I always liked this for go-around Cram Clean Climb Clean Communicate with 2 call outs “no-contact GA/MAP” and “Vy”
  18. Guessing he used the tried and true compressed air and a spray bottle with soapy water. Check SM may have a procedure.
  19. Very nice. Put LED Landing light on your upgrade list. It’s easy cheap and increases chances others see you cause you leave it on start up to shut down.
  20. Great video, but stick to VFR altitudes when VFR. Flying VFR at 6000 isn’t advisable.
  21. I believe it’s recommended no higher than 8500-9000. For dogs with squished noses think pug, it’s recommended lower as those breeds have breathing issues.
  22. Where is the MS community on Checklists and Flow Checks? My last BFR which I found our is now just FR since FAA encouraging annual FR, instructor always asks anything me you want to practice since you have me sitting right seat? CFii said he had a Cirrus guy that responded "I want to practice hand flying." lmao kinda scary.
  23. You said it best.
  24. Sidewinder IS made in USA if that matters to you—does to me. I think it’s a small shop. Took nearly a month to get mine, but it’s well worth the wait. And if you have ever seen 1 for sale, they get snatched up quick at used price of 1500, so if you can sell Sidewinder for 1500 when finished with it then initial acquisition cost isn’t so bad. before that I had converted a snow blower to a tug. Was great at pulling not so good at pushing, needed some weights and some kinda out rigger.
  25. YT has a good hour long old tutorial on the box. May be under CNX80 but it’s same as GNS480. Pilots Guide available in pdf on google.
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