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Everything posted by tmo

  1. A flight school I know gear-up-ed a PA30 with a student pilot flying, FI teaching, and head of maintenance along for the ride to listen to "weird sounds" the landing gear was supposedly making. Granted it was the 10th or so circuit, but nevertheless, stuff happens when you least expect it.
  2. When did they move it in-house? IOW, which plugs should be avoided?
  3. This might be the video you're looking for. No Mooneys have been harmed filming that video, fear not. Some nice scenery, too.
  4. With the cost of an GI-275 + install you're not that far off from an E5, are you now? Maybe G is giving us all a hint </s> To give G some credit, where it is perhaps due, they did start supporting the King stuff, which is an improvement over the G5, which very likely could also drive all the APs had G wanted it to. IOW, no real point in wondering, we'll never know anyway.
  5. Do share when done, please.
  6. Those darn hangar elves, mixing stuff in... Better hide them WD40 cans...
  7. Yet the 2nd eligibility requirement does say "U.S. citizen or U.S. permanent resident" which immediately means applying doesn't make sense for some 7.35 billion people, out of 7.7 billion roaming the planet... Just sayin'. But yes, looks like a great place to apply, for those that are in need and eligible, thanks for posting the link.
  8. The GI-275 interfaces with a number of legacy autopilots. A full AP compatibility list is available.
  9. And thus lunch becomes a business expense ;-)
  10. You're doin' it wrong The one you linked has a TCM TSIO 550-E, like a Mooney, not a turbine like N994PT... Try this one instead... I'll show myself out...
  11. Those are US dollars, not some pesos or whatever, right? No wonder y'all can afford those fancy glass panels and stuff...
  12. Avatar area says: Reg #:N994PT Model:Lancair IVPT An award winning build, too. Look for the pics, it's plane porn at its finest.
  13. I've seen cars stored on jacks... Granted this was usually classic cars in the winter, with the associated salt on roads and otherwise harsh conditions, but yeah... My late grandfather stored his "daily" driver like that for the winter, too - he even made special "stools". We didn't use to drive much, you see, and a bicycle was usually much more convenient than a car in the country, and public transportation in the cities. Oh, not that long ago (1980s) car gasoline (leaded, of course) was rationed, too...
  14. Well, do remember that in the early days of the Soviet Union starving millions to death was SOP. So no, I don't think Chernobyl did jack to hasten the transformation of the Soviet Union into Russia. SSDD. But let us not stray into politics.
  15. FWIW you're gonna love the new audio panel...
  16. So which airplane is your favourite, eh?
  17. @Ibra - how high did you fly in PPL training? Most FPLs I filed while doing PPL training were A015...
  18. @Yetti - your posts are quite frequently ones that I have a hard time deciding if I want to "like" them or say "thanks" for posting something that is simple and to the point. Many others here do as well, a good asylum from CAMO driven gold plating that is seen this side of the pond way too often... Go N-reg!
  19. I'm afraid it's not that simple, or I'd have done it already. While the 7000 series from PS Engineering is pin-compatible with the KMA24 as far as the audio panel part goes, it also does have an extra connector for the intercom functionality (which the KMA24 sadly/suprisingly lacks). To quote from the page you linked: The PMA7000 series are KMA24 pin compatible, only the intercom harness has to be made, existing connector remains. So if one wants to take full advantage of the new panel, some sort of new wiring is needed. Can someone in the know tell us how much work is needed to add the intercom connectors (assuming no intercom installed and assuming there is already a separate intercom in the panel) versus redoing the whole audio setup for eg. a PMA450B?
  20. KMA24 most likely. I believe mine (also a 1980 M20K-231, sn 25-0396) also has the same "feature" regardless of which outputs I route to the speaker on the KMA. Been ignoring it till I replace the KMA with a PMA... Will confirm next time I go see the plane. @NicoN - do you have an intercom in the panel, or just the KMA24?
  21. @DEGWS - can you tell us who did the work on your servo?
  22. Yes, checklist items do get skipped / omitted at times. Let he cast the first stone...
  23. Sitetone is audible feedback to someone speaking when using a handset or headset as an indication of an active transmission. IOW, it is you hearing yourself talking while transmitting (on purpose, so you don't shout, not voices in head). I think that when the RHS PTT is pressed the sidetone should go to all headsets (or at least the front ones) but the source should be the RHS mic. @carusoam - do you perhaps have some kind of [co-]pilot isolation enabled (perhaps inadvertantly)?
  24. Spoken (ok, written) like a true aviator ;=)
  25. In that case the panel mounted intercom most likely has a pair of pins labelled "co-pilot PTT", in addition to the "pilot PTT". The pilot ones are connected to your yoke-mounted PTT switch, the portable one on the co-pilot yoke is not, hence the audio from the co-pilot jacks isn't routed to the transmitter / radio when the PTT is pressed. IOW the portable PTT isn't doing anything. I know it's not the unit you have, but for a high-level overview of the wiring take a look at the second page of the PM 501 data sheet.
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