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Everything posted by RLCarter

  1. +1 for Plexus, I use to use it on almost everything, great stuff but tripled in price overnight 12 or so years ago
  2. On my E, I could cold start at my hangar, taxi to the fuel pumps which was maybe 3~5 minutes run time, that was enough to have to use the Hot Start method. Never had an issue after it sat more than an hour regardless of ambient temp
  3. I used yours and it was a non-event with my IA and the FAA ……thank again
  4. Not sure we need to know about STDs, but it might help someone out…..
  5. It is gender neutral
  6. A very large percentage of my flights don’t show up, when the do show up it says something like “1st seen near” or “ position only” ….. It has been that way for years, doesn’t matter if with ATC or not, in and around class “C”, “D” regularly. Thought when I installed ADS-B the flights would start showing up, but no joy….. by the way this is in either the Mooney or Cessna, have looked up buddies flights and some show up, some don’t…….
  7. When I was working on my commercial ticket my CFI DRILLED the use of check list so deep in my mind it hurt….. the check list in both planes I fly are heavily modified (all manufacturers items plus a lot more)…. I say it out loud while placing my hand on the item and visually check it followed by a verbal verification it’s what I want/need.
  8. A few years ago I was at a buddies house, hanging out in the Man Cave, his son came out to get a little help on his over the weekend math homework…. I kinda like math so I was following their conversation and quickly asked “ WTF “ are you’ll doing?.. Why in the world did they change simple arithmetics? It was the stupidest thing I have ever seen
  9. It’s seems the older I get (61 now) the more I hate change, especially when it comes to be politically correct. I’m currently working on my CFI and old habits are hard to break, for example, in 1979 it was an “Artificial Horizon” but someone had nothing to do and had to justify their job so they lobbied for a name change. The label of “leaner”vs “student” is stupid to me (my opinion). If you’re trying to teach something to someone but they just can’t grasp it, how can you call them a “learner” if they didn’t learn, but you can call them a student. So are all learners students but not all students are learners? Me, I’m a student due to the fact I can’t wrap my head around the Fundamentals of Instruction (FOI), maybe I should change my general opinion of psychology, and least long enough to get through it…lol
  10. Soak it in a container (sealed) of MEK, should come right off after an overnight soaking
  11. Like others have said, buy the BEST plane for the money. And if your lucky it will have manual gear ….
  12. Age doesn’t bother me as much hours, I’ve seen 150/152’s, 172 with 12k+ hours, almost guaranteed those were trainers most of their life and have had the crap beat out of them… Logbooks don’t always reflect reality, but a thorough inspection and some forensics of both the books and the plane will generally bring out the good, bad and the ugly.
  13. Spruce has it, PTI specialty primes… https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/cspages/ptiprimers.php
  14. Congrats……… Overheard a CFI years ago tell his student “I don’t trust anything where the wings go faster than the fuselage”
  15. @Joshua Blackh4t Your best bet is download the correct service manual and any Service Letter or Bulletins that apply to the work being done…..Don’t cut corners on the instructions and expect the same results FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS as outlined in the Mooney publications, if you’re not clear on something ask before guessing…. Not trying to slam you or your ability….
  16. Personally I would care too much about my plane, so I would opt for emergency vehicles in case of fire… let the insurance company figure out how to get it to somewhere for repairs if they don’t total it
  17. Dri-Slide worked really good, messy as hell and took for every to lube a cable…never have been a huge fan of lubing Throttle cables on ANYTHING.
  18. This is the seam you level the aircraft from
  19. If the top picture is where you got your 1st measurement from, it’s the wrong place, LASAR is where I I got my doughnuts from
  20. Isn’t the 0° for the retard points?
  21. Ohm out the P-leads, they could be reversed (happened on a 172 I fly, left mag was dead when in reality it was the right mag that was bad)
  22. I purchased this kit a few years ago, learning curve isn’t real steep but you have to go step by step… DecalProfx
  23. My guess is once you start using the iPad the 496 won’t be used much if at all, I know mine stayed at home until I finally sold it on eBay
  24. All your time still counts but chances are there needs to some refresher to get back up to speed (proficiency). Your written is good for 2 yrs and you need 3hrs of “test prep” with in 2 months before the check ride….. what gets most applicants is the 50hrs of x-country, 61.65 lays it all out
  25. Having your bird tucked away out of most the elements is the only way to go in my opinion. As far as Tools, kinda depends on how much you plan on doing… being mechanically inclined I tend to have more than most, but hey I get to be the hero when I loan them…lol congrats on getting a hangar… your plane will thank you in the long run
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