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Everything posted by RLCarter

  1. In the process of doing my annual, the right master cylinder shows signs of leaking (sticky 5606 on the shaft and body) so I'm wanting to rebuild both master cylinders and both calipers. Also the 4 bolts that hold the calipers together look like they have been R&R'ed several times with crap tools (screwed up heads). The O-Ring part #'s I have do not show up and I assume they have superseded to the new "MS" numbers, the 4 bolts seem to short overall. Can someone point me to a conversion chart? Also could you check your parts manual on the bolt size? 1965 M20 E ser# 578 AN6227-3 O-ring AN6227-5 O-ring AN6227-9 O-ring AN6227-10 O-ring AN6227-29 O-ring AN4-6A Bolt
  2. I was told that going to idle cutoff gets rid of any fuel charge reducing the chances of harm should you have a Hot mag, I cycle the key fairly quick at idle and have never had a backfire
  3. I agree, mine was the 3rd aircraft we had moved/flown and just smooth forgot about it, like I said I was extremely lucky
  4. I’ll fess up that I left the towbar on the 172 once, flew three approaches and was landing back at my home field when my safety pilot noticed the shadow, one of my best landings every, Got very very lucky that the handle had collapsed and didn’t get into the prop. Its now on my checklist in 3 places “towbar removed”
  5. True, but I have seen a Piper Cub start and run by just moving the prop, and recently a BT-13 kick back while just moving the prop, both were pretty scary so I don’t chance it.
  6. Too intertwined to verify what it does so he/she removes it anyway? Avionics shops charge way more than A&P / IA’s and leave orphaned wires everywhere….. sorry for the rant, it’s just a pet peeve of mine
  7. Mags can and will fire in either direction, the right wing of the Cessna is directly over the Mooney prop. A prop strike can be pricey when a wing causes the stoppage
  8. I check the switch for grounding after each flight on both the Mooney and the Cessna due to me turning the props once they are both in the hangar (kinda tight, so turning the props gives me piece of mind I won’t catch a blade in the boys while walking around . Wasn’t the switch AD issued due to a Piper Tomahawk that failed ending in a fatal off field landing?
  9. The FAA approved manual for me E is in bad shape and is 8 1/2 x 11 sheets, being bored I created a MSWord doc that is word for word and is on 1/2 sheets, purchased a Day Planner that zips up and pitched the innards, printed my 1\2 sheet version on heavy stock and all is good, also have PDF on my iPad and the original lives on the hat rack
  10. Checking math is always good, and/or question him as to how he came up with his figures
  11. Just don’t over tighten the set screw and damage the shaft
  12. Nothing like that on my E
  13. I thought it was the same crash as well, saw the video the dad did afterwards, he’s a lot tougher than me
  14. I saw that on FB, reminded me of an ad in Cycle News back in the 80’s…Headline read “You like sex? Then said so do I, the wife says it goes or the motorcycle goes…then detailed the bike for sale….. it was a current model with less than 1000 miles……
  15. A full page of helpful information…… personally I would consult a Dr. and not MS if it turns out things are fine medically, then go for comfort
  16. Rubber hose deterioration?
  17. Wasn’t there someone that had the same thing happen and he got one from LASAR?
  18. Cotter pins make great cutting tools
  19. Sure sounds like my 1st marriage
  20. could it be that you are too specific on what you want? Is it that there isnt an AirStop angle stem in the size you need?. Order the tubes yourself and either install them or have them installed
  21. 90° on the mains isn’t much better, there is a 70° stem that works very well... there is a thread on here about them, replaced both of mine
  22. @carusoam this one is huge and has been there for years, about 50 nm from home base. The little guys are on trailers and moved around all the time, no guarantee on having a NOTAM, ATC might not ever know about them. ATC has asked more than once if one was up and at what altitude, so they could warn other traffic
  23. Yep, I live on the border of Mexico, temporary aerostats use to pop up every where down here, one contractor was on the field and would launch from the apron and the wind would blow them over the runway, airport manager didn’t say a thing so a few of us called the FSDO and put a stop to that crap real quick
  24. Had lunch with a spray pilot buddy of mine, the Snow Aircraft became the Thrush, Leland sold Thrush and after the No Compete clause played out Leland started building the AirTractor @Will.iam I asked about the flaps during turns…. The 502 fully loaded won’t turn with out flaps (pilot deployed), once the hopper gets down about half (250 gal) you can generally leave the flaps up in the turns
  25. It’s mechanical, it can fail just about anyway it wants….lol
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