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Everything posted by bonal

  1. Hi Alex, welcome,, best way to get that ball rolling around here is to let us know about your mission how many PAX useful load as well as bags etc. I think I may have beaten Anthony to the welcome wagon once again. PP short body only, not a Bravo oner
  2. Successful landing of the first stage onto the ships deck,. Absolutely amazing
  3. Liftoff congrats and good luck to the crew
  4. Not much you can do about a collapse other than staying on top of your maintenance and really giving your gear a good look on your pre flight inspection. For me it's about priorities landing is secondary my main primary objective when approaching the airport and descending is to get the speed down to gear speed. In that I mean putting the gear down is my goal it's my objective every thing else is secondary. AWOS is already done monitoring traffic is on going primary goal is get the gear down, then shift gears to make the landing happen with additional checks to confirm gear is down.
  5. Anthony must have finally gone to sleep he normally welcomes new posters. So Welcome to Mooney Space. Do you fly a Mooney Bob what part of Gods green earth do you reside
  6. So much can be reduced to a simple touch screen compared to all the analog instruments and the mechanics it takes for them to operate. Kind of like how much weight you lose when you upgrade your panel. That said I doubt the crew has much to do with regards to the launch since it's all likely controlled by the flight computers. Makes what NASA accomplished back in the 60's that much more impressive. Even the Space X heavy lift booster is no match for the Saturn five. I hope I am able to watch it again come Saturday and they have favorable weather very cool to see the live feed.
  7. On the news last night, Boing letting 10% of work force go and 5000 took buyouts. Sad times
  8. Mission scrubbed due to weather
  9. Hoping and praying for a safe and successful launch and mission. This is so important for way more than the obvious reasons. I am reminded of how torn apart our country was during the time of Apollo and the successful first steps on the moon and how the entire world was united rooting for its successful outcome. Cool space suits very stylish. US launch of astronauts from US soil, long overdue forgot about Virgingalactic
  10. Sometimes things just work out. Got any pictures of that panel. Sorry you'll be leaving the Mooney family. Hopefully you will stick around on Mooney space enjoy the hunt for your next chariot.
  11. Ahh, that picture is kind of misleading
  12. Why so many FedX jets sitting idle. I would think with all the online shoppers they would be much in need.
  13. I remember his telling of his recruitment the AF sought him out he first performed a double blind piece five of twenty five were selected then after that he had to perform again and without advance warning the hall was filled with officers. He was the only successful candidate. His dedication to his music is amazing.
  14. Mom is a gold star widow, her first husband was a crew chief on a B24 liberator. Thank you veterans and active duty members and the families that support them.
  15. His first tour of duty was in the Airforce playing in the concert band based at Langley. They formed a rock jazz band and did their deployment around the Middle East playing for the troops. We are so proud of him.
  16. Our nephew play's trumpet in the West Point concert band
  17. Actually, the other two threads are still open.
  18. And so we should never stop wearing them, ever because this virus will always be out there.
  19. Wearing a mask isn't the issue its being forced to close your business because you were just unlucky that the government decided it's not essential. Or being let go because the company you worked for was also not essential. Being denied your first amendment right to freedom of religion freedom of assembly. And what about the persuit of happiness. We are never going to know what the true morbidly percentage of this vir Is because so many people have had the virus and were without symptoms and never tested. Also how many deaths were listed as covid that weren't actually caused by the virus I promise you that number will never be adjusted. I apologize for my misuse of some terminology but I'm sure you know my meaning. It's all fine if your one of the lucky ones that can work from home or are essential. Too bed for you if not but don't worry your unemployment checks will take care of you. For every example one can site about how bad the sickness is I can come up with at least three times the number of things associated with the cure that are worse starting with suicide spousal abusers child abusers.
  20. So when do you decide it's safe to go back to work to hear some experts we won't be given the green light until we have a proven vaccine which may never happen I guess better to be locked down permanently lose your home your business your children's college fund but that won't matter because the schools will be shut down as well than to get sick. And even if we managed to get some things open this summer as soon as there is the slightest uptick in cases which is likely since by then we will have millions being tested and army's of contact tracers combing the country the green light will go off again and the second wave of forced economic deviation will be an even greater blow. It's a shame that anyone that has real concerns about anything detrimental about all this other than the direct medical aspects is blasted and criticized put down as if their concerns are invalid.
  21. I don't think anyone here is saying this isn't a serious medical problem but it seems the health care community and much of the media don't give a dam that over thirty million people have lost their jobs and or business some may never recover. They use words like unfortunate or really difficult times but they add a spoon full of sugar telling us what great little lemmings we all are for the good of the country. None of them are out of a job. I have read the declaration the constitution the bill of rights and nowhere does it say void if illness overruns our country. There is a lot more to the human condition than our physical condition.
  22. Can't be too hard,. They let me do it. My first instructor used to call it free avgas and when we flew he would teach me how to find the updrafts and how to understand and avoid the resulting down draft. He'd say show me where the free gas is today. His long term lesson was about extending range in the event of an engine out emergency. Flying out west provides lots of crazy air currents.
  23. Very true but my F250 sucks gas and is pretty slow but can carry a lot more firewood than my WRX
  24. Looks fast just sitting there. Congratulations
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