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Everything posted by bonal

  1. I don't think anyone here is saying this isn't a serious medical problem but it seems the health care community and much of the media don't give a dam that over thirty million people have lost their jobs and or business some may never recover. They use words like unfortunate or really difficult times but they add a spoon full of sugar telling us what great little lemmings we all are for the good of the country. None of them are out of a job. I have read the declaration the constitution the bill of rights and nowhere does it say void if illness overruns our country. There is a lot more to the human condition than our physical condition.
  2. Can't be too hard,. They let me do it. My first instructor used to call it free avgas and when we flew he would teach me how to find the updrafts and how to understand and avoid the resulting down draft. He'd say show me where the free gas is today. His long term lesson was about extending range in the event of an engine out emergency. Flying out west provides lots of crazy air currents.
  3. Very true but my F250 sucks gas and is pretty slow but can carry a lot more firewood than my WRX
  4. Looks fast just sitting there. Congratulations
  5. I'm confused isn't the pilot the only one that has to climb over the seats. If its doors and easy in and out for pax and the need for an SUV that fly's I would be looking at a big Cessna like a 206 or a 210 or maybe even a 177 that thing has doors like a mini van. I feel so lucky that my D/C happens to be the perfect fit for our mission. Good luck with what ever you decide I just hope it's not one of those dam SR's
  6. Need to do some soul searching. May I ask you how old you are. To a young man four to five years may seem a long time but as an older gent I can promise you five years passes so fast that making a big investment in avionics would not be a good investment. Better to sell and find one that is equipped the way you want. Of course you could do all the upgrades and then decide you just made it into a forever airplane. Got plans for a future full of kids that you don't have now. Another MS member is considering an upgrade to a Bonanza and your short body may need to gain UL and more seats. I know that's not much help but something to think about.
  7. Yes I used CTC on my last hub inspection and mentioned them on a couple other threads on the subject . There tech did the most thorough inspection of any I have used. Ramp elves handled the RR on the spinner.
  8. I made a comment on another thread about gear ups which has nothing to do with this tragedy. My comment was about how often I would see traffic on base or final that was so low so close to earth when I was on the down wind. It is so important to maintain a safe AOA when low and slow. But you have to have enough space to permit unloading of a wing coming in too low takes away the option of pushing to unload the wing. I'm not saying this is what happened here because I don't know but it gets to the point of maintaining control at all times especially when the ground is coming up to meet you.
  9. Needed to stock up on supplies and as always Snoopy aka moms grocery getter fit the mission. We headed out towards WLW where there is a super Walmart, our local WM has very little on their shelves. As we crossed over our eastern hills (mountains) to those of you east of the Rocky Mountains we flew under the convective building clouds encountering some pretty serious bumps likely nothing compared to the turbulence those of you with thousands of IMC flying have encountered . It takes a long time to drive anywhere from Lake county but Snoopy solves that so perfectly. Got a bit behind the airplane as we approached home but just pulled the slip on final from the tool box and took the elevator down to pick up the one white one red and made a nice landing with some pretty challenging winds on the ground. The second picture is of an old Mercury mine that has some history behind it. During the Second World War it was one of the biggest supplier of mercury for the war effort. Obviously now it is a environmental hazard maintenance site. But sure is a pretty color of turquoise.
  10. This is so tragic, when I read that this was a student pilot possibly on his first cross country solo it reminded me of how elated I felt flying in my 150 on that most memorable flight watching the clouds pass as I managed all the requirements of completing my flight successfully being fully aware of the consequences of making even a minor error. The flood of emotions that I had as I stood alone on the ramp of an airport next to my airplane just taking it all in the isolation and silence of a small remote airport was defining. I imagine this poor soul must have felt the same until things started going wrong. i do subscribe to the notion that certain airframes are much safer for training purposes but that there is no reason one cannot train in a more challenging type but with that there is a much greater need for proper instructions and a much higher requirement for an instructor to be certain their students are confident with the higher demands of a high performance airplane. Rest in peace pilot with prayers for family and friends
  11. That is a great photo.
  12. We used to talk in billions and that was bad enough now we talk trillions like its no big deal. Is there even such a thing as a gazillion. How many generations should we saddle with this kind of debt.
  13. Unless your a member of congress then it's 2 + 2= three trillion
  14. 2 + 2 = 4 Yeah I got this
  15. Way to cute is he a breed or a Hienz 57
  16. Lots of things out there that will threaten GA. Reducing manufacturing choices. And the inability to find an insurance carrier or premiums that are too costly especially for people who want to become pilots and airplane owners. As a VFR guy I found not too many options and one can't become instrument rated until they get their PPL unless they do the whole thing in rentals. Ours went up about 30% from last year. No changes or claims.
  17. I can only speak for myself but as soon as there are sit down restaurants open hear locally we will pay them a visit. Have been doing the take out since this began. As soon as the hotels open here in CA we will take Snoopy and pay them a visit. When the retailers will be allowed to have shopping inside their doors we will hit them up for some serious retailing.
  18. You can't just keep printing money without a way to pay down the debt. This may cause a death spiral with no way to recover because the wings have already come off. Look I hope I'm wrong about my concerns and if time bears that out I will be the first to admit it.
  19. Look I understand most of you disagree with my concerns regarding the one size fits all elimination of our constitutional rights in the name of safety and a perfect solution to this problem. I will accept that my SAT was a bad example. But do you think it's a good idea for cal state to cancel schools in the fall. My county is a very poor county and was barely hanging on before this pandemic I doubt that our small businesses will ever re open. And can you please explain to me why 66% of COVID deaths in NY city were people that were observing mitigation requirements. Did all the kids that went on spring break and were climbing all over each other end up dying from their behavior. We've all seen the videos. It is my opinion that the cure has become worse than the disease. I truly believe the death count has been grossly inflated. Do I believe this virus is real yes do I believe it is a deadly as has been reported well let's just say I have my doubts. My comments and responses have been respectful to everyone that has taken the time to express there opinion and first hand knowledge about these most troubled times.
  20. Just another example of the massive over reach of our freedom
  21. No I said what does it have to do with a virus. The proposal was not short term but permanent. College placement exams are very important and I can't accept that our university system can't come up with a way to administer these tests in a safe way so that kids can determine where they will be able to continue their education. IMHO a very essential service. Also statistics one of you areas of expertise shows extremely low incidence of covid mortality in young people. Probably less than students killing themselves due to stress from an uncertain future.
  22. Wishing you a good outcome no matter how it goes.
  23. When flying into class delta patterns and being advised of traffic on final I am always curious as I look to visually acquire the traffic looking on what would be a three or four degree approach and end up finding them so low just barely above the trees even when a half a mile or more out. There is no way they would make the runway if they lost power. This is very common I'm thinking dam that guy is low.
  24. Another two weeks have passed since my last rant and as time goes on I see more evidence that my fears are justified. Moving the goal posts has become a new normal. Here in Lake County we have maintained a total of eight cases all fully recovered out of 64 thousand residents. People have been going to all the essential businesses and been in close contact with none of the employees becoming infected and no community spread. Rural areas have not seen an uptick of cases states that have begun re opening have not seen an uptick. But we have seen an attack on our freedom and now with contact tracing going into effect our forth amendment will also be under attack. I want to once again compliment the people that have expressed their thoughts on this thread for keeping political views in check but it is very clear that this virus has been turned into a political weapon. We were told the need to flatten the curve to prevent over demand of medical facilities which we have done many hospitals are now in jeopardy of closing because their beds are empty and revenue is way down. LA says they won't re open until the end of summer. Dr Fauci is saying we should not hold school even in the fall. Cal State University saying there may be no classes even in the Fall. UC is recommending that all pre registration testing like SAT's no longer be required because of COVID what the hell does that have to do with a virus. On and on it goes. Oh by the way do any of you have a trillion dollars I can borrow.
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