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Everything posted by peevee

  1. I wouldn't take a plane to Western. Locally their reputation is terrible.
  2. We'll bring our plane to you to get the cam done They did want the work. That was the problem. Took the plane to Maxwell and he said they were crazy, mount was fine.
  3. We're getting a puppy soon, I hope to pick him up in the plane and get him accustomed to flying early and often. The doggie o2 might be an issue though.
  4. I don't always carry a USB dongle with me
  5. I have been quoted 17k to remove the engine and overhaul a mount on a 231, the mount was only about 2k, the rest was labor.
  6. We use an aukey with two 2.1 amp ports and it's fine, interference, but have a 14v system. I don't see that it's rated for 24v https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00M6QODH2/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1492272479&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=usb+cigarette+lighter+adapter&dpPl=1&dpID=41ijHNAxZyL&ref=plSrch
  7. Too.late. And people wonder why I avoid pilots like the plague.
  8. I'm not holding my breath.
  9. Sounds like you need some mods. You can't admin the forum and moderate it. Too much for one person. Btdt, sold the website though.
  10. How does anyone think this could end well?
  11. Does anyone worry about getting beat up and dragged off a united flight?
  12. It didn't say they weren't so who knows.
  13. You do, but it's a slide in replacement for the 76 that he can use until he wants to spend the money for a position source and the installation.
  14. That's what I did with our -lb and I never had an issue.
  15. Why not a kt74? It's a drop in replacement and adsb out for down the road?
  16. Maybe not the death for too many if levil gets their add on system certified.
  17. You've heard it too then?
  18. Happy hunting! I hear rocket prices are skyrocketing! (I haven't heard that, but if I say it enough maybe people will believe me and it will actually happen ) They're great airplanes.
  19. That's precisely what I do. Usually enter the pattern 200+ ground. No choice from the west really on the visual. The ILS drives you so far east there's a little more time.
  20. Most controllers are probably going to be very wary of giving advice. Telling you what they see, absolutely. ie an area of moderate to severe precipitation from your 11 o'clock to your 1 o'clock 10 miles and 5 miles in diameter, tops unknown. Nexrad only sees precipitation. No strike data. It's actually quite good despite popular opinion. Since it's a mosaic it can be more useful than airborne radar in some circumstances, example a cell behind a line of cells blanketing airborne radars ability to see it. PP thoughts and stayed at a Holiday Express one time in the 90s etc.
  21. Uh, no. They'll work something out but if there's traffic there's traffic. They can't magically make traffic go away or give you a clearance to bust separation minimums. They have a few tricks up their sleeve however. What you're saying is what the fsdo likes to call a pilot deviation. If it's dire and you can't work something out declare and do what you need I guess I dunno. I try and avoid putting myself in situations with only one out. Your mileage may vary. Communication and early notice is the key. Don't wait until you need to turn NOW. Time equals options.
  22. That's too bad, it had been a goal of mine to visit for awhile now. Guess it'll be awhile longer.
  23. Sounds like they'll have a huge hit on their hands. Amazing idea.
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