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Everything posted by peevee

  1. ahhh ok I was worried it was drawing air in from that port into the cabin, if it's just a dump then no big deal.
  2. I'm guessing this should be plugged or attached to something. Any thoughts where? We only have one heater shroud, nothing looks out of place
  3. K model would be a rocket conversion and the j a missile, no?
  4. Maybe because it's a test run and pla is cheap and fast.
  5. The engine mount is pretty strong, those can be overhauled pretty easy I think. It's the exhaust I worry about, as long as the fixtures are around it's not a problem, once those are gone who knows. Also, rocket probably doesn't do any fabrication, they probably sub it out so maybe dahley or someone has the jigs.
  6. We have too many regulations so we need more regulations?
  7. I thought the Chinese already owned Cirrus. Edit: they do https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cirrus_Aircraft
  8. I always thought the turbo toga wasn't a bad value other than being slow and thirsty. If I needed to haul a ton of people I'd consider it. I'd love a 310 too.
  9. It's a real bear if you can't push the hangar doors open to get the plane out.
  10. Apparently you already are because you and others chose to land there and pay it. What do you suggest? We price fix fbos? I doubt that'll work.
  11. There are at least 3 major airports in the area, so the choice is yours.
  12. I've been to a lot of airports in minndak, can't say I've been to hazen.
  13. Sure it is. You're free to go elsewhere.
  14. There's ways hope for a second one then.
  15. this is that free market that everyone likes around here. let it be, if people go elsewhere and they lose money maybe they'll go out of business.
  16. Doesn't appear to have TKS anyway.
  17. Why are you bumping a week stale thread?
  18. The question was is anyone else going. And the answer is no, I am not. Seems pretty straightforward to me.
  19. Nope. Too hot, too many people for me.
  20. That is not my understanding. As I understand it you need the repair station certificate to do the annual condition inspection, other than that it's wide open.
  21. Can't get the time off and honestly have no interest
  22. The ability to do pretty much all of your own work and buy non certified avionics tips the scales. A lot.
  23. I'd like to fly one some day, always thought they looked comfortable kind of cool.
  24. Cessna ttx max cruise is 235 knots.
  25. 800k for a new mooney or... about 800k for a piper jetprop? I'll take the turbine.
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